I'm just curious as to why everyone thinks he's so great. Even with his sig ability, his damage output is not as good as most champions. I get he has a lot of debuffs utility but I don't think that qualifies him as to a beyond god tier. Am I missing something?
His most common play style, which is parry + heavy till you get to a special 2, is useful in many scenarios where you don't want to hit the opponent too much, for example. Or against opponents where you would be punished for doing regular combos.
He can perform 0 damage parries
This by itself is a very useful thing since things like act 6 and variant opponents have ridiculous attack and the chip damage is felt over the long run
Each kinetic charge makes his passive fury more potent so it goes up
Once you get him maxed out he can perform even better than void in some circumstances
But his sig scales soooo bad like it’s painful how bad it scales at a 5* level
Plus he gets a lot utility out of it
Debuff immune with skill class
Constant armor break for even more damage
If you’re not under a Power conscious fight, I’ve been saving up the Heavy until I’m in SP2 range. Then you can execute a Parry then throw your Heavy and then immediately followed by SP2. And by immediate I mean you actually interrupt his Heavy (normally multi-hit) so that the SP2 follows right after just the first hit of his Heavy. And because of the Parry beforehand, opponent should still be stunned thus allowing the SP2 to be done without worry of opponent recovering into a block too fast.
That Heavy-SP2, especially if you’ve built up his Stack Count, does some serious wicked damage.
Good to know you can do his Heavy as often as you want (just need Kinetic Potential charges to benefit from it).
Must have confused that with another champ's Heavy.
Utility- Check(petrify/shrug off all debuff/armor break/nullify unstoppable)
Survivability- Check(solid health, Perfect block, glancing)
That’s enough you get the point. He handles so much content and has a large range of what he can do.
You are clearly misinformed, not only does he have massive damage on heavies /SP2 but he has god tier utility and block proficiency.
Pulled him today
A max 4 star cap iw throws 40-50k sp2, 5 R4 60-65k sp2 and max 5 star 90k sp2 with common mastery set up. If that does not qualify for good damage not sure what does.
Curious, allies keep saying IWCap has perfect/0 damage parries,..but does anyone know where in his description or what #s are being factored in/added to verify that? (3/3 Parry, 4/4 Perf.Block, etc) Can't find anywhere clear in his Spotlight/ Description. @Etjama @Okaythen @will-o-wisp @Timone147 @UmbertoDelRio & any others. Thx
He just has high block proficiency, and when combined with other factors he can get parry attacks and take 0 damage from it, in multiple occasions
You can have 0% block proficiency and 50% to perfect block and you will take a lot of damage when you don’t hit 0 on your block
Inversely if you have 100% block proficiency and 0 perfect block chance you can still manage to get 0% damage on blocked hits
He’s natural block proficiency is 76%
So his blocks reduce damage by 76%
So you need parry at maxed to get 0 damage since it reduces damage by an additional 25%
But he won’t get the maxed stun duration from parry