What Alliance War Tactic do you think will be dominant next season?

Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209
With the new changes to Flow I'm interested in what everybody thinks will be the new dominant AW tactic. Personally I think Bulwark might see a lot more use now.

What Alliance War Tactic do you think will be dominant next season? 52 votes

GamerdanielmathsamalasravanMr_PlatypuszuffyAkshat0311ege999menSungjPwf57ThecurlerPlantesanSceptilemaniacWorknprogressNotvasqLmaoshadow_lurker22KnightZeroSmashCrazy_JamieRockypantherx 44 votes
Taiphoon_zerocx23433ryman5787Maaz_Khan4SwarmOfRavens 5 votes
Adityatheaawesom 1 vote
Mohit_7Mrspider568 2 votes


  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    no alliance that's trying will run a single war with anything other than flow, if they wanna give up free wins and run bulwark, well good for you lol
  • KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
    edited May 2020

    With the new changes to Flow I'm interested in what everybody thinks will be the new dominant AW tactic. Personally I think Bulwark might see a lot more use now.

    If they don't "Nerf" it even more, definitely #Flow/Control. Maybe not as much since many allies are gonna be opting out of AWs after this S17. I know ours are super frustrated by Flow & wanna chill in S18. Ha
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Flow wars if you play, have fun.
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  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★
    Options might as well have read
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Unless they really nerf it
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    The "chage" to flow made essentially no difference in actuality. It's just a change on paper to make it look like they're actually listening
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  • ege999menege999men Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Now people will remove parry to well timed block more frequently. This is not a good design choice. Forcing players to give up an essential element of the game to deal with a node in a mode that I don't think is worth it anymore, just isn't fun
  • Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56
    Lol i see a lot of people wrote flow for next season. I dont think any of you even understood what happened. Flow was powerful only because on certain debuff immune or stun immune nodes you couldnt parry and the control champ would reach sp3. Now after the update even if you do a well timed block you remove the stacks of power gain passives regardless of node. So its been made much easier.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★

    Lol i see a lot of people wrote flow for next season. I dont think any of you even understood what happened. Flow was powerful only because on certain debuff immune or stun immune nodes you couldnt parry and the control champ would reach sp3. Now after the update even if you do a well timed block you remove the stacks of power gain passives regardless of node. So its been made much easier.

    Provided the AI doesn't turtle. Even on nodes where the champ can be stunned, I have faced champs just holding back and standing there, being passive while they gain power. You can only block of they decide to throw specials or come at you.
  • Maaz_Khan4Maaz_Khan4 Member Posts: 56

    Lol i see a lot of people wrote flow for next season. I dont think any of you even understood what happened. Flow was powerful only because on certain debuff immune or stun immune nodes you couldnt parry and the control champ would reach sp3. Now after the update even if you do a well timed block you remove the stacks of power gain passives regardless of node. So its been made much easier.

    Provided the AI doesn't turtle. Even on nodes where the champ can be stunned, I have faced champs just holding back and standing there, being passive while they gain power. You can only block of they decide to throw specials or come at you.
    True but that can still be played around by reducing your combos. Atleast you got a chance unlike before so its much much easier now.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,463 ★★★★★

    Lol i see a lot of people wrote flow for next season. I dont think any of you even understood what happened. Flow was powerful only because on certain debuff immune or stun immune nodes you couldnt parry and the control champ would reach sp3. Now after the update even if you do a well timed block you remove the stacks of power gain passives regardless of node. So its been made much easier.

    Provided the AI doesn't turtle. Even on nodes where the champ can be stunned, I have faced champs just holding back and standing there, being passive while they gain power. You can only block of they decide to throw specials or come at you.
    True but that can still be played around by reducing your combos. Atleast you got a chance unlike before so its much much easier now.
    Not much much. Somewhat easier. But still harder than siphon. Also, reducing combos means more chances of timing out on the longer fights. That's what I have issues with. With Siphon and other nodes, it's play around the node so that you don't take damage. Here, it's so you don't take damage AND time out. Or have to use the invul/ps1 boosts. That come once in a blue moon and can only buy 2 at a time.
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    I wish the community could come together and completely ignore the existence of flow and never use it. Because Kabam definitely isn't gonna do anything about it.
  • Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209
    You should be able to remove the power gain by parrying special projectiles. That's the main reason I think this change will make Flow easier.
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