"Road To Cavelier Difficulty"

Hey guys I'm a player who has finished Act 5 and started on Act 6. I was wondering if the "Road To Cavelier" difficulty is only exclusive to Cavelier players or can anyone who is on Act 6 can participate it. Because it's not called "Cavalier Difficulty". Even if the 'road to cavelier' difficulty is cavelier exclusive, some players (that have finished Act 5 or level 50+) might be able to do maybe one chapter of the cavelier difficulty allowing skilled players to progress quicker. This could be a good move on Kabam's half as it could prove that this isn't a "pay to win" game and more of a "skill based" game. Any objections or agreements?
In other words, it isn't the Road to Cavalier Content, it is the Road to Making Cavalier Content.
I have a second completely free to play account that is currently Uncollected. I am 100% sure it will get to Cavalier whenever I get around to really going after it. I'm skeptical it will ever fully explore Act 6, but completing 6.1 is well within that account's capabilities. And half the progress in that account probably comes from the calendar.
Last thing the devs need is to sift through constant complaint posts and irrelevant data from even more players that have absolutely no business even being in the quest.