Easy Gold solution for Kabam to give the players



  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Wow we are having totally different experiences here obviously. I manage a job and a life and I am buying the t5b with glory everytime i get it. I got t1a's out the butt! Building one t5b and 1 t2a a month isn't enough! What i don't do is spend my bank to zero everytime i crack a champ the community tells me is awesome unawakened...and i don't flip flop games from this one to call of duty to whatever...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    edited May 2020
    And i guess he hasn't seen what it takes to rank a six? Fyi if you got 1 r5 5 hell will freeze over before you and i can rank a 6! I'm about to rank my second to r5...lucky me! I got the gold to do it! And pay for map 7! By myself!
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020

    Etjama said:

    Rap said:

    No most of us don't have any need for extra space for t5b. Whales and the parasites attached to them have an "overflow" not the average player. And that is what ftp players should he calling for! T2a, t5b, better drop rates. A calendar for uncollected that has more than 1 t4b on it, more than 18k of t2a and t5b added to it.

    Dude, I only have 4 R4's and a R5. In the next 2 weeks, I'll have my next R5. T5B is so easy to get. You can buy a full one with like 3 weeks of Glory rewards. I'm Cavalier and I get about 3 T2A a month. T2A and T5B aren't a problem. If any catalyst is a problem, it's T1A. Gold is the limiting factor because you need it to rank up AND level up. The amount needed is rediculous and you're not getting it unless you spend every part of your day grinding arena. Most don't. Not because they're "lazy" as you say, but because some of us have jobs and families and don't spend our lives on a mobile video game. In fact, spending all of your time grinding on a video game instead of working and living is the definition of laziness.
    Wait.... Rap needs T5B. You said he sucks at resource management yet you sit here complaining about not having gold. Rap says he has plenty of gold and missing a resource that isn't that common. You have 1 R5 5* so of course you think T5B is easy to get.

    To be honest, you're worse at resource management than Rap. Come back when you've actually ranked some champs up.
    The point is, I can get a T5B and 3 T2A's from the monthly calendar, glory rewards and the UC EQ alone, not even to mention side quests, so if Rap needs more than that, then he's obviously got several R5's and should be able to deal with the big boy content that gives him even more of those resources. On the other hand, the only good way to get gold monthly is the Sigil and arenas. Incursion gold is okay, but nothing when you compare it to what you actually need to R5 a champ and level him up. Because most people's lives don't revolve around this game, most aren't paying for the Sigil or grinding arena 24/7. So yeah, gold is the bigger issue here.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    You are too funny! Peace!
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,825 ★★★★★
    Etjama said:

    Etjama said:

    Rap said:

    No most of us don't have any need for extra space for t5b. Whales and the parasites attached to them have an "overflow" not the average player. And that is what ftp players should he calling for! T2a, t5b, better drop rates. A calendar for uncollected that has more than 1 t4b on it, more than 18k of t2a and t5b added to it.

    Dude, I only have 4 R4's and a R5. In the next 2 weeks, I'll have my next R5. T5B is so easy to get. You can buy a full one with like 3 weeks of Glory rewards. I'm Cavalier and I get about 3 T2A a month. T2A and T5B aren't a problem. If any catalyst is a problem, it's T1A. Gold is the limiting factor because you need it to rank up AND level up. The amount needed is rediculous and you're not getting it unless you spend every part of your day grinding arena. Most don't. Not because they're "lazy" as you say, but because some of us have jobs and families and don't spend our lives on a mobile video game. In fact, spending all of your time grinding on a video game instead of working and living is the definition of laziness.
    Wait.... Rap needs T5B. You said he sucks at resource management yet you sit here complaining about not having gold. Rap says he has plenty of gold and missing a resource that isn't that common. You have 1 R5 5* so of course you think T5B is easy to get.

    To be honest, you're worse at resource management than Rap. Come back when you've actually ranked some champs up.
    The point is, I can get a T5B and 3 T2A's from the monthly calendar, glory rewards and the UC EQ alone, not even to mention side quests, so if Rap needs more than that, then he's obviously got several R5's and should be able to deal with the big boy content that gives him even more of those resources. On the other hand, the only good way to get gold monthly is the Sigil and arenas. Incursion gold is okay, but nothing when you compare it to what you actually need to R5 a champ and level him up. Because most people's lives don't revolve around this game, most aren't paying for the Sigil or grinding arena 24/7. So yeah, gold is the bigger issue here.
    No the point is calling a person terrible at resource management because they are short on a particular resource is hypocritical when you are short on a resource as well.

