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I admit I'm a hater

MrR0b0tMrR0b0t Posts: 234
Getting to the point where grinding day after day for shards and opening bogus 5 stars and worse 6 stars is bumming me out. Go on YouTube to watch those whales and sponsored openings pop 5 and 6 star gods left and right. While I spend all my own units and get 3 star trash. Just seems that the God tier luck might be amped for certain accounts to make us try and spend to keep up. Hate watching pop after pop of goodness. Yes I am a total hater. Sure I'm not alone lol.


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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,388 ★★★★★
    MrR0b0t said:

    Getting to the point where grinding day after day for shards and opening bogus 5 stars and worse 6 stars is bumming me out. Go on YouTube to watch those whales and sponsored openings pop 5 and 6 star gods left and right. While I spend all my own units and get 3 star trash. Just seems that the God tier luck might be amped for certain accounts to make us try and spend to keep up. Hate watching pop after pop of goodness. Yes I am a total hater. Sure I'm not alone lol.

    Hav patience If u really wild like him grind for him as a 5 star. Ikow u roster might not be that great and time for it then just hav patience u wil pull him sooner or latter take me 1 year and half
    And then u calling ceo is that ther Hav money and can oppen more that u do
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    Crazy_JamieCrazy_Jamie Posts: 345 ★★
    MrR0b0t said:

    I want Aegon lol and I'm not pushing any hard content so figured I'd buy 6. RNG in my eyes seems a bit better for certain CEO type tubers that get insane pulls non stop and are sponsored so not losing any money. Just fills me with mini rage.

    They only get insane pulls non stop because they open crystals non stop. When you spend huge amounts of money to open thousands of crystals the RNG will even out. If you are ftp and open crystals far less regularly you are just at the mercy of the system. The only way to stop it is to spend.
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    OdachiOdachi Posts: 1,091 ★★★★
    I'm sure the videos like the account tours make you feel better when you see how many thousands they have dropped on the game. Sure, yes they get a lot back in ad revenue from YT but they are still stumping up cash of their own regularly
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    TwmRTwmR Posts: 662 ★★★

    You know, the jump from "this sucks, I wish I was that lucky" to "they're rigging my account" is absolutely absurd and logically inexcusable.

    Everyone should be ashamed for making such a leap. Get a hold of yourself and actually think.

    But they opened 6 crystals and didn't pull aegon. 6! How do you explain that if their account isn't rigged
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    Artoria77Artoria77 Posts: 2,546 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    All in all it comes down to RNG, like seriously I'm not a spender and out of all my ten 5 star crystals I've only had 2 bad pulls and the rest were seriosuly good. In the end it's just chance and that chance just isnt with you when your opening your crystals
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    Adamb208Adamb208 Posts: 152
    I pulled 5* skill rank up gems all the way up to R5 a little over a year ago and then waited to pull either NF or Aegon. Finally happened on Friday (Aegon). This is a game of patience and unless you are going to spend boat loads of money, there isn’t a way to speed up RNG. I also definitely agree with others that it’s not worth spending units on the crystals no matter how much you want the champ.
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    Southern_KantSouthern_Kant Posts: 157
    Q; is silver surfer actually SILVER
    A: Yes
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    RasiloverRasilover Posts: 1,470 ★★★★
    Imagine buying cavs
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    MrR0b0tMrR0b0t Posts: 234
    I am not in position to be able to put up 80 million in arena. Not the time to grind for days even with quarantine. Plus my roster isn't stacked like the big spenders or pro YouTubers. Yes I've seen some bad pulls by said people but like the title said I'm a hater lol. Let haters hate. Just needed a good ranting. Anyone else feel free to rant also.
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    lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    TwmR said:

    You know, the jump from "this sucks, I wish I was that lucky" to "they're rigging my account" is absolutely absurd and logically inexcusable.

    Everyone should be ashamed for making such a leap. Get a hold of yourself and actually think.

    But they opened 6 crystals and didn't pull aegon. 6! How do you explain that if their account isn't rigged
    seatin opened 20 aegon cavs in his latest opening. He got a 5 star aegon somewhere in the middle, in the second round of ten. He opened the 6 star on the 21st crystal "desperation station".
    If you really want aegon, open more crystals
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    SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★

    TwmR said:

    You know, the jump from "this sucks, I wish I was that lucky" to "they're rigging my account" is absolutely absurd and logically inexcusable.

