Will players who have used the AW no defenders issue get some kind of punishment

This is something that like some of my others posts just poped into my head I can see a valid argument for both sides. And also will you guys give the alliances who got screwed over against these alliances some kinda compensation for missing out on rewards due to a cheap tatic?


    This is something that like some of my others posts just poped into my head I can see a valid argument for both sides. And also will you guys give the alliances who got screwed over against these alliances some kinda compensation for missing out on rewards due to a cheap tatic?
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    kabam miike said we're free to choose whether we want to place defenders or not, so the answer is no.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Seeing as there would be no justification in any punishment for players playing within the flawed system, I would expect not.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Why would them?
    Placing no defense was always part of strategy in the past.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Lol, why would they get punished? The parameters for earning points are made by Kabam, the allies losing to no-defense didn't diversify at all and paid for it. As @Voluntaris said:
    Voluntaris wrote: »

  • Ivan4150Ivan4150 Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2017
    You shouldn't be expecting any form of punishment whatsoever. The reason being is that "beta testers" had already gone through this new update for AW, and believed that everything was good to roll out, however, that was the complete opposite after having found out the flaw of the point system (alliances not placing champions to put other alliance at a disadvantage).

    Hopefully that all makes sense. Kabam Miike has already confirmed the closing of AW soon after so much community feedback - just if you were curious.
  • Crazycash_cow3Crazycash_cow3 Member Posts: 11
    where did miike say that? is there a link?
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    yes - they have to play AW!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,989 ★★★★★
    It's technically not against any rules, so there's nothing much to worry about.
  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    Why would they? They were smart, I wish my alliance had done it. It wasn't a bug, it wasn't an exploit, it was strategy allowed by kabams system.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,989 ★★★★★
    Although I am curious to see what changes they will come up with.
  • FthewiggFthewigg Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2017
    Why would they? They were smart, I wish my alliance had done it. It wasn't a bug, it wasn't an exploit, it was strategy allowed by kabams system.

    Oh, but the "exploit" word will most certainly be used to describe this phenomenon. Just you wait and see....

    Not exploits, however, when they had spidey miniboss with evade bug, tons of lag and service disruptions that cost folks health and revives in aq, offered dr strange crystal and awakening gems for purchase just before nerfing the gods to dust, etc, etc.

    Force close was a bug in the system and they certainly deemend that an "exploit". So was alliance swapping, and aq tier back and forth.

    We take advantage of their short sighted or foolish design, we exploit. When they do it, well, it's just bugs they're working hard to fix and they appreciate our patience in the meantime.

    Hypocrisy much?

    I'll take my prison bars now hall monitors
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Yeah, I'm a little confused by your issue here.

    1. Had the alliances facing the no defender placed allies simply followed the scoring rules instead of trying to put in the same old defense as before, they would have won.

    2. How were they "screwed?" How so we know that had the alliance placed defenders that alliance still would not have won?

    3. Why would you screw an alliance that looked at the rules and determined their best defensive strategy was to not place any defenders? Essentially you want to punish people for understanding the rules kabam created. That makes no sense.
  • SarcasticTaurusSarcