Rebalance Silversurfer

This champ really need a rebalance the champ like him with amazing graphics and highest on prestige but his demage output is literally low and he must be atleast immune to bleed so please kabam look after him he is your best design and the most hyped Campion of 2019


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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    This champ really need a rebalance the champ like him with amazing graphics and highest on prestige but his demage output is literally low and he must be atleast immune to bleed so please kabam look after him he is your best design and the most hyped Campion of 2019

    Why does he need a revamp and how? You need to lay out the groundwork if u want a change.
    Exactly. OP's the type of person who asks for a rework and then complains about the rework after because it's not "good enough". Well girl, you need to tell Kabam how you want SS to function. Not just say "you need to do this".
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    he doesn’t need it. Plenty of people like him, including @lowlevelplayer (though I don’t know if he can comment)
  • edited June 2020
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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I personally don't think OP's post delivers quite enough constructive input, but you guys apparently didn't even read their post.

    At least be fair enough to do that.

    OP mentioned the low damage output and the lack of immunities as two problems with obvious solutions as a groundwork for a rework.

    Really no need to jump on them by misrepresenting what they said.

    Yes, but how would you increase the damage input? Points to OP for the specification of immunities, but what else?
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  • Blackmagic05Blackmagic05 Member Posts: 17

    This champ really need a rebalance the champ like him with amazing graphics and highest on prestige but his demage output is literally low and he must be atleast immune to bleed so please kabam look after him he is your best design and the most hyped Campion of 2019

    He didn't ever need a rework. He plays differently. He was a fun champ to make. Ever champ doesn't need to be corvus glave or hype. The furys help the damage.
    I'm not saying make him corvas, nick , or aegon but some kind of rebalance can make him actually a better champion with some immunities and demage output
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  • edited June 2020
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  • Blackmagic05Blackmagic05 Member Posts: 17

    I personally don't think OP's post delivers quite enough constructive input, but you guys apparently didn't even read their post.

    At least be fair enough to do that.

    OP mentioned the low damage output and the lack of immunities as two problems with obvious solutions as a groundwork for a rework.

    Really no need to jump on them by misrepresenting what they said.

    Yes, but how would you increase the damage input? Points to OP for the specification of immunities, but what else?
    You can't improve the damage. There are enough double immunities. This is stupid, Oh every champ has to be warlock but more damage just because.
    I think you really hate that champ!
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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I personally don't think OP's post delivers quite enough constructive input, but you guys apparently didn't even read their post.

    At least be fair enough to do that.

    OP mentioned the low damage output and the lack of immunities as two problems with obvious solutions as a groundwork for a rework.

    Really no need to jump on them by misrepresenting what they said.

    Yes, but how would you increase the damage input? Points to OP for the specification of immunities, but what else?
    That's a better spot for your goalpost. Rather have it start there and don't move it away next time.
    Hmm...still think my first comment holds. A single phrase doesn't do it for me.

    And as for you? Looks like you're surrounded by those "goalposts". Sorry, I don't take advice from an untrustworthy source. That's what they taught me in Middle School.
  • Blackmagic05Blackmagic05 Member Posts: 17

    I personally don't think OP's post delivers quite enough constructive input, but you guys apparently didn't even read their post.

    At least be fair enough to do that.

    OP mentioned the low damage output and the lack of immunities as two problems with obvious solutions as a groundwork for a rework.

    Really no need to jump on them by misrepresenting what they said.

    Yes, but how would you increase the damage input? Points to OP for the specification of immunities, but what else?
    You can't improve the damage. There are enough double immunities. This is stupid, Oh every champ has to be warlock but more damage just because.
    I think you really hate that champ!
    No I love warlock. Silver Surfer doesn't need it. He is already on the edge of a God tier but just needs a bit more damage to get there. Every champ doesn't need to be that good.
    As you mentioned he needs more demage that's what I'm talking a bit rebalance can make him god tier then why not bro? "I love warlock too"
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I personally don't think OP's post delivers quite enough constructive input, but you guys apparently didn't even read their post.

    At least be fair enough to do that.

    OP mentioned the low damage output and the lack of immunities as two problems with obvious solutions as a groundwork for a rework.

    Really no need to jump on them by misrepresenting what they said.

