Slow debuff not working properly against 6.2.6 champion boss

So i was doing my initial completion of 6.2.6 and decided to take my 5*r3 she hulk against champion boss to drop his health from 100%-10%.The slow debuff from she hulk was removing unstoppable effect but it was not preventing it from getting activate that's not an issue but the only issue is that in 70%-40% (opening bout) 
phase of champion boss there's one of his ability that if he we hit him while he has an active unstoppable buff we'll get stunned. I used 9 revives but i was not able to beat him in that form. So i don't know if it's a bug or not but i saw it on YouTube and their slow debuffs was preventing unstoppable from getting activate.

phase of champion boss there's one of his ability that if he we hit him while he has an active unstoppable buff we'll get stunned. I used 9 revives but i was not able to beat him in that form. So i don't know if it's a bug or not but i saw it on YouTube and their slow debuffs was preventing unstoppable from getting activate.
The Power Stone Champion in Act 6.2 has an even greater +%chance.
It's a bug, MetalSonicDude explained it in this video
I think neither gaining the buff nor the ability to ignore it’s effects are a bug.
That said, I'm inclined to agree with @CoatHang3r based on the information he posted. If those descriptions are current, it looks like there should be a 25% chance for Unstoppable to trigger even when a slow debuff is applied. Based on my experience, I'd guess that the fight was previously bugged (Unstoppable never triggering when slowed) and it was since fixed. Just a guess on my part.