Decrease the cooldown time in VS.
Member Posts: 390 ★
The cool down is way too long for vs. Matches. Should at least be brought down by half an hour.
Exactly lol, everyone wants to REDUCE the grind time and here you're proposing to increase the time spent in arenas.
Remember they even increased the cool-down timers to 5 hours for 4-star champs once to reduce grinding.
Wouldn't decreasing the cooldown allow more people to get in the pool, thus bringing down the cutoff? The elite players that have enough Champs in their roster right now can grind continuously, never wasting a minute or a champion. By the time they are done using their last champions in arena, their first ones are refreshed. Whereas, the mid teir players and below have to wait for over an hour for their Champs to refresh. If you're not a top teir player with a huge roster, you constantly lose ground. If the cooldown was less, top teir players would have overlap, and therefor wouldn't gain much ground while mid teir players would have less wait time, improving their score. And bottom teir players would also be able to reach a higher score and perhaps get in the pool.
Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong, but explain to me my mistaken thinking... Logically, it seems like it would work the way I've described but I'm not perfect, and if I'm wrong, let me know where I've taken a wrong turn.
NO… you only need like a few hundred thousand points and that's childsplay to most of the scores I've ever put up
Even still, even if no one new gets into the pool, wouldn't it at least make it more competitive? Like I explained before, top teir players would have overlap, so it would close the gap between mid and top teir players...
No because it'd literally make it less competitive and who has more time. For example I can run my whole roster and have an hour before that first team cools down
An HOUR between sessions of like… omg I've lost count of how many 4*s… 70? Let's say 70! If the cooldown was shortened to 1-1/2 hour than that'd be a HALF hour between those sessions
Anyone who has a few days off or calls out of work or has a holiday QUICKLY get a massive bonus
I got old, I have no life. :-(