
My Act 6 100% Review. It's pretty long.

RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,900 ★★★★★
Warning: Unnecessarily long, overblown and long-winded wall of text ahead. If you don’t like that kind of thing...uh...Act 6 bad. Mostly.

With the recent announcement that the devs are going to be reviewing Act 6, and my recent 100% of said content, I thought it would be worth taking a look back at the unmitigated disaster that was most of Act 6. For context, I beat every chapter except 6.2 the day it released. I have a pretty large roster, but not for most of 6.1 or 2. I am in a Map 5 alliance that lands Plat 3 or 4. I grind an extensive amount of arena.

Act 6 Chapter 1

I think it’s probably worth discussing the 5 and 6 star requirement first, as that is the first major issue with Act 6. Really this should have been an early warning sign for the rest of Act 6. The justification we received for this decision was that it was to stop players frustration about being too weak. I think it had the opposite effect of what was intended. I agree that 4 stars probably wouldn’t have been viable in Act 6, but synergies are the main issue here. I ran the whole of 6.1 and 2 without a 5* Wasp. Not because my account wasn’t progressed enough, but because I wasn’t lucky enough. There is plenty of people stuck at Sinister because they don’t have a 5* Heimdall. Punishing players for something they have no control over is much more frustrating than not being strong enough. That you know is on you, and you will get better. There is no guarantee you will get a Sinister counter.

This needs to be removed. Period. It offers no benefit and simply puts players off progressing.

As for 6.1 itself, I think for the most part it’s fair. There are a couple of fights such as the poison, 1% regen red hulk that should be looked at, but I think it provides an adequately appropriate challenge. The global nodes are well designed for the most part. No retreat on certain fights in awful and I hate Close Encounters. That feels like too much punishment and not enough benefit. A bit too lopsided.

Obviously the big roadblock to getting cavalier is the 6.1.5 crossbones, which really only takes a bleed immune to counter. I did it day 1 with a R3 Iceman and a 20% boost, so I think it’s a fair fight. Difficult, but it’s not overly specific, unlike we’ll see with the rest of Act 6. The rest of the bosses are okay. The Ultron with EMP mod I’m not a fan of, but I’m not a fan of EMP mod anywhere.

One of the biggest issues I have with 6.1 is the cavalier title. To me, this should have come later in Act 6, at least 6.2. Because we’re all clamouring for a cavalier difficulty of EQ but I worry it’s going to be tuned too low because it’s at the end of 6.1. It makes me worry for its longevity and how long before people are asking for a high difficulty. And cavalier crystals just completely broke the top end of this game. Completely. But their introduction was going to do that anyway, regardless of when they appeared. I guess that’s not really a complaint against 6.1 but the title

Overall, I felt 6.1 was alright. I didn’t think it was overly thrilling content, nor particularly rewarding, but it didn’t feel too punishing either. Apart from the star gate, I don’t think much here needs changing

Act 6 Chapter 2

This is really where the fun begins, as we all know. First of, the gates. Unpopular opinion, I actually liked these up to a certain point. That point being the last 2 quests. In the first 4, they felt like they made you find uncommon counters to fights while having a space for the boss. But you could also bring another champion to deal with any problems that you didn’t have a counter for in that particular class/rarity, and that felt alright. But in the last 2 quests, if you didn’t have a counter for the boss in that class then you had no spots in your team left for counters to specific fights. The Punisher in 6.2.5 comes to mind. I had to bring sym supreme for the boss so I couldn’t bring Ghost to avoid the ridiculous block damage. I ended up using Omega and revives. That’s not fun content. That’s overly restrictive and frustrating. I think 6.2.5 was the worst for these gates, the gated paths in 6.2.6 weren’t the worst, especially the 6* one. So yeah, that’s my piece on the gates. Good in moderation, but overused and overblown towards the end. Don’t kill me.

