Signature Stone Paywall



  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    i'm not against dropping some $ here and there BUT when there's just no appropriate value it's tough ... this deal and the one prior are just not worth it. had it been a total of 65-70 stones, then sure i'll toss a coin to the witcher but $30 for 35 stones?? nope.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    They broke the game economy terribly last year. Content is now almost utterly irrelevant as long as you have master card and visa
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★

    Weird, i keep hearing people moaning about sig stones from rifts.

    Because it’s only 5 of a random class. Not even generic, as if that would be a bridge too far
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,844 ★★★★★

    Weird, i keep hearing people moaning about sig stones from rifts.

    You act like those stones are generic
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★

    They broke the game economy terribly last year. Content is now almost utterly irrelevant as long as you have master card and visa

    So just recently people started using money to steamroll content? Never realized that was never happened before last year.
  • Loco24x7Loco24x7 Member Posts: 68
    Anyone has a choice can do what they wish with there CC or $$$.....The deal 8 MONTHS AGO had 30 6 star stones (10 generic and 20 class) and 40 5 star stones (30 generic and 10 class) for 50...Todays is 5 generic 15 class (20 total) and no 5 stars with this deal....compared to 8 mo ago this deal is not worth it...unfortunately but these deals and completing content is only way now to get 6 star sig’ long people keep buying they will keep Offering...
  • OmegaManOmegaMan Member Posts: 383 ★★★
    The prestige war only matters if you are doing AQ. Another reason many people are quitting AQ is they can’t keep up with the top players and the gal just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
  • DevourerDevourer Member Posts: 26
    Savage said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Savage said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Savage said:

    This one from last week is not as bad and is more friendly for f2p players but I still don't like that it's locked behind units.

    What would you suggest that it was locked behind if not units?

    Sig stones are available to be earned each month as are freely gained units.

    Units are meant for other uses such as Endgame content completion, Arena Refreshing, or AW item use. Why should f2p have to spend all their units on sig stone offers and have to spend on units for the rest? Not everyone has the time to grind that many units or even grind heavy in arena. I suggest that Kabam release a new gamemode or put 5* sig stones into incursions and daily challenges for us to grind them.
    If you're spending units on Arena refreshing you should be focusing on expanding your roster further, without trying to chase every new champ that is coming out immediately. You also don't have to be in an alliance that is pushing war, so that's a personal choice to spend the units on items for AW.

    It just seems like a lot of people aren't managing their own time and expectations of what they want to do properly, if you feel so spread thin on everything that is available to you, then stepping back and focusing on one thing in particular is way more beneficial.
    Not to be rude but you're clearly out of touch with a lot of people in this community. Do you spend?
    Bro not to be rude u started this discussion as a NOW FREE TO PLAY PLAYER! Do you spend? Whys his point invalid, need sigs get more 5* dupes job done, or save the ones you have, at the end of the day no one forcing you to play this game or spend units on sig stones, any if you do have unit shortage thats on you mate, considering a average arena player not a grinder can ammas 6-8k rng based units a month, at the end of the day why would kabam give you soemthing for free to increase your progress when they ultimate goal is to keep you playing longer. Lol
  • _Kill_Switch__Kill_Switch_ Member Posts: 275 ★★
    Monk1 said:

    Timone147 said:

    Unfortunately the way they value sig stones and seem to continue to hold the value at the same place as well over a year ago for 5* sig stones baffles me but as a f2p it is why I never use mine. I only save them for when I am awaking a champ or champs that need all of them. But they are useless rewards when I earn them as a result. They just sit there unused for months and even some well over a year at this point. Think about that some class over a year and not full.

    I don’t agree but either way that’s the way it is. Today’s deal makes the 2019 deal make more since because they value 20 generic sig stones and 5 random at 30 bucks basically.

    Personally I just don’t think the value of items is being depreciated in Kabams pricing model and scarcity of availability in game at the rate we as players think it should be. But its their game.

    For me it makes them as rewards in game a moot point because using them is not something I often do as a result. I only board for the rare times I truly need them and decide a champ is worth them.

    The OP should read this again..

    I am f2p in main and have over 500 sig stones not used.. cause I save them for champs that need them or will make a difference to prestige. There is literally no point adds 1/2 sigs to a champ, save them and add 50-100 in one go on worthwhile champ that helps you.

    As a side note I do agree that the daily event at cav level should by now of replaced the 3/4* stones with 4/5* ones as no one need the low level resources
    I remember when I started saving sig stones about a year back to put into my Starlord so he can be sig 200... I'm still at it. Let's not even begin the conversation of the amount of champs that I have pulled in that time that require the very same sig stones I'm supposed to gather for ONE champ.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    DrZola said:

    There was a time when the Featured Items store periodically offered 5* individual generic and crystal sigs, each for an escalating unit cost.

    Those were the days...

