Good Memories

SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
So, with all the stuff going around the forums, with people quitting and how the state of the game is terrible, I thought I’d bring some happiness and good vibes to the forums by asking about your happiest in-game memories.

Mine has to be taking down Maestro. I tried for a week, then one time I got there, slapped some boosts on, and Quaked the daylights out of him. I used a three star Stealth Spidey for pretty much the entire path, and I felt so accomplished.

What are your best memories?


  • SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Member Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    Finally defeating the collecter the reason I felt better than expected was because it took me about 4 days more to try and get him down since I went in their unit less
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Finally defeating the collecter the reason I felt better than expected was because it took me about 4 days more to try and get him down since I went in their unit less

    The day I beat The Collector is the day the world ends.
  • WeAreNotVenomWeAreNotVenom Member Posts: 126 ★★★
    Exploring act 5 a year and a half ago. Felt satisfying and my skill ended paying off the end (unlike the bs in act 6)
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Completing act five. I almost soloed ultron, but i slipped up when he had three percent. I would add v4 completion, but that was a much bigger struggle than it should have been bc my phone decided to act up that day
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Completing act five. I almost soloed ultron, but i slipped up when he had three percent. I would add v4 completion, but that was a much bigger struggle than it should have been bc my phone decided to act up that day

    Who did you almost solo with?
  • SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Member Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    Oh crud I lost count on the number of revives I used on him
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    beating act 3 i guess. This was back before they gave out 5 stars to everyone for free every month. It's an easy quest with no nodes, but I felt so accomplished because it was THANOS. I beat him with a couple of 3 stars.
    I felt almost no satisfaction in beating the maestro, because it was so easy.
    One day, I'll beat the collector. One day
  • StellanStellan Member Posts: 322 ★★
    When I got cavalier.
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  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    beating act 3 i guess. This was back before they gave out 5 stars to everyone for free every month. It's an easy quest with no nodes, but I felt so accomplished because it was THANOS. I beat him with a couple of 3 stars.
    I felt almost no satisfaction in beating the maestro, because it was so easy.
    One day, I'll beat the collector. One day

    We had quite the opposite experiences.

    Thanos was easy, almost got a solo with 3 star Starky (messed up last 20 percent) then finished him off with Daredevil Netflix.

    Maestro was haaarrrrdddd
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  • drakeWARLORDdrakeWARLORD Member Posts: 21
    Getting a 5* Aegon from daily grandmaster crystal
    Taking him to r5 the day after, being my third r5.
    And defeating labyrinth Maestro with just one revive in the same week.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Getting a 5* Aegon from daily grandmaster crystal
    Taking him to r5 the day after, being my third r5.
    And defeating labyrinth Maestro with just one revive in the same week.

  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Defeating the Collector and 5.4.6 Ultron!
  • LordScatsburyLordScatsbury Member Posts: 183
    My Thanos Takedown is my most memorable moment, I hadn’t bought dex or parry at the time and it took me so long, but I was rewarded with a 4 star Hyperion.
  • LordScatsburyLordScatsbury Member Posts: 183
    Or my first Labyrinth of legends run :)
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    My Thanos Takedown is my most memorable moment, I hadn’t bought dex or parry at the time and it took me so long, but I was rewarded with a 4 star Hyperion.

    Without dex and parry? Madman.
  • SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Member Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Honestly at this point I think I’m just going to start mini accounts and have fun and try to not to rush to act 5 don’t think I’m going to be bothered to get cavalier
  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
    Praying for a 5 star AA from a crystal and actually getting him.

    Completing 5.3 and 5.4 in one day and getting a 5* venom from the rewards

    Cheesing the aggression fury path in variant two with my 4* electron and heimdall
  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    When im start this game at 2017. Happiness to get new champ, doesnt know if they are god or memes, but still can complete quest.

    Back then we can clear aw without spend at all revive/potion, same with aq.

    When im so happy to get 4* from phc
    Back then im play mcoc with slow pace

    But now everything looks so competitive. I miss old time :)
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    M1k0rin said:

    When im start this game at 2017. Happiness to get new champ, doesnt know if they are god or memes, but still can complete quest.