    For as many people who say gold is an issue, you have as many saying there isn't a gold issue. I have 15 R5 5*'s, as many R4's and 2 R2 6*'s. I manage to make my donations weekly and still rank when I need to. I generally sit around 500k to 2mil in gold. I only do arena when I need T4B or T1A's.

    You don't need to grind arena 24/7. Just do the first 3 milestones in each one. Do more if you want more BC and open arena crystals.

    Stop telling people they are bad at resource management when you can't handle it either.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    edited May 2020

    40 minutes left in the first day. I have played my top teams through three times for a total of maybe 2 full hours of game play and i pulled 200k in gold from the original arena crystals...i can now go and have my life...oh wait we are under quarantine! Oh yes and a ton of t1 and t2 iso i will sell.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Rap said:

    And i guess he hasn't seen what it takes to rank a six? Fyi if you got 1 r5 5 hell will freeze over before you and i can rank a 6! I'm about to rank my second to r5...lucky me! I got the gold to do it! And pay for map 7! By myself!

    Are you GW’s angry alter ego or something?

    You’re aware that saying that you have no gold doesn’t by definition mean everyone else has/should have gold. That’s a bit like sitting in the middle of McDonalds in NYC and telling some guy from the Sudan that there’s no food shortages.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    edited May 2020
    ??? Not sure i understand the analogy but if i understand you it would be the same to say " i got enough t5b so everybody else should have enough as well!" Cause that is what i am hearing! (And there is the flip) "i need gold and don't care if you don't! I don't need t5b so don't care if you do!" And i played that arena for the gold! My 4 star cw is max signatures. So playing to 1.5 is account maintenance.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Dang this became a word match lol
  • Mqc19Mqc19 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    Easier gold solution - don’t charge anything for AQ. Bam!!!

    Still can’t understand why we need to use resources to enter a weekly game mode.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    Rap said:

    No most of us don't have any need for extra space for t5b. Whales and the parasites attached to them have an "overflow" not the average player. And that is what ftp players should he calling for! T2a, t5b, better drop rates. A calendar for uncollected that has more than 1 t4b on it, more than 18k of t2a and t5b added to it. Thanks for disagreeing shill!

    lol i was actually agreeing with you about T5B ... i guess it didn't come off that way but i was trying to explain that T5B is definitely not a resource that's in overflow for the majority of players lol ... so uhhh yeah i was actually agreeing with what you said initially haha
  • Terribol0512Terribol0512 Member Posts: 19
    @Lordshadowin i have been playing for a little over a year (since human torch was added) and became cavalier in january, act 5 100% and variant 3 and 4 completed currently doing variant4 100%. not a single dime into the game and this is my roster
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,493 Guardian
    Etjama said:

    Rap said:

    No most of us don't have any need for extra space for t5b. Whales and the parasites attached to them have an "overflow" not the average player. And that is what ftp players should he calling for! T2a, t5b, better drop rates. A calendar for uncollected that has more than 1 t4b on it, more than 18k of t2a and t5b added to it.

    Dude, I only have 4 R4's and a R5. In the next 2 weeks, I'll have my next R5. T5B is so easy to get. You can buy a full one with like 3 weeks of Glory rewards. I'm Cavalier and I get about 3 T2A a month. T2A and T5B aren't a problem. If any catalyst is a problem, it's T1A. Gold is the limiting factor because you need it to rank up AND level up. The amount needed is rediculous and you're not getting it unless you spend every part of your day grinding arena. Most don't. Not because they're "lazy" as you say, but because some of us have jobs and families and don't spend our lives on a mobile video game. In fact, spending all of your time grinding on a video game instead of working and living is the definition of laziness.
    I'm actually starting to lose my patience a bit with people saying *their* bottlenecks are the important ones that normal people have, and only weird people don't have.

    I grind arena in the morning before work and in the evening. Because it was too much trouble to both play in and manage BGs higher end AQ and AW I stepped away from both. Now I don't have to do much during the day, which is important because sometimes I have low demands on my time and sometimes extreme demands on my time. I don't go around saying that the people getting a lot of glory but no gold and battlechips are just people doing jobs nobody cares about while lacking basic time management skills. But sometimes, for a brief moment, I'm tempted.