    Yes, but how would you increase the damage input? Points to OP for the specification of immunities, but what else?
    You can't improve the damage. There are enough double immunities. This is stupid, Oh every champ has to be warlock but more damage just because.
    I think you really hate that champ!
    No I love warlock. Silver Surfer doesn't need it. He is already on the edge of a God tier but just needs a bit more damage to get there. Every champ doesn't need to be that good.
    As you mentioned he needs more demage that's what I'm talking a bit rebalance can make him god tier then why not bro? "I love warlock too"
    BUT HOW?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Silver Surfer is fine as it is and doesn't need any change, for the next couple of years at least.
    There are many more champions that have a worse performance in the game than him, and deserve more attention.

    There is also a category for suggestions, as well as there is one recent thread (created today) for Silver Sufer. You should check and post there before creating an additional duplicated thread on the same subject.
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  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    He needs something done to him whether it’s an increase in energy damage per buff, stronger armor breaks or more utility.

    After playing him at r5 in act 6 there’s no incentive to master his playerstyle if the damage isn’t there. His playstyle was fun, but again he gets boring with his lack of damage. He’s one of the hardest cosmic champions to juggle, but he still feels out damaged within clsss. His vigilance buff is also underwhelming, they should of just made it anti evade and autoblock as well.
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  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    The only real argument for him needing a rework is the amount of work necessary to build him up. If he didn’t need so much to be ramped up then yea I’d say not every champiom needs to be “god tier”, but it’s ridiculous to have designed him the way that they did without the player expecting any real payoff.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I personally don't think OP's post delivers quite enough constructive input, but you guys apparently didn't even read their post.

    At least be fair enough to do that.

    OP mentioned the low damage output and the lack of immunities as two problems with obvious solutions as a groundwork for a rework.

    Really no need to jump on them by misrepresenting what they said.

    Yes, but how would you increase the damage input? Points to OP for the specification of immunities, but what else?
    That's a better spot for your goalpost. Rather have it start there and don't move it away next time.
    Hmm...still think my first comment holds. A single phrase doesn't do it for me.

    And as for you? Looks like you're surrounded by those "goalposts". Sorry, I don't take advice from an untrustworthy source. That's what they taught me in Middle School.
    Your first comment was a characterization of OP based on the negative resonance from the first comment.

    "Exactly. OP's the type of person who asks for a rework and then complains about the rework after because it's not "good enough". Well girl, you need to tell Kabam how you want SS to function. Not just say "you need to do this".

    That comment was ignorant towards what OP actually said, which you admitted in your second comment after being called out for completely ignoring what OP said:

    "Yes, but how would you increase the damage input? Points to OP for the specification of immunities, but what else?"

    So your first goalpost was "make an actual suggestion", while your second goalpost was "yes, but make a more detailed and better suggestion".

    That's what literally happened here in this thread, I don't follow how any of that has anything to do with me being a trustworthy source or not?
    Again, one phrase is not enough. "Bleed immunity" does not cover his damage output capabilities, so my first comment still stands, regardless. I never said he didn't give any suggestions. I simply said that OP needs to tell Kabam how to rework him. So I would argue no, my first goalpost was "be specific, so Kabam knows what you want". My second goalpost was "bleed immunity doesn't apply to damage output". I was just reminding OP that if you don't tell Kabam what you want, you're not going to get it in my first comment. Nowhere in that first comment do you see me calling out OP for not "making suggestions". Sorry, try again.

    And as for you, you might not have caught on, but I was referring to the goalposts around your profile pic.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    I actually don't think he really needs it. He's pretty decent. You have to work the Specials, but he's got good Damage.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    He doesn't need to change, he's not god tier but doesn't need to be just because the anticipation didn't match reality.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★

    he doesn’t need it. Plenty of people like him, including @lowlevelplayer (though I don’t know if he can comment)

    Surfer definitely does not need a buff. He is a very solid, well balanced champion with good damage. With two furies, high sig, and the aptitude buff, his sp2 does 2k+ energy damage on top of the base damage. And thats on a 5/50.
    His armor up buffs make him a half decent havok counter too. He also has high energy resistance and psuedo-immunities to coldsnap, incinerate, and shock.
    The only thing I really wish they would change about him is too make the immunities actual immunities, and not 100% resistance.
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  • KingKevin8KingKevin8 Member Posts: 114 ★★
    Silver Surfer is a decent champion but I understand wanting a bit of a boost to him. I would love him to be buff a little too. The reason so many people are disappointed is because he is a fan favourite character and pretty much everyone loves him in the comics so they want to use him more. However, in his current state he has very little uses in the game (I believe he is a great option for 1 or 2 lanes in act 6). My favourite marvel character is wolverine and I can't use him either which is disappointed and wolverine is the reason I began playing the game.
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