ROL wolverine

He is not Gibb to play against, you have to have a reverse heading or heal block chap to beat him and he regenerates thousands of health a second which is bull, make it like 300 to 500 then a second if he is ganna then to have a better player experience.
Btw, by play smart, not hard, I'm not saying your stupid. Just saying that you need to work around the Regen and not complain without thinking it through.
Also, rol isn't worth any resources or a ton of time. Unless you've done literally everything you can and you're hard stuck in story, try to do other content
Too many to list, but grab human torch or void and he’s dead in seconds
Would sunspot work?
Don't need to create a separate thread for it
With 3/3 despair mastery Sunspot can do this fight. Also any other champ that can apply consistently many debuffs (Massacre f.e.). This fight has really a lot of options to clear.
Champs who can do it.
OG guillotine
Gladiator hulk
Rogue (have to play super aggressive)
I’m probably missing champs cuz I just can’t think right now. Someone above mention sunspot. Hype can spamming special 1 so probably Sunspot.
Sym since he’ll stagger.
Lots of options If you show us your roster we can help.
In the years since, there have been DOZENS of new counters added. Especially if you consider just out-damaging him by leveling up champs. For example, I used a 5* Rank 5 Venom the Duck to beat him despite VtD not having any reliable way to stop/mitigate the regen. Just powered through.