    The reality is I think most people understand that everyone has different demands on their time and different ways to play the game to accommodate that. We just don't hear a lot from those more understanding players.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    Rap said:

    Omg! So tired of the whining over gold! I got 62 million! I need t5b so i can spend it. Stop asking for gold and start asking for the stuff that in actually missing in any meaningful meaningful quantity! T5b, t2a, awakening gems...want gold? Grind! I got 62 million and a rating of 972k. I got got gold! I raise plenty champs (under 5 star unfortunately). Let me spell it out for you! The gold is in the quest and arena but you gotta play. You are never gonna get enough gold just playing aq and war. You are just begging for something you do not wish to work to get! Conversely, i am asking for things that are not in the game in any reasonable amount...so little that it takes months to aquire the stuff.

    Omg! So tired of the whining over T5b, t2a, and awakening gems. Some of these guys have rankup resources in overflow! Some people need gold to rank with. Stop asking for them and do aq, variants and act 6. Some people have ratings over 2 mil and 8 T2a in overflow. You have gold and have raised champs (under 5 star unfortunately you made bad resource decisions. ) Let me spell it out for you! Rankup resources are in the quests and aq. You are never going to get ANY of the resources you need from 4* arena and below. You are just begging for something you do not wish to work to get! Conversely, they are asking for things that are not in their game in any reasonable amount....so little it takes months of running quests to acquire gold.

    See what I did there. It works both ways. Congratulations on your stockpiled gold and max 4*s and below. You are probably killing the noobs in arena. There are unfortunately people who hate the grind and are looking for alternatives to get more gold. Compare your statement to the one I posted it seems there are a few more viable options for your problem than their gold shortage. Also come back and brag about your gold hoard after you get 20 rank 5 5*s and a couple rank 2 6*s. Those take a tad bit more gold than the 3 and 4*s you are ranking.

    Happy gaming ;)
  • LSDinLSDin Member Posts: 173 ★★
    Etjama said:

    Rap said:

    No most of us don't have any need for extra space for t5b. Whales and the parasites attached to them have an "overflow" not the average player. And that is what ftp players should he calling for! T2a, t5b, better drop rates. A calendar for uncollected that has more than 1 t4b on it, more than 18k of t2a and t5b added to it.

    Dude, I only have 4 R4's and a R5. In the next 2 weeks, I'll have my next R5. T5B is so easy to get. You can buy a full one with like 3 weeks of Glory rewards. I'm Cavalier and I get about 3 T2A a month. T2A and T5B aren't a problem. If any catalyst is a problem, it's T1A. Gold is the limiting factor because you need it to rank up AND level up. The amount needed is rediculous and you're not getting it unless you spend every part of your day grinding arena. Most don't. Not because they're "lazy" as you say, but because some of us have jobs and families and don't spend our lives on a mobile video game. In fact, spending all of your time grinding on a video game instead of working and living is the definition of laziness.

    @Etjama broo .. thank you
  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Fact: Ranking up five stars and six stars puts a dent on iso and gold. They increased the amount of resources but restricted the amount of iso when we dupe a five and six star to the same level of a four star. That's the issue. Give us:
    4 star - 24 iso brics level 4
    5 star - 48 iso brics level 4
    6 star - 96 iso brics level 4

    Also weekly gold events based on progression level can really help as if i don't choose to play arena, i never get gold even to donate for map 6.
    @Kabam Miike
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    Diksh619 said:

    Fact: Ranking up five stars and six stars puts a dent on iso and gold. They increased the amount of resources but restricted the amount of iso when we dupe a five and six star to the same level of a four star. That's the issue. Give us:
    4 star - 24 iso brics level 4
    5 star - 48 iso brics level 4
    6 star - 96 iso brics level 4

    Also weekly gold events based on progression level can really help as if i don't choose to play arena, i never get gold even to donate for map 6.
    @Kabam Miike

    I still think Kabam should just lower the rankup costs for 5 and 6 stars because it's unreasonable but giving us more iso like the gentle demonstrated above fixes the issue as well. I'm all for this change. Excellent post.
  • LSDinLSDin Member Posts: 173 ★★
    Diksh619 said:

    Fact: Ranking up five stars and six stars puts a dent on iso and gold. They increased the amount of resources but restricted the amount of iso when we dupe a five and six star to the same level of a four star. That's the issue. Give us:
    4 star - 24 iso brics level 4
    5 star - 48 iso brics level 4
    6 star - 96 iso brics level 4

    Also weekly gold events based on progression level can really help as if i don't choose to play arena, i never get gold even to donate for map 6.
    @Kabam Miike


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