The global nodes in this chapter were...mixed. Icarus and Backblast are great nodes and I loved them. The perfect combination of rewarding counterplay and punishing unpreparedness. Lifecycle is alright. Difficult on certain defenders and nodes but in and of itself I don’t think is too much of an issue. Destructive Feedback felt nice and skill bassed which I liked.

However, I despise Do not go gentle. It’s just not fun. I liked how they rewarded intercepts but this node in combination with some of the already overtuned paths in this quest is downright diabolical. Glad there is no global in the last quest.

Now onto some of the problem fights. And there is a few.

First up, Mr Sinister. Honestly, removing EMP mod would make this fight so much better. It feels way too punishing with Caustic temper. Pretty much unavoidable damage. Remove that and I think this fight, while still pretty restrictive and difficult, wouldn’t feel BS. Obviously there are a few counters, but this can still be a pretty big roadblock. I don’t really know how you would change this fight to make it less restrictive, but replacing Caustic Temper with Buffed Up might be better. Might.

Next on the chopping block is the Mordo in 6.2.5. The fight in and of itself is bearable. What I absolutely despise is Strength in Numbers. I’ve heard arguments that this encourages perfect play. Maybe that’s true. But to me, it felt like a revive fiesta in combination with the paths in this quest. I would like it a lot better if it gave the player some benefit like +50% attack and Ability Accuracy if all your team members are alive. Also, special delivery and Hurt Locker. That’s nasty. Fine, but nasty.

There are a million fights I could complain about in 6.2.5, from the 1% regen Electro to the Vigor, 200% power gain, Limber Punisher. But I think if Act 6 is being reviewed, this quest needs a serious look taken at it. Because so many of the fights just aren’t fun, nor interesting.
Finally, 6.2.6. Most of the paths in here are ok, apart from Do You Bleed? Jesus, this path was beyond painful. I just took my R4 Corvus in (incidentally the only place I used him in the entirety of Act 6) and hit their block. I’m ok with a champion like Emma Frost on it, that’s fairly skill-based, same with Killmonger. But Rogue, seriously? That’s just mean. I didn’t really have a problem with any of the other paths, in fact, I liked the 6* gated path. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the gate, but at least it ridiculously easy.

I also liked the fact there was an ‘easy’ path for completion and the linked node setup was fairly interesting. Although, having to fight an Iceman while taking the Skill path is brutal. I don’t think there are any coldsnap immune skill champs, so unless you have a stealth spidey and are confident using him kill the Champion, enjoy using your Blade to mitigate some of that damage.

Finally, The Champion.

Boy, where to begin. First off, it’s not as bad as everyone says if you practice. Is it fairly restrictive and maybe has too high a skill cap for progressional content? Yeah, probably. But I don’t think you can really blame the restrictiveness, that’s part of The Champion’s base kit. And the last 10% really isn’t too bad if you take the time to practice. It is actually skill-based, which we need more of in this game.

Why do I think it’s hated? Simply put, it’s overly punishing. If you get 4 charges off then die you have essentially wasted your time and resources for 0 progress. People don’t like that. I’ve said it time and time again, making these charges persistent would make this fight much more tolerable.

You know what isn’t tolerable. No Retreat. Screw that. I know it’s skill-based but Jesus, that's the kind of skill cap I would expect in Act 10 or not at all. It’s either eat block damage, eat degen damage or be unbelievably skilled at this game. Or lucky. That’s what I was. He threw it at the right distance 3 times in my umpteenth attempt. I did not feel like I won that fight. I survived it. Burden of Might isn’t super fun either but that’s at least acceptable due to the benefit/consequence dynamic.

Rant on The Champion over. Let’s move onto 6.3.

Act 6 Chapter 3

First off, attack values. Tone them down. Please. I quite like blocking a combo and having some health left.

Initial completion of this chapter is fine, I did it in about 800 units on Day 1. No stupid Sinister’s or Champions to roadblock you. Except from maybe Medusa, who I’m not a massive fan of. The boost system was...interesting. Basically a pseudo gate, but I did have fun with the Cosmic one in 6.3.5. It did create a few problems though, which I’ll address later.

