If they Nerf the Sinister/Champion fight will those who already completed that content be thrown a



  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Knation said:

    tkhan08 said:

    To be honest, no one forced me to 100% act 6 or any who has. We did it because we wanted to. If Kabam, dialed down The Champion fight or any other in act 6, I don't need a compensation.

    Asking for compensation doesn't make any sense for those who have already done it.

    Alright and I guess the people who have done abyss 100% shouldn’t get the updated rewards as well
    That’s basically what everyone seems to be saying, if they reduce the difficulty significantly a solid comp (not revives that will expire) should be a given imo, no fights and arguments for it, no need for the entire YouTube community to rally it, it should just be given to us
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Knation said:

    tkhan08 said:

    To be honest, no one forced me to 100% act 6 or any who has. We did it because we wanted to. If Kabam, dialed down The Champion fight or any other in act 6, I don't need a compensation.

    Asking for compensation doesn't make any sense for those who have already done it.

    Alright and I guess the people who have done abyss 100% shouldn’t get the updated rewards as well
    I dont think this is the same.
    If they make things easier for other ppl thats one thing if they dont compensate ppl for it. Having the rewards earlier can be a hugh advantage. If you look at R3s for prestige in AQ or raw power in AW having them earlier still makes sense.

    If they buff rewards after the content is doable everyone should 100% get them.

    Bc otherwise ppl might have a long term adavantage over those who finisher earlier.

    Just think about if they add 1 T5CC selector to 100% AoL rewards.

    I have done the sinister chap in 6.2 100%.
    I dont need compensations for that.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    If they nerf the Sinister/Champion fight those who already completed that content be thrown a Bone

    Especially those who used the bugged BWCV and MS against the Champion are being thrown a bigger bone 🤣
    What are you talking about man? These fights are bad for the game and need to change no matter if they compensate for the changes (which they should) or not.

  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Probably like 3-10 revives and a couple pots
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    Didn’t they already do something for the Sinister fight though?😂😅

    No, it’s never been changed. The global node was fixed and that’s it
    Caustic Temper was fixed that was good enough imo lol there’s enough counters these days to get through it if not in one shot 2-3 anyway.
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  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    I recently did sinister and the champion fight it was not easy and sure as hell don't wish that for anybody going in there. So I don't care about compensation just tune the fight down so everyone can enjoy Act 6. It's a game not a race let's all have fun together.
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Greekhit said:

    If they nerf the Sinister/Champion fight those who already completed that content be thrown a Bone

    Especially those who used the bugged BWCV and MS against the Champion are being thrown a bigger bone 🤣
    What are you talking about man? These fights are bad for the game and need to change no matter if they compensate for the changes (which they should) or not.

    What are you talking about ? Nobody asked about whether they should be changed or not. Reading is ur friend
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    For me if they're not giving back units first and foremost, not revives but units, 6 star sig stones (generic), or t5 cc then I really don't want any compensation because no amount of small gesture can amount to the stress of the Champion for me personally.

    If they don't compensate it right than I don't really need it. I would just look at it as a win for the playerbase.
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  • HeattblasttHeattblastt Member Posts: 254 ★★
    Seraphion said:


    Actually your last point is quite true. If you know something does not work right, but you do it anyway. Because you want to complete the content with that champ that is not working correctly. it is your choice to do so. You could also wait a bit and see if they reply to there being a problem, and doing the fight after.

    Compensation for things like 12.0 and ongoing lag etc. is logical. For things that were hard, and need to be toned down not so much. Because you choose to do the hard stuff.

    I am working on 6.4 right now. Knowing very well there might be a rework in the not so distant future. I can anticipate on that, but still choose to complete it as it is now. Just for bragging rights of completing the hard version. If the change/nerf or whatever comes. I do not NEED any compensation. I`d just be happy for the people who try it afterwards for the easier time they have. Because of either waiting or simply due to slower/later progression.

    @Giuliameij , talking about your first paragraph..how long should I have to wait?? Act 6.2 was released in june2019 which means one year ago. They never changed and they are changing it only because their have been a huge uproar against them. This does not mean that we should keep waiting for content to be torned down. Take instance of act5 and lol and many others which have never been torned down so their is no point on waiting. And moreover its not like that I chose to do harder content... It was never told to me that content will be torned down in this way.

    Again for your second para, as I said it was never told that act6 will be torned down in this way. I would have not done it if that had been the case.

    Coming to your third para, I respect your thinking and u are totally okay to do harder content even if u know that it is going to be torned down and u even don't need to claim any compensation if they ever send it. But I am a different person than u and I am asking compensation for myself and those who think they had spent a lot of revives in completing that unfair content.
  • HeattblasttHeattblastt Member Posts: 254 ★★
    Seraphion said:

    Bc otherwise ppl might have a long term adavantage over those who finisher earlier.

    @Seraphion , tell me can I use this line of yours to say that people who complete early are on a disadvantage because they had to spend more units in completing it.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Knation said:

    Seraphion said:

    Knation said:

    tkhan08 said:

    To be honest, no one forced me to 100% act 6 or any who has. We did it because we wanted to. If Kabam, dialed down The Champion fight or any other in act 6, I don't need a compensation.

