Just Completed Act 5 - Now What?

I just completed Act 5, and I am wondering how I should progress further (what content to do)? I would like to approach act 6.1 in the upcoming summer. I have attempted Variant 4, and I have been able to get through the first 4 fights with only She-Hulk (those were probably some of the best fights I have done), but I didn't continue since I was saving revives for 5.3 and 5.4 (though I only used 5). I found that I couldn't do the first fight in Variant 3 (the wasp), but I have a Sentinel at 2/35.
I would say I am an average player. I can parry and dex (of course), and sometimes (50% of the time) I go try hard and bust out those intercepts and sidesteps from Instinctive Touch. Are there any other skills I should learn?
How should I progress my roster? Currently I can take three champs to rank four, since I have 12 tier two alpha. I don't know who I should take up from my roster (image below). I will be getting my first 6 star this month, but I don't know if that will affect my rank up decisions (since I can't expect a useful champ).

Some more questions...
What to use the chronometer for in the rifts? Mutant awakening gem? 10k 5 star shards? Don't even get the chronometer? (Note: I don't grind the game much, and I don't do arena, so I won't have enough units for all the sig stone offers).
Should I look to get suicide masteries, or look to save up for Cyber Weekend? Again, units are scarce for me since I neither have the time nor the roster to attempt an infinite streak in any arena besides Summoner Trials
Any help would be appreciated, since I came back pretty recently in March, and I don't know much about how progression has changed.
I just completed Act 5, and I am wondering how I should progress further (what content to do)? I would like to approach act 6.1 in the upcoming summer. I have attempted Variant 4, and I have been able to get through the first 4 fights with only She-Hulk (those were probably some of the best fights I have done), but I didn't continue since I was saving revives for 5.3 and 5.4 (though I only used 5). I found that I couldn't do the first fight in Variant 3 (the wasp), but I have a Sentinel at 2/35.
I would say I am an average player. I can parry and dex (of course), and sometimes (50% of the time) I go try hard and bust out those intercepts and sidesteps from Instinctive Touch. Are there any other skills I should learn?
How should I progress my roster? Currently I can take three champs to rank four, since I have 12 tier two alpha. I don't know who I should take up from my roster (image below). I will be getting my first 6 star this month, but I don't know if that will affect my rank up decisions (since I can't expect a useful champ).

Some more questions...
What to use the chronometer for in the rifts? Mutant awakening gem? 10k 5 star shards? Don't even get the chronometer? (Note: I don't grind the game much, and I don't do arena, so I won't have enough units for all the sig stone offers).
Should I look to get suicide masteries, or look to save up for Cyber Weekend? Again, units are scarce for me since I neither have the time nor the roster to attempt an infinite streak in any arena besides Summoner Trials

Any help would be appreciated, since I came back pretty recently in March, and I don't know much about how progression has changed.
Hold up why did you need to clarify what type of boosts you’re using ?
Content-wise I'd say explore 5.1 and see how that goes. If it goes good, keep going. Look up Act 5 exploration guides for help. Some folks like to explore 5.4 and 5.3 before Collector chapter again. My sense is you'll need to build your roster more before Variants or Cavalier. Do event quests and Act 5 exploration for that. When you get those champs I listed above to r4 then revisit forums and ask again to see about Variants or making Cav run.
Domino, she hulk, sentinel, and majik are going to put in the most work for you unawakened. I wouldn’t take up omega unless you run suicides (which are great but expensive and you mentioned you aren’t a grinder nor does it seem like you’re too keen on spending—which are the only two ways to unlock them). Omega and Namor are beyond god tier but require heavy investment (again omega with suicides and stones, Namor with stones, both need to be awakened).
Right now I’d say to maximize your value with the rifts and just to the regular ones, so that way you can hopefully get a little of everything without sacrificing for one big thing.
Are you doing monthly event quests 100%? I’d say exploring act 5 and monthly eqs 100% should be the main priority before you even look at doing 6.1. Even still after that I’d probably say do initial completions of variants 2&3 before 6.1.
Tl;dr Seatins got a progression guide that’s been updated within the past year I wanna say on YouTube. I’d check that out as well as his best champs guide that’s updated monthly as well.
Best of luck.
You also have some Regen/Lane clearing help there in OML and Angela, if you don't pull better.
And for AQ, low level war and clearing act 5, you have 5 of the best, situational 4* champs at max level, in particular switch, cap and corvus. Bar gulk if you get him as 4*, or warlock, you may not have to rank a 4* again.
For Awakening, if you go for one, as tru said, Omega or namor all the way. Personally, Omega and work on saving for willpower and suicides, as it will save you a fortune in potions. And he is unreal for clearing act 5 and eventually getting cavalier. Others will say equally if namor, so it's hard to go wrong, but watch some vids on who is best as you'll want to dump every mutant and generic sig stone into which ever one, so you'll be unlikely to do both!
For progression, as dadof said, watch @Seatin vid. It is v good. But to short cut it, focus on completing monthly UC EQ and masters first. If you are not, also think about getting into an Alliance that does at least 20m AQ score and only buy t2a and t5b chunks with your glory.
Great starter roster, great progress made and good luck from here!
Would Omega Red still be viable with few sig stones? I can target an awakening gem during this event, so who should I target it for?
Just a question about domino, how good is she w/o her synergies?