Or right now actually. The Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop path in 6.3.1. Creating a boost to help mystics then putting a Human Torch on the path, and an Aspect of War Omega Red. More difficult than any 6.3 bosses. As someone who had no other counters, this path was hell and the boost was supposed to cover that issue. So putting a champ that counters almost all the champs that can use that boost is nasty. Claire and luck was my best answer for that Torch

Also, the stun path in 6.3.2, the boost is required. Unless you are solely running Emma Frost, I think this path is unbeatable without the boost. Which we were told they wouldn’t be. Finally, the cramping path in 6.3.5’s boost was not good. I ended up using the live intel boost. I hate cramping to begin with, but at least give us a proper solution.

Now for the elephant in the room. Acid Wash Mysterio. For anyone that isn’t aware, this fight has 2 true counters. King Groot and Man-Thing. Not exactly inspiring options. And I had neither. 6* R1 Proxima to the resume. Sort of. It was still awful. At least put toxican, toxican’t on it so we can at least use Spiderman characters. But it’s simply a symptom of a wider problem in 6.3.

90% less damage unless ‘X’ is true. God these nodes are so creatively bankrupt it hurts. And as you’ll see in 6.4, Kabam really got desperate with them. They just make the content boring, and overly restrictive. The heartbreaking thing is that they have consistently tried to fix these nodes. Taking to 75% penalty, X% bonus, adding a node like Got A Light?. And the issue is, the benefit never feels good enough for the punishment or it removes the node altogether. I mean, come on. There is no point having Pleasure to Burn with Got A Light? It makes Pleasure to Burn pointless. I’m not complaining, it made the path really simple, it just felt like a wasted opportunity.

Onto a more positive note, this chapter was a big step up from 6.2 and had some enjoyable bits in it. Out of the bosses, Mysterio was the only boss I didn’t like, and that was mainly due to the Toxic Behaviour node as it mainly put your life into the hands of the AI when using counters like Fury or Torch. CAIW with surging vengeance is maybe a bit much. But as long as you have a duped Ronan you’re good. I didn’t, so it was Ghost and Hood all the way for me.

But I tolerated a lot of the paths in 6.3. As I mentioned earlier, I enjoyed the Caustic Temper path in 6.3.5 with the boost, although having only 2 or 3 champions that can actually do it I’m not so sure on. But without further ado, let’s move onto 6.4, which is a lot more positive.

Act 6 Chapter 4

This chapter is some of the best content in the game. For the most part, it was engaging, fun and it has the Grandmaster, which is the best fight in the game bar none. I also gained units going through this chapter for completion on Day 1, so that was very nice.

The miniboss idea was nice and it worked. Unlike gates and boosts, this worked. Most of the paths in 6.4 weren’t so roster specific for the most part, so it felt like that allowed the miniboss to challenge your roster and think about how you are countering it in a different way. For example, the Clapback, Do You Bleed? Gwenpool in 6.4.1. If you bring in Fury, you’ll get wrecked, bring in Warlock, you’ll be fine. Apart from Soft Guard, that was not a good move. But it’s just an example.

Some worked, some definitely didn’t (Looking at you Gimme, Spectre Venom the Duck). But as a concept, it was a success I feel.

And the bosses were all pretty good! Apart from Darkhawk, I do not like that fight but ⅙ isn’t a bad ratio for how these things usually go.

Apart from That’s Gonna Sting and Special Connoisseur, the paths felt pretty fair for the most part. Once again, attack values are too high, way too high. Don’t like the Gimme path, but that’s mainly due to that freaking Venom the Duck.I think the 4th quest is actually the most difficult in terms of paths, and the Energy Absorption: Ice plus DissTrack path is honestly pretty restrictive. Havok, Medusa and Silver Surfer are all great options, but outside of them, I couldn’t think of any others, which isn’t a good look for a path.

