Who are the Top 10 Champions in each class?

Hello everyone, today I would like to find out the people's opinions on the top 10 best champions unraked (although the tenth is always last place) of each class so that I can have their views and comments on my tier list. (Although I am not done with the descriptions)
Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hKgz3rv3gIqKYXFX9RE6_mu6GIfXbFQI_x3pE5FKzSc/edit#gid=0
For me:
Science: Wasp, Human Torch, Void, Thing, Quake, CAIW, Hulk Rags, Mister Fantastic, She Hulk, (Invisible Woman???)
Skill: Aegon, Nick Fury, Ronin, Night Monkey, Elsa Bloodstone, Mole Man, Masaccre, Night Thrasher, Blade, (Squirrel Girl/Gwenpool??)
Mutant: Domino, Wolverine X, Omega Red, Sunspot, Archangel, Storm Pyramid X, Sabretooth, Namor, Havok, (Platanumpool/Emma?)
Tech: Ghost, Guilly2099, Mysterio, Starky, Darkhawk, Warlock, Docock, Sentinel, IMIW, (Star Lord?)
Cosmic: Corvus, Hype, Aarkus, CMM, VTD, Terrax, Venom, Cull, Carnage, (Heimdall/Medusa??)
Mystic: Sym Supreme, Doom, Voyant, Sorcerer Supreme, Longshot, Ghost Rider, Mephisto, Morningstar, Dormammu, Hood
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Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hKgz3rv3gIqKYXFX9RE6_mu6GIfXbFQI_x3pE5FKzSc/edit#gid=0
For me:
Science: Wasp, Human Torch, Void, Thing, Quake, CAIW, Hulk Rags, Mister Fantastic, She Hulk, (Invisible Woman???)
Skill: Aegon, Nick Fury, Ronin, Night Monkey, Elsa Bloodstone, Mole Man, Masaccre, Night Thrasher, Blade, (Squirrel Girl/Gwenpool??)
Mutant: Domino, Wolverine X, Omega Red, Sunspot, Archangel, Storm Pyramid X, Sabretooth, Namor, Havok, (Platanumpool/Emma?)
Tech: Ghost, Guilly2099, Mysterio, Starky, Darkhawk, Warlock, Docock, Sentinel, IMIW, (Star Lord?)
Cosmic: Corvus, Hype, Aarkus, CMM, VTD, Terrax, Venom, Cull, Carnage, (Heimdall/Medusa??)
Mystic: Sym Supreme, Doom, Voyant, Sorcerer Supreme, Longshot, Ghost Rider, Mephisto, Morningstar, Dormammu, Hood
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Skill: Killmonger for Ronin, Gwenpool for Mole Man
Mutant: Colossus for Storm X, Iceman/Emma Frost
Tech: Vision for Star Lord
Cosmic: Proxima for Terrax, Annihilus/Medusa
Mystic: Voodoo for Hood, Mojo for Dormammu
Aptitude is unique although powerful - granting Angela increased Armor, Fury and Precision by 50% - improving the Fury Damage from SP1 and SP3 Attacks.
Resilience is amazing as each 10% lost Health triggers Health Regeneration for 10 seconds of duration makes Angela more tougher considering her high Armor Rating.
Heavy Attacks grant Precision too which increases Critical Rating for the possibly strongest Cosmic-Class Champion. Add both Parry/Dexterity for additional Utility Buffs and she makes the perfect Champion without any Signature Ability needed.
Cap IW mid-demigod?
Blade low-demigod?
mole man on the same level as night thrasher and masacre?
Medusa mid-demigod?
Colossus low-demigod....
Tech is okay, but Warlock has the utility to be a god tier, he pushes people through a fair bit of content.
Now, the rest of my complaints:
Mole Man is not as good as Night Thrasher or Masacre.
Blade and Gwenpool are low demigod? Why?
Captain America Infinity War has no star next to his name and isn’t a god tier?
SENTRY IS BETTER THAN SPIDER-GWEN!? Those million wet noodles can’t compare to the power of Gwen Stacy.
VISION AARKUS IS GOD TIER AND TERRAX IS A HIGH DEMIGOD!? How? It’s an offensive tier list, not a defensive one.
Hawkeye is trash? No way.
Medusa is mid demigod? On the same level as Nova?
Magik and Guillotine are far better than Ebony Maw.
Wasp isn’t a god tier! Void should be a god tier, not Wasp! This is the most biased tier list ever created, honestly.
And then, we come to your worst placement on this list. SCARLET WITCH IS IN THE NOPE TIER!? Kabam said there is no five star Scarlet Witch because she’s to op, and you put her in the nope tier?
This isn’t a tier list, it’s and April Fools Joke. Also, @EdyBrok has the far superior list to yours.