Why so high Donations for Map 7 that People have to Buy them?!
@Kabam Miike
Every single alliance member doing Map 7 has to ‘Buy’ donations from other players (Regular Sellers). Because of this reason many players have stopped joining Map 7 alliances. The Donations in Map 7 are so high that its very difficult to cover up. In the end its promoting the Buy/Sell activity of resources between players. This is not how the game should function! Why do we have to spend Real Money to cover donations for Map 7? Its just ridiculous!
Every single alliance member doing Map 7 has to ‘Buy’ donations from other players (Regular Sellers). Because of this reason many players have stopped joining Map 7 alliances. The Donations in Map 7 are so high that its very difficult to cover up. In the end its promoting the Buy/Sell activity of resources between players. This is not how the game should function! Why do we have to spend Real Money to cover donations for Map 7? Its just ridiculous!
Overall, the rewards for map 7 don't justify the high donations, imo, which is why we stopped map 7 and just maintain a top 150 doing map 6s.
Map 7 is a choice, and not everyone should have the opportunity to get the highest rewards if they can't meet the requirements. There is also resource management. You don't NEED to buy boosts all the time with loyalty. Arenas are there as a way to collect gold and chips, otherwise use units for donations. There are more than 1 way to get the job done. Again, map 7 isn't for everyone.