    Back then we can clear aw without spend at all revive/potion, same with aq.

    When im so happy to get 4* from phc
    Back then im play mcoc with slow pace

    But now everything looks so competitive. I miss old time :)

    That actually seems really nice and fun. Wish I had been around to see it.
  • Fluffy_pawsFluffy_paws Member Posts: 2,680 ★★★★★
    When i saved for months for my first 5* crystal, fully expected to pull og iron man but got AA.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    I beat masochism about a week ago nearly woke up my entire apartment in the process
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
    when i pull Emma Frost from my 5th 5* Crystal
  • RonSwansonRonSwanson Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    My recent luck with crystal pulls. Duped 5* Aegon and Blade a day apart. Pulled Void about a week later, duped him twice since then. Pulled five 5* stars out of six legendary crystals, duping GR in the process. And just pulled 6* featured BW.

    I'm scared, somebody hold me...
  • Oesername123Oesername123 Member Posts: 253 ★★★
    Beating realm of legends with a 4* starlord at rank 4 with the perfect block synergy back in 2015.

    I remember it took a couple of hours for me to beat and over a thousand units. It was great seeing your alliance mates congratulate you after seeing you pull Cyclops, Rhino and Ronan on the alliance feed.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★

    My Thanos Takedown is my most memorable moment, I hadn’t bought dex or parry at the time and it took me so long, but I was rewarded with a 4 star Hyperion.

    Without dex and parry? Madman.
    I was at the middle of act4 when I decided to purchase dex. They don't teach you what it does and there is no in-game explanation for it.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,473 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    A few...

    • Pulling my first 4* (RR) back in 2015
    • Winning 4* Dr. Strange in his first ever basic arena a very long time ago
    • Final hit on RoL Hulk with that same Dr. Strange
    • Watching my last chance featured re-run crystal stop on 5* Blade late 2017/early 2018 (when I’d been sitting on a skill AG and tons of sig stones since 12.0 compensation)

    Those were fun times.

    Dr. Zola
  • LeovaMLeovaM Member Posts: 37
    I'm playing for 4 years now, and I remember all of the happiest and the most terrible moments in the game.
    Happy ones:
    Completing and exploring Act 4, and then ranking up 4* Star-Lord to Rank 5/50
    Defeating The Collector in 5.2
    Completing and exploring 5.3, that was the most challenging piece of content for me back then.
    Defeating Ultron in 5.4 with Loki, and then exploring his paths and defeating him with Doc Oc, my favourite option for him.
    Ranking up my first 5/65 champion - ma boy Hyperion
    Completing LOL, and finishing Maestro on the very last revive I had with Aegon 4/55
    Finally becoming Cavalier
    Getting desired Heimdall from just one crystall I bought from Dungeons Store (for completing 6.2.2 Sinister)
    Beating the **** out of The Champion with just one revive
    Defeating and challenging Grandmaster, my the most beloved boss in this game, even when I was knocked down, I wasn't triggered at all, because I knew that it was my mistake, not just RNG based bot mechanics
    And of course, getting Aegon from 10k 5* crystall, already having 5* Generic AG and Sig Stones.

    And the teriibles, of course:
    One month stucked on 5.2.4 because of Masochism, that node was very bad that time
    Not being able to defeat Mr. Sinister for almost 2 months cuz the absence of Heimdall
    Not being able to kill Medusa in 6.3.1 from the first time, losing loooots of revives on her
    And the most significant one, happened today, quitting AOL after spending 2200 units there, just after realizing, that this is the thing I'm not capable of doing right now, because I'm almost out of units.

  • its_kenits_ken Member Posts: 36

    beating act 3 i guess. This was back before they gave out 5 stars to everyone for free every month. It's an easy quest with no nodes, but I felt so accomplished because it was THANOS. I beat him with a couple of 3 stars.
    I felt almost no satisfaction in beating the maestro, because it was so easy.
    One day, I'll beat the collector. One day

    i hear you on that! i beat thanos with my one and only 4* champ that i had at the time: GROOT!
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