We need another 12.0
I know I’m probably going to get a ton of dislikes for this but I believe we do need another 12.0
The problem with the game is the disparity between the tops champs and the bottom I’ve seen people saying that act 5 with skill could be done with pretty much any champ but if you bring champs like ghost she can do all of it except for maybe the collector with extreme ease
The problem with act 6 and 7 is they have to make the nodes ridiculous in order to compensate for how stronger some champs are which leads to 90% of champs being obsolete
While I know some people will say just buff rather then nerf it’d be much harder to buff 150 champs then to nerf 20
Obviously tuning down act 6 would have to go with this
If they were to do something like this they’d have to go do what they did with cull and namor and give full resources back including awakening gems iso sig stones etc
Nerfs wouldn’t be as bad still keep them as the top champs but not by that far of a degree
And then lastly if they were to do this give people long notice so at least if people want to spend on that champ they’ll know the exact nerfs that are happening
Like I said I know tons of people will disagree with this but the game can’t keep going on with 20 champs being the standard because otherwise content like act 6 will be the only way forward
The problem with the game is the disparity between the tops champs and the bottom I’ve seen people saying that act 5 with skill could be done with pretty much any champ but if you bring champs like ghost she can do all of it except for maybe the collector with extreme ease
The problem with act 6 and 7 is they have to make the nodes ridiculous in order to compensate for how stronger some champs are which leads to 90% of champs being obsolete
While I know some people will say just buff rather then nerf it’d be much harder to buff 150 champs then to nerf 20
Obviously tuning down act 6 would have to go with this
If they were to do something like this they’d have to go do what they did with cull and namor and give full resources back including awakening gems iso sig stones etc
Nerfs wouldn’t be as bad still keep them as the top champs but not by that far of a degree
And then lastly if they were to do this give people long notice so at least if people want to spend on that champ they’ll know the exact nerfs that are happening
Like I said I know tons of people will disagree with this but the game can’t keep going on with 20 champs being the standard because otherwise content like act 6 will be the only way forward
They only know how to make this game p2w and don’t need f2p in real , but otherwise it’s a free game , lmao
After a while, that just becomes a way for people to get their own way.
The game cannot try a reset without some sort of plan to not end up here again. Also the plan can’t be to do this every few years.
Also in order to execute this the node design would need to be rethought as well because it’s so champ specific compared to when 12.0 was executed. This would break act 6 even more than it already is.
If we go that route again things need to change. Either meta balances need to be living part of the game ongoing(and node design need to consider this) and the stance on rank down gems as a part of game needs to change with those types of meta balances ongoing(as constant balancing required ability to change decisions) or there needs to be far better testing and quality control and managing the balance of champs top to bottom on release and ongoing. Rebalances would need to speed up and champ release slow down in my opinion to fix the overall game balance and keep it in control.
If you cant execute some version of change to how the game is managed, quality control of champs coming out, and rebalance of champs in the current meta then a 12.0 type rebalance is merely a pointless stop gap to try and fix the game that will just result in the same issue down the road.
Also I don’t think meta balances are possible in this game because of the spending nature of the game. Really the later is the only solution to me but champ selling is too profitable to slow down champion creation.
I.E. Life Transfer, Bane etc.
There would be nothing that would make me leave this game faster than if the destroyed those champs like they did to strange. What would be the point of getting excited about any champion, it would always be a matter of time before whoever survived the nerf became a top champ and then eventually after enough people get tired of not having them....I need another 12.0.
Just stop.
Long Answer: Hell No
Im tired of waiting years to get champs then seeing them "adjusted" or otherwise messed with.
I keep hearing that roster progression is a thing, RNG is a thing and being patient with content is a thing. When I'm lucky enough to get a gamechanger I have an expectation of being able to do what others have done, my own skill notwithstanding.
You've come to the wrong place for this kind of discussion with the forums.. Not saying I agree or disagree with you, but Reddit is your better bet for controversial or anti-kabam sentiment. Many users here are much more Kabam apologetic.