How do you feel about 6 Star Champs

I honestly think they are not thinking about the other things that active players want, like some fixes to the game itself, and some Alliance updates.
What do you think?
What do you think?
I am a long time player over 2 1/2 years have over 400k rating over 5300 prestige and I wont lie I struggle big time in 5.3
also I am holding off on ranking my 5* Magik to rank 4 as I am hoping the tier 5 basics are released real soon
in game name Haunted stories just in case you don't believe me lol
With 6 stars it dashes those hopes. Will be playing at tiers 7-12 forever, because the strong will get stronger, faster.
Also, an additional level of stars just makes it all very boring. We started and built a 2/3 star roster, then we did a 3/4 star roster and then a 4/5 star roster, now it will be a 5/6 star roster. It is redundant and repetitive. Same champs at each level, same basic skills, same game play; its just rinse and repeat. That isn't new content, it is just dressed up as new content. For me it will just lead me to get bored with the game sooner and stop playing before I otherwise would have. So my goal of reaching the top level is now impossible, because they will just move the bar again and they haven't added anything really new in the process.
The new war map I was excited about, until I played it, terrible. Act 5.2 doesn't look like fun, with the unit drain final boss. Seems more like a drag I will have to slog through for better rewards.
So basically, I don't really care anymore, at least not about advancing. Just playing the content, even the lower end stuff and just playing it with champs I haven't dusted off in a while. But without any end game at all, there really isn't anything worth working for, or spending on.
I certainly hope, for the developer's sake anyway, I am in the minority in the playing community. I predict my playing days will be done long before I ever open a 6 star.
Word of advice, if you need to justify a particular adjective with qualifying remarks, you should probably choose a different adjective instead.
I do understand the need for progression but they shouldn't negate the progress we've made. 6-stars should be ridiculously hard to get. Rank up materials and 4* and 5* champs should not be suddenly easier to obtain unless you are at a very advanced level. It already annoys me that I see sub-level 60 players with full 5/50 rosters when it took me over a year of hardcore playing to even obtain just one.