Dark Empowerment Synergy

I have been testing the Dark Empowerment synergy and recording a video about it.
I am using the team:
Dormammu 5*
Dormammu 4*
The Hood 5*
The Hood 4*
Mordo 4*
If the Dark Empowerment synergy stacks additively, then my champions should have an 80% chance to revive given four synergies.
If the four 20% chances are separate, then the chance to revive should be [1 - (1 - 0.20)^4] * 100% = 59.04%.
During testing I found neither of the odds to be the truth. After dying 100+ times to ROL Winter Soldier the odds appear to be less than 20%.
What is happening? Can I stack more than one Dark Empowerment synergy?
I am using the team:
Dormammu 5*
Dormammu 4*
The Hood 5*
The Hood 4*
Mordo 4*
If the Dark Empowerment synergy stacks additively, then my champions should have an 80% chance to revive given four synergies.
If the four 20% chances are separate, then the chance to revive should be [1 - (1 - 0.20)^4] * 100% = 59.04%.
During testing I found neither of the odds to be the truth. After dying 100+ times to ROL Winter Soldier the odds appear to be less than 20%.
What is happening? Can I stack more than one Dark Empowerment synergy?
Because that would be 20x1.2x1.2x1.2
You only get those percentages if you're fighting an unleveled 1* champ. Anything higher than that and the percentages drop to essentially zero.
I'm only half kidding.
Lmao...they say Challenger rating has nothing to do with signature abilities.
When my wolverine was 4* r4, I was not getting anywhere near the regen % stated. As soon as I got him to r5, things changed significantly. On day 1 of AQ I now get the % stated (fighting 4* enemies). On day 2 (against 5*) it decreases slightly and that pattern continues, so on day 5 it is noticeably lower.
I also wonder if it works for all "non-robot villains". It is the only synergy I can think of that doesn't increase champ rating.
Yes, any non-robot champion that has the #Villain tag has a chance to revive.
Now if Kabam could confirm how the revive chance stacks, that would be great.
He revived twice in the same battle, which shouldn't be happening.
The odds of reviving is not understood. Is the chance of revival 80%, 59.04%, 20%, or some other number?
Kinda proves that it doesn't stack. 100+ times is a large enough sample size
That's like buying your dream home, only to walk in and find there are no walls or toilets. Holy fml.
Wow, thank you for this. The post confirms the synergy is not functioning properly.
I'm currently waiting on some information from the Character designers on the functionality of the Dark Empowerment synergy. Sorry for the delay! As soon as I have any information, I'll share it with you guys.
Sounds good.
So, it doesn't look like it's broken, but the chances don't stack. They are independent of each other. 20% Chance per synergy means that bringing 5 copies of the Synergy doesn't mean a 100% chance, but 5 chances at 20%.
We did test it, and it does look like it is working correctly, but will continue to monitor it to see if anything seems out of the ordinary.
So that's why Dormammu revived me twice in the same battle in the arena ...
But even with assassin mastery, he was lucky to revive twice with such low chances
@Kabam Miike Sorry, this is still not clear to me.
Example: 4*s Dorma, Mordo, Hood, NC, BP
Do the villains (Dorm, Mordo, Hood) all have a 20% chance to revive up to three instances per fight?
I don't care what the odds are of that 20% chance happening 3 times, just want make sure I understand this correctly.
Lets use a simpler example. Suppose you have 2 lottery tickets, each has an independent 50% chance to win the lottery.
Independent implies the chances don't sum. So your chance to win the lottery is not 100%.
Your chance to win the lottery is: [1 - (1 - 0.50)^2] * 100% = 75%.
Quoting the original post, we should expect the Dark Empowerment revive chance to be 59.04%, or just less than 3/5 times.
I will test Dark Empowerment more later, and reply if I notice any substantial deviation.
any more thoughts on this?
i have a team of hood, dormamu, dormamu , mordo and morningstar so from the above i should have three 20% chances to revive each time dorm, MS or hood fight.
[1 - (1 - 0.20)^3] * 100% = 48.8%.
In a small sample of 20 fights i had 2 revives. This doesn't make sense. Maybe the answer is that this synergy only sounds good but is actually ****?
Also i think the biggest problem here is that Synergies doesnt work in AWD, so why dont you look into that?