Also, 18k T2A per path. Yes please. Sort of. I’m still trying to get T2A out of my overflow.

Finally, The Grandmaster. I already made a really long comment on his feedback thread so go read that if you're interested. I'm lazy and it urns out there is a word limit on these posts. Who knew?


Finally, closing thoughts and rewards.

The rewards are pretty much meh. The chapter rewards are underwhelming apart from 6.4. And so much of the overall rewards are based on RNG. That’s not nice. I know this is an RNG game, but come on, for something like this there should be as little RNG as possible. I’m lucky I got a skill T5CC for my Killmonger or I would have gotten nothing useful from those rewards. Well, besides the T5B and T2A, their amounts were really good, and the 1->2 6* gems would be great if I had anyone useful to use them on.

I got trash from my crystals. My 6* Nexus gave me the option of Iron Man, Nightcrawler Dupe, or Beast Dupe. I went with Iron Man because I’m an arena grinder and he was new. It felt really bad.

Anyway, overall ¾ of Act 6 is a cesspit of unmitigated disasters. From the first announcement to the final boss of 6.3. I feel confident saying it is the worst content in the game. It had its good moments, but they were moments. 6.4 was a major, major improvement. But I think what sums up Act 6 best for me is this is a game. It’s meant to be fun. We are supposed to enjoy clearing difficult content.

I hated 60% of Act 6. That isn’t fun to me. And Act 7 wasn’t looking any better, in fact, I think I would have taken 6.2 over it any day. So, developers. When you review Act 6 and Act 7, keep fun in mind. Look at 6.4. Look at Variants. Talk to us. I love the fact there is a Grandmaster feedback thread. Because that fight design is what we need more of.

AQ, AW and EQ were already burning me out. Act 6 100% has brought me to the edge of quitting. I’m pinning my hopes on the roadmap to reinvigorate my interest. So while this review has been unreasonably long, I hope it provides good feedback for you Kabam and gives players preparing for or completing Act 6 some insight into their future in this game, and whether you want to have a probably more frustrating experience.

Act 6 needs to change.

Thanks for reading. If you made it this far.


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    TheMightyJonTheMightyJon Posts: 52
    Great write up, I completely agree and hope they take some of this feedback onboard.
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    Well explained roadmap. I lost interest in act6 and put my efforts into exploring abyss instead.
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    Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Posts: 2,439 ★★★★★
    @Rockypantherx, I personally did an initial completion of Act 6 a couple of days ago and I can feel that "lack of fun" statement so much. After my initial completion I've been running through and 100%ing quests trying to do it as itemless as I can and it just feels so boring. Clearing stuff is fun but there is just this lack of thinking how fun the content is. It's basically "ok, another path done so I can get a dupe on my 6* Cap Marvel Classic" (which I got from my Act 6 rewards.) I've been trying my best to have fun in the game so I've taken up my 6* Morningstar to rank 2 out of sole enjoyment. Even when I use her in content (and I love her so much) it just doesn't even feel enjoyable. I also hate when my friends can't move past certain road blocks and they just can't progress onto more content they could easily do (friend is stuck at 6.2 Sinister). I really hope Kabam takes the feedback of the community seriously as I am also continually pondering the thought of quitting. I love this game and I really don't want to leave it so I hope Kabam does their best to fix these type of problems.
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    Air98Air98 Posts: 81 ★★
    I agree, a lot of this seems like common sense stuff, why does the community see this but Kabam doesn't...
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    Horror_punkHorror_punk Posts: 1,053 ★★★★
    I read each and every line and believe me that’s what i too feel about act 6.
    A very big roster is needed and that too at high rank.
    MUNASH on YouTube helped me a lot in clearing this (he made the paths looks so easy with his skills but believe me not everyone plays on his skill level and he too uses QUAKE to survive many fights)
    Basically the journey for a F2P player in Act6 is pretty intense.
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    Amadeo01Amadeo01 Posts: 212 ★★★
    Great breakdown. For me, the one fight I would mention in 6.1 that was kind of a preview of what 6.2-6.4 would be like was the Symbiote Supreme on Buffed Up/Pilfer Node. They seem to have taken that kind of thinking and applied it when they made those can't stop won't stop + HT and do you bleed + rogue type fights.
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    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,900 ★★★★★
    Amadeo01 said:

    Great breakdown. For me, the one fight I would mention in 6.1 that was kind of a preview of what 6.2-6.4 would be like was the Symbiote Supreme on Buffed Up/Pilfer Node. They seem to have taken that kind of thinking and applied it when they made those can't stop won't stop + HT and do you bleed + rogue type fights.

    Oh geez yeah I forgot about that one. That was a horrible fight

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    OctoberstackOctoberstack Posts: 872 ★★★★
    Great write up and personal insights, enjoyed reading it. We definitely need more constructive posts of a similar vein, hopefully your feedback will get put to good use.
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    Mcord11758Mcord11758 Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    I agree with many of the points you made. I have not fully explored yet, sitting at 75%. I have actually enjoyed a decent portion of act 6 that I have played. I have 6.1 and 6.3 explored. Working on 6.4 here and there. Forget about 6.2. For me I just don’t have the will to grind out resources anymore. I just can’t bring myself to play arena or hunt for revives. For me, I will not buy units to force my way through and the rewards do not entice me to commit to the grind. Act 6 to me, is just not worth it
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    TP33TP33 Posts: 1,601 ★★★★
    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)
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    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,900 ★★★★★
    TP33 said:

    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)

    Sinister in 6.2 has Caustic temper which means each time you hit him he has a 50% chance to apply a large poison to you. So you need a poison immune. Additionally in the node, you do 90% less damage unless you have a Fury buff

    So you need someone who is poison immune and either has a Fury buff or you need Heimdall/Hela. Quake can also do it with Heimdall.

    Then there is EMP mod on top of Sinisters regular mechanics

    That’s why🙂.

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    Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Posts: 380 ★★★
    TP33 said:

    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)

    It's because of Caustic Temper. You need a champ that's poison immune as well as a fury buff. So out of the champs you listed, it could only be done with Hulk and CMM. The node also has EMP mod so the PERFECT counter would be shock immune, poison immune, and have fury buffs. There is currently ZERO champs in the game that contain this mix of utility. That's why the fight is poorly designed. If Kabam had just one tester that they employ that knows how to play the game and understand the champions, this fight would have never reached the live servers. Unfortunately Kabam doesn't employ any one or multiple testers that play and understand their own game.

    Great post by the OP!
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    JDunk2291JDunk2291 Posts: 464 ★★
    Kabam wanted act 6 feedback...they should really read this
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    MasterpuffMasterpuff Posts: 6,466 ★★★★★
    Awesome breakdown. I totally agree with what you said here- 6.1 was reasonable, 6.2 sucked mostly, 6.3 was kinda fun but had a lot of niche paths. The bosses were fun though. And 6.4 I actually thoroughly enjoyed- and grandmaster is hands down the best fight in the game. So fun. And 100% skill based.
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    RiderofHellRiderofHell Posts: 4,410 ★★★★★
    Apparently they didnt learn their lesson from Act 4 which was also freaking long yet they decided hey Act 5 wasnt long so we gave them a break now lets bring it back
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    Strikerrx8Strikerrx8 Posts: 1,090 ★★★
    Any tips on beating that's going to sting n special cornesious
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    gage201205gage201205 Posts: 574 ★★★
    edited June 2020
    Gregdagr8 said:

    TP33 said:

    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)

    It's because of Caustic Temper. You need a champ that's poison immune as well as a fury buff. So out of the champs you listed, it could only be done with Hulk and CMM. The node also has EMP mod so the PERFECT counter would be shock immune, poison immune, and have fury buffs. There is currently ZERO champs in the game that contain this mix of utility. That's why the fight is poorly designed. If Kabam had just one tester that they employ that knows how to play the game and understand the champions, this fight would have never reached the live servers. Unfortunately Kabam doesn't employ any one or multiple testers that play and understand their own game.