    Dr. Zola

    That still comes periodically.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    AlphA101 said:

    Lol , you people will literally drive kabam out of business !!

    Sig stones increase prestige and kabam sells prestige , which whole game is about increasing prestige , f2p ain’t getting a chance !

    The 5* prestige race is long over.
    Its about 6* sigs now (for the top/ where the prestige race happens)
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    If you take the prestige race out the equation as that’s a lost cause for F2P players and since Cavalier crystals introduction to the game it was always going to escape even the hardest arena grinders, you’ve still got the issue that F2P players are almost never going to be able to fully maximise their rosters.

    If signature stones aren’t more readily available, then 4 and 5* shards need to become far more easy to come by so players - and this goes for spenders too - have more opportunities to dupe their champions. With the ever increasing amount of champions in the pool, the value of a 5* crystal is arguably diminishing each week simply because your odds of being able to effectively utilise your roster are decreasing.

    I have no problem with spenders gaining an advantage, they should, after all they’re funding those of us who are unwilling/able to spend, but the only viable way to max sig a champion shouldn’t be hoarding stones for 6 years or spending £50 every other month for a year.

    My preference would be that MEQ rewards were changed to generic Sig stones, rather than crystals and to be honest they could just do away with class signature stones so players of all levels could prioritise certain champions rather than slowly feeding 2 stones/month to 6 champions.

    15 generic Sig stones/month would still make it a year to max out a champion but that’s a hell of a lot better than the current time frame
  • TimeGenesisTimeGenesis Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    I think they should make it so that daily SE rewards should be based on progression

    only considering the top award
    4 x UC Gold Crystals (instead of 2 x Gold Crystals)
    1 5* Generic Sig Stones (instead of 1 4star Class.Sig)
    14 x T4CC (instead of 7x T3CC)

    2 x UC Gold Crystals
    1 5* Class Sig Stone
    7 x T4CC

    Anything below UC should have the current SE rewards.

    I dont think this will break their percieved game economy.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    edited May 2020

    doctorb said:

    Savage said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Savage said:

    This one from last week is not as bad and is more friendly for f2p players but I still don't like that it's locked behind units.

    What would you suggest that it was locked behind if not units?

    Sig stones are available to be earned each month as are freely gained units.

    Units are meant for other uses such as Endgame content completion, Arena Refreshing, or AW item use. Why should f2p have to spend all their units on sig stone offers and be forced to spend on units for the rest? Not everyone has the time to grind that many units or even grind heavy in arena. I suggest that Kabam release a new gamemode, put 5* sig stones into incursions and daily challenges for us to grind them, or put them in the solo events.
    And why should people who play for free get the same things as those who pay???
    You should be grateful kabam gives you as much as they do for you to play free. And what do F2P players give kabam???
    Kabam employees need to make a living, too. Maybe F2P players can pay for kabam employees' bills, mortgages, car payments, ...
    Maybe instead of buying overpriced deals, get your mental health checked.
    Maybe you should try to make more money instead of complaining about how generous Kabam is already being to free loaders like you.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,844 ★★★★★

    Zuro said:

    Weird, i keep hearing people moaning about sig stones from rifts.

    You act like those stones are generic
    Players ask for sig stones, kabam provides sig stones and now those sig stones are not good enough.

    You act like beggars can be choosers?
    You know how tiring it gets when everything in this game relies on rng especially when your free to play sig stones should not be this hard to come across especially when 5 star awakening gems are way more common now but the the dispersal of sog stones had stayed the same for ever. And even then these signs stones are not even guaranteed in this side quest either as you only have a chance at them, for example I have done 5 rifts so far and was yet to pull any sig stones yet. What I'm trying to say is you know there is a issue where whales can get more 6 star sigs the land free to play players getting 5 star sigs
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    Mauled said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Savage said:

    This one from last week is not as bad and is more friendly for f2p players but I still don't like that it's locked behind units.

    What would you suggest that it was locked behind if not units?

    Sig stones are available to be earned each month as are freely gained units.
    It takes 6 years to max sig a 5* through the guaranteed monthly sources of sig stones if you drop an awakening gem on a champion.
    Does this discussion exclude the featured item store where 22 generic 5* sig stones can be obtained for approx 1500 units?

    I counted 4 such events in 2019
    1/ 11 June
    2/ 5 July
    3/ 28 Aug
    4/ 28 Sep

    That is 88 sign stones and not counting those that can be obtained regularly though in very small quantities.

    So, it takes maybe 2 but not 6 years (I agree still long time) but definitely doable.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    Mauled said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Savage said:

    This one from last week is not as bad and is more friendly for f2p players but I still don't like that it's locked behind units.

    What would you suggest that it was locked behind if not units?

    Sig stones are available to be earned each month as are freely gained units.
    It takes 6 years to max sig a 5* through the guaranteed monthly sources of sig stones if you drop an awakening gem on a champion.
    Does this discussion exclude the featured item store where 22 generic 5* sig stones can be obtained for approx 1500 units?

