Here's my list, 108 so far, but there's still time before the end of the month to hopefully get those elusive Corvus, Aegon, Iceman and Doom ! Also some names may look weird to most of you cause I play in french...
wow. that’s a lot. You almost have them all, missing less than 80.
I'm missing 29 2* in total, that includes red Deadpool which i'm never going to get and the new Black Widow who i will get next month from insider rewards
do you max out a two star for every level up event?
Not really. Most of the maxed ones I had before this event. Sometimes ill max them because I have low tier cats expiring, other times to make up minimal point difference for level up and a lot I did when V4 came out. I love events like this one that require using different rarities.
(edit- screen shot is too large to be uploaded)
Pretty happy with them
Not really. Most of the maxed ones I had before this event. Sometimes ill max them because I have low tier cats expiring, other times to make up minimal point difference for level up and a lot I did when V4 came out. I love events like this one that require using different rarities.
events like those make this game really fun.
Still missing 76 2* champs
Mine shows 6 champs across as well. I have iPhone XR.
84 2*’s for me. I’ve sold every one of them at least 3 times throughout the years. I’ve learned my lesson.