    Great post by the OP!
    Not true I did it with Capt America IW with skill champ and a tech champ to remove debuffs and reduce healing just heavy parry to keep the charges up.. It's a perfect counter but not many have a Capt America IW maxed out
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    Player1994Player1994 Posts: 793 ★★★
    6.3 is the worst and they kept saying they're going to look at it but it's been a year more or less and nothing have been done to stupid counter that are obvious to twik .. i don't believe they want to change a thing as they intended to make the act a trash content to do with units.
    the same in wars with the flow node .. where's the balance they keep speaking about when every alliance use the same global node for 2 seasons now ..

    why do our charachters get nerfed for the argument of balance if they do this . and why we fight 10 champions per path that have 300k Hp .
    why do you put a full line of oppennents with 15k attk
    why block profiency is even an aspect in the game anymore when you would eat 2k+ per hit in block
    why is the rewards sooo meh for difficulty
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    X_ScottX_Scott Posts: 732 ★★★

    Gregdagr8 said:

    TP33 said:

    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)

    It's because of Caustic Temper. You need a champ that's poison immune as well as a fury buff. So out of the champs you listed, it could only be done with Hulk and CMM. The node also has EMP mod so the PERFECT counter would be shock immune, poison immune, and have fury buffs. There is currently ZERO champs in the game that contain this mix of utility. That's why the fight is poorly designed. If Kabam had just one tester that they employ that knows how to play the game and understand the champions, this fight would have never reached the live servers. Unfortunately Kabam doesn't employ any one or multiple testers that play and understand their own game.

    Great post by the OP!
    Not true I did it with Capt America IW with skill champ and a tech champ to remove debuffs and reduce healing just heavy parry to keep the charges up.. It's a perfect counter but not many have a Capt America IW maxed out
    Did you use Heimdall synergy? Otherwise, I don't think that would work very well
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    007md92007md92 Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    This post is too long. #lockdown

    Sincerely, deadpool
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    Vedant_MehtaVedant_Mehta Posts: 95
    X_Scott said:

    Gregdagr8 said:

    TP33 said:

    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)

    It's because of Caustic Temper. You need a champ that's poison immune as well as a fury buff. So out of the champs you listed, it could only be done with Hulk and CMM. The node also has EMP mod so the PERFECT counter would be shock immune, poison immune, and have fury buffs. There is currently ZERO champs in the game that contain this mix of utility. That's why the fight is poorly designed. If Kabam had just one tester that they employ that knows how to play the game and understand the champions, this fight would have never reached the live servers. Unfortunately Kabam doesn't employ any one or multiple testers that play and understand their own game.

    Great post by the OP!
    Not true I did it with Capt America IW with skill champ and a tech champ to remove debuffs and reduce healing just heavy parry to keep the charges up.. It's a perfect counter but not many have a Capt America IW maxed out
    Did you use Heimdall synergy? Otherwise, I don't think that would work very well
    With the Heimdall synergy that works really well bc you can build up your kinetic charges easily by parrying Mr Sinister's sp1 which is quite easy
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    Tomtom1979Tomtom1979 Posts: 15
    Great write up, and underlines why I'll just keep my single completion runs of 6.2-6.4 and forget about full exploration. I'm all for a challenge but there's a fine balance between a fun challenge & a boring & frustrating one.
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    gage201205gage201205 Posts: 574 ★★★
    X_Scott said:

    Gregdagr8 said:

    TP33 said:

    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)

    It's because of Caustic Temper. You need a champ that's poison immune as well as a fury buff. So out of the champs you listed, it could only be done with Hulk and CMM. The node also has EMP mod so the PERFECT counter would be shock immune, poison immune, and have fury buffs. There is currently ZERO champs in the game that contain this mix of utility. That's why the fight is poorly designed. If Kabam had just one tester that they employ that knows how to play the game and understand the champions, this fight would have never reached the live servers. Unfortunately Kabam doesn't employ any one or multiple testers that play and understand their own game.