    I counted 4 such events in 2019
    1/ 11 June
    2/ 5 July
    3/ 28 Aug
    4/ 28 Sep

    That is 88 sign stones and not counting those that can be obtained regularly though in very small quantities.

    So, it takes maybe 2 but not 6 years (I agree still long time) but definitely doable.
    None of those are guaranteed to arrive, also at 6000 units for 88 sig stones you’re probably better off grinding a single path of AoL the hard way.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I definitely agree with the masses. A cavalier player who gets a top rank in level up or hero use has no need for a 4 star generic sig stone. Especially a whale at that. What are they going to use that for? They talked about scrapping the 7/hr and 22 hr solo events. Maybe instead of scrapping them they update 1. The events themselves make them more entertaining like the thor ragnorak ones or the Fantastic 4 events. 2. Update the prizes, add prizes by progression, 3. Stop being stingy on the units. Make it 30-50, 4. Update the solo and greater solo crystals. I’m sure most are annoyed at blowing through the XP boost when level 60 has been capped for most since 2015 lol. A cavalier could get a simple change from an XP to a gold boost.

    Just my thoughts.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    edited May 2020

    They broke the game economy terribly last year. Content is now almost utterly irrelevant as long as you have master card and visa

    So just recently people started using money to steamroll content? Never realized that was never happened before last year.
    Not what I was saying. What I was saying is that buying offers yields materials at a rate far greater than completing content. You have players who haven’t even beat the champion a single line with 10k+ prestige because all you need to do is buy offers.

    Of course people blow through content. Taking out your credit card last cyber weekend and Christmas would yield multiple times the rewards one could earn through content

    And to be clear I don’t care about it, it’s just an observation. People have free will to spend as the like, and I know that if I choose not to spend I can not keep up. Which is fine
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,926 ★★★★★

    DrZola said:

    There was a time when the Featured Items store periodically offered 5* individual generic and crystal sigs, each for an escalating unit cost.

    Those were the days...

    Dr. Zola

    That still comes periodically.
    Honest question: can you recall the most recent time? I can’t—I’m thinking it was at best around the beginning of the year.

    Dr. Zola
  • Lucifer1810Lucifer1810 Member Posts: 366 ★★★
    doctorb said:

    doctorb said:

    Savage said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Savage said:

    This one from last week is not as bad and is more friendly for f2p players but I still don't like that it's locked behind units.

    What would you suggest that it was locked behind if not units?

    Sig stones are available to be earned each month as are freely gained units.

    Units are meant for other uses such as Endgame content completion, Arena Refreshing, or AW item use. Why should f2p have to spend all their units on sig stone offers and be forced to spend on units for the rest? Not everyone has the time to grind that many units or even grind heavy in arena. I suggest that Kabam release a new gamemode, put 5* sig stones into incursions and daily challenges for us to grind them, or put them in the solo events.
    And why should people who play for free get the same things as those who pay???
    You should be grateful kabam gives you as much as they do for you to play free. And what do F2P players give kabam???
    Kabam employees need to make a living, too. Maybe F2P players can pay for kabam employees' bills, mortgages, car payments, ...
    Maybe instead of buying overpriced deals, get your mental health checked.
    Maybe you should try to make more money instead of complaining about how generous Kabam is already being to free loaders like you.
    Make more money for deals which are clearly ridiculous say for example the 5000 units for a 5* and these sig stone deals which are nowhere close to the accurate price it should be?? No thank you. You are free to carry on with your poor life decisions.
  • ColleenColleen Member Posts: 175
    They used to have a boss rush every other month or something like that. It gave free 20 (5 star) generic sig stones. Everything cost units or actual money now. They also used to have profile pics for gold but now they all cost units
  • ColleenColleen Member Posts: 175
    Zuro said:

    I agree with this, as a f2p player it is very hard to come across sign stones as I've been playing since the day the game has came out and still don't have a max sig 5 star my highest one is sig 194 venom and that's only because I duped him 3 times. With the way the game is at current we should be able to get way more sig stones than we currently do as some of the whales get way more 6 star sig stones than f2p players do 5 star ones which is ridiculous

    I’ve been playing since like 2016?? And I have like 3-4 max sig 5* and I’m also f2p it seems as if you’ve been sporadically spreading your sig stones or not doing enough content for those free sig stones. Completing LOL alone gives you 100 random which adds quite a few levels to each and every class and varients give out some for ever chapter
  • SavageSavage Member Posts: 621 ★★★
    I'm really having trouble enjoying the game right now cause it feels like I'm playing with 30% of the champ's potential all the time. I ran into a paywall after exploring 3 variants and a few bits of act 6 so now I am forced to spend on the 4th of july on sig stone offers in order to make endgame content less of a headache. It's really a shame it has to come to this.

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