Is There a Champion that You Wish Was Better Acknowledged? Share Here.

Personally, mine would be Ronin. I get so annoyed when people like Lagacy(no disrespect to him) get all annoyed at pulling him. He has such great damage and amazing utility. With the fury and precision, he has 10k mediums. 
Feel free to share champions you wish were recognized more!

Feel free to share champions you wish were recognized more!
KG has top tier Regen, bleed immunity and shrugging debuffs.
Sinister is immune to reverse controls and can block unblockable specials out of the box with no buffs or ramp up.
I dig using them both but 5 &6 star Sinister stubbornly refuses to get on my roster.
Dr. Zola
Doctor Voodoo is kinda outdated, with Clair, who can regen, MS who can also regen, Doctor Doom who is super tanky, and symiote supreme
Psylocke hits like **** anyway won't use her for anything
King Groot times out, can't even kill a 2k pi AQ map 3 opponent without timing out
Mr Sinister is just defense fodder lol
Diablo is a drunk alchoholic fool who drinks himself to death in the arena. Next!
Please explain how, always heard he was trash but that damage is ridiculous
But nope, she’s garbage.