    Asking for compensation doesn't make any sense for those who have already done it.

    Alright and I guess the people who have done abyss 100% shouldn’t get the updated rewards as well
    I dont think this is the same.
    If they make things easier for other ppl thats one thing if they dont compensate ppl for it. Having the rewards earlier can be a hugh advantage. If you look at R3s for prestige in AQ or raw power in AW having them earlier still makes sense.

    If they buff rewards after the content is doable everyone should 100% get them.

    Bc otherwise ppl might have a long term adavantage over those who finisher earlier.

    Just think about if they add 1 T5CC selector to 100% AoL rewards.

    I have done the sinister chap in 6.2 100%.
    I dont need compensations for that.
    If they nerf act 6 that units that I would have saved could have gone to abyss 100% so yes compensation is needed
    Its not like I wouldnt take 500 units for free.

    I just think its diffrent if they fix something like CMM in AoL bc it was bugged or if they turn down some hard content to make more ppl play it bc they understand that they went a bit too hard. If you had the right champs and perfect skill The Champion and Sinister arent that big of a problem.

    I for example had the perfect counter vs Sinister with CMM so I explored that chap with minimal item use.

    I can understand why you want to be compensated for it tho.
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  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Seraphion said:

    Bc otherwise ppl might have a long term adavantage over those who finisher earlier.

    @Seraphion , tell me can I use this line of yours to say that people who complete early are on a disadvantage because they had to spend more units in completing it.
    Think about it.
    If you buff rewards for 100% AoL and dont give it to the guys who did it would be crazy. That would break the game bc everyone would be "scared" to do content when its released or even within a few months. If you do that you will have a dead game very fast.
  • edited June 2020
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  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    Knation said:

    tkhan08 said:

    To be honest, no one forced me to 100% act 6 or any who has. We did it because we wanted to. If Kabam, dialed down The Champion fight or any other in act 6, I don't need a compensation.

    Asking for compensation doesn't make any sense for those who have already done it.

    Alright and I guess the people who have done abyss 100% shouldn’t get the updated rewards as well
    They have a history for that as well. Act 4 added 4* crystal. We received that.

    In short between my two posts both have already occurred in the game. Nerfing a fight has awarded nothing to those that have done it unless a bug. Change of rewards were always given out. In fact that was bugged and some got it twice.

    Agree or not I don't see them changing their already established precedent.
  • X_ScottX_Scott Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    I don't care about compensation, just:
    1. Make it easier for new summoners
    2. Stop making these stupid fights in the first place
    There are lots of parts in Act 6 that are trash and need to be altered (looking at YOU acid wash Mysterio). People are tired of the old kabam design of "let's make it so only 2 chanps are viable, that'll be fun". It's going to kill this game eventually.
  • Cowboyschamploo1Cowboyschamploo1 Member Posts: 414 ★★★

    I got him a couple of days ago, guess I'll wait for the nerf to explore lol
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★★
    I finished exploring act 6 yesterday, and if they decide to change a number of fights/paths then great. I’m not expecting compensation when I knew the content was extremely difficult and I chose to do it regardless. Do I think it would be a nice gesture to let players recoup some of their units back? Absolutely. But don’t expect it or believe I’m owed it.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★

    Didn’t they already do something for the Sinister fight though?😂😅

    They fixed his healing after initial release. He would heal from damage done on crits before the damage reduction from caustic temper.
    Ex your crit should do 1000 hp but node caused it reduced to 100. Sinister would heal 70% of the 1000, 700. So if you ever crit without the fury you basically just let him heal up the damage you already did.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Where was the announcement about then toning down 6.2?
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★

    Where was the announcement about then toning down 6.2?

    It wasn't an official announcement. Kabam Miike said they're looking at the champion boss fight in a response to another post.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Maybe. Most likely it would be time based with how close to the change you completed the fight. If you completed it a year ago then most likely no as you benefited from what those rewards were worth at that time for that difficulty. If you did it yesterday most likely yes because you didn’t get that benefit. Value of rewards reduced over time.

    Truth is these fights and the game need to be altered based off the feedback we have been giving. While I know it’s natural to think “what about me” “It was harder when I did it” we as a community need to also understand that in order to fix the game some stuff may not be able to be “fair”.

    This doesn’t mean that compensation shouldn’t be considered but far to often I feel like we are stuck in the they need to fix this but if they do it’s not “fair”. Also that it has to be “fair” for everyone. Realistically this is not possible because do to little you attacked for shorting people and do to much to you are attacked because you gave away a lot and those that didn’t get are upset.

    This result is nothing getting fixed in order to be “fair” or really most likely why the ninja fixes occur. We are so ready with the pitchforks that it’s impossible to actually land on just right with these types of fundamental changes to the game. Maybe just maybe the world isn’t and can’t be fair.

    Also I really want to see that roadmap. I care less about returns from changed fights that I have completed and more that this game is more enjoyable to play going forward for a long time and future rewards and growth are better calibrated to be meaningful to the player.
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