    Great post by the OP!
    Not true I did it with Capt America IW with skill champ and a tech champ to remove debuffs and reduce healing just heavy parry to keep the charges up.. It's a perfect counter but not many have a Capt America IW maxed out
    Did you use Heimdall synergy? Otherwise, I don't think that would work very well
    I must have it was when 6.2 came out videos of one shots all over YouTube
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    RockypantherxRockypantherx Posts: 3,900 ★★★★★

    Any tips on beating that's going to sting n special cornesious

    Honestly I used Omega and Void. Passive damage like voids debuffs and omegas spores seem to do normal damage, as do SP3’s on That’s Gonna Sting. If you have a Mr Fantastic he has a great synergy for Thats gonna sting, and Cap IW can give all mutants a prowess

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    Monk1Monk1 Posts: 745 ★★★★
    Great feedback overall.. I would agree that the 6.2.5 gated paths and mordo boss is some of the worst content ever developed.

    I kind of liked some of the fights u mentioned.. the 1% regen hulk was fun with aegon.. took 500 hits but good to practice a perfect fight and then reap benefits of having a 650 combo on xbones and destroying him. That’s Sinster without the hemidall synergy is joke - although now a few more options like warlock and ultron etc

    Would mainly disagree with attack values being to high. Act 6 is end end game content.. if people can’t evade and intercept and need to rely on block they should be punished.

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    Monk1Monk1 Posts: 745 ★★★★

    Any tips on beating that's going to sting n special cornesious

    Honestly I used Omega and Void. Passive damage like voids debuffs and omegas spores seem to do normal damage, as do SP3’s on That’s Gonna Sting. If you have a Mr Fantastic he has a great synergy for Thats gonna sting, and Cap IW can give all mutants a prowess

    Quake is best
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    Anurag1606Anurag1606 Posts: 1,174 ★★★

    Gregdagr8 said:

    TP33 said:

    The thing with act 6 is there’s a recurring theme of ‘just remove this one node/champion’, like in 6.1 remove Biohazard from Xbones or EMP mid from Ultron. In 6.2 remove the emp mod on Sinister, the whole gate system and no retreat from the champion. In 6.3 remove the acid wash from Mysterio or as you said, add in Toxicant Toxican. Finally in 6.4 reduce the opponents attack by 80% for the love of god. After that I think the content should be easy enough. (Also can somebody explain why Sinister in 6.2 is so bad, from what I’ve heard you just need a fury buff which tons of champions have, NF, Angela, Hela, Silver surfer, sym supreme, Mordo, Hulk, CMM and loads more.)

    It's because of Caustic Temper. You need a champ that's poison immune as well as a fury buff. So out of the champs you listed, it could only be done with Hulk and CMM. The node also has EMP mod so the PERFECT counter would be shock immune, poison immune, and have fury buffs. There is currently ZERO champs in the game that contain this mix of utility. That's why the fight is poorly designed. If Kabam had just one tester that they employ that knows how to play the game and understand the champions, this fight would have never reached the live servers. Unfortunately Kabam doesn't employ any one or multiple testers that play and understand their own game.

    Great post by the OP!
    Not true I did it with Capt America IW with skill champ and a tech champ to remove debuffs and reduce healing just heavy parry to keep the charges up.. It's a perfect counter but not many have a Capt America IW maxed out
    I did with cap iw (max Sig r5) too. I used cap+tech (g99 ramped up) +aegon and Heimdall+Angela. What you are saying is half true regarding skill synergy which is more important. You do really need fury buff from Heimdall Angela. I took down about 75% with cap and rest with ramped up g99.
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