    Everyone should be ashamed for making such a leap. Get a hold of yourself and actually think.

    But they opened 6 crystals and didn't pull aegon. 6! How do you explain that if their account isn't rigged
    seatin opened 20 aegon cavs in his latest opening. He got a 5 star aegon somewhere in the middle, in the second round of ten. He opened the 6 star on the 21st crystal "desperation station".
    If you really want aegon, open more crystals
    So you’re recommending opening crystals that don’t guarantee a champion and are luck based
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    lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★

    TwmR said:

    You know, the jump from "this sucks, I wish I was that lucky" to "they're rigging my account" is absolutely absurd and logically inexcusable.

    Everyone should be ashamed for making such a leap. Get a hold of yourself and actually think.

    But they opened 6 crystals and didn't pull aegon. 6! How do you explain that if their account isn't rigged
    seatin opened 20 aegon cavs in his latest opening. He got a 5 star aegon somewhere in the middle, in the second round of ten. He opened the 6 star on the 21st crystal "desperation station".
    If you really want aegon, open more crystals
    So you’re recommending opening crystals that don’t guarantee a champion and are luck based
    if you want aegon and you're too lazy to arena grind, then yes. Why not? If you really want him and you have the money, then go for it! I'm not saying it's a great value or even a good idea, but if you really want aegon and you don't want to work for it, then this is an option
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    MrR0b0tMrR0b0t Posts: 234
    It's not that I'm not willing to grind I have zero chance to reach 70 plus million. Don't have bunch of max 5s or rank 2 6 stars to put up huge numbers. And arena lately is insane. No guarantee 70 million is even safe that's nuts. Plus tons of units going to be used just reviving champs. No thanks.
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    MauledMauled Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    You realise that for every ‘lucky’ opening someone like Seatin has it’s preceded and usually followed by an equally lucky one.

    They gave incredible rosters because they spend an incredible amount on the game. With something like this the only way to guarantee anything is volume. This is fine if it’s your career ie. Seatin, or if you’re extremely wealthy with a lot of disposable income and ideally no true
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    MrR0b0tMrR0b0t Posts: 234
    Majority of game has little or no money to spend on the game. It just seems that ALOT of YouTube highest subscribed channels pull God tier way more than the normal .01% odds rest get. I mean open 10 Cavs and getting 5 5 stars is a bit insane. Plus seeing sponsored openings irks me as a mostly free player. Yes I know it's a business and I'm a hater so take it for what it's worth lol.
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    Oesername123Oesername123 Posts: 253 ★★★
    It's hard for me to hate on Youtubers that has spent tens of thousands of dollars on a mobile game, even though they've clearly made more than they have spent because of ad revenue.

    What burns people out from this game is constantly comparing themselves with other players. It'll never balance out. You might have a Ghost and can't ever seem to pull an Aegon while players that have an Aegon can't seem to pull a Ghost.

    I'm as jealous as everyone when players like Seatin pulls a 6* Aegon but then I remember that he's spent more money on this game than I have spent on anything in the last 10 years, then I'm okay again.
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    MrR0b0tMrR0b0t Posts: 234
    It's easy for me to be a hater I guess lol. Guess my ex wife was right about me I'm just a jerk. But I'm ok with it. I just get feeling they may get better RNG to fuel people watching to buy more. Kabam is like a Casino. They let people win on purpose to keep the next guy thinking he will to if he spends more. Wish someone would go thru and calculate the real RNG on these whales. Bet we'd see WAY better than average RNG.
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    kingbradley1297kingbradley1297 Posts: 119 ★★
    Man I've been constantly shafted on my last 10 5* crystals. I've found that attaching zero hope to any crystal or RNG element here helps. With things like Act 6, skill and roster depth is equally important. So if you feel like you've got the skill but not the roster, while others are going ahead, don't feel bad. They have luck on their side. Meanwhile, it's better to actually watch guys like Idelest (yes he doesn't do YT anymore) but he was the only champ who constantly found value in underrated champs like Sentry and Phoenix.

    Also, I feel it's just people moving ahead in a mobile game. Close the game and no one has anything to show for it. When the frustration mounts, close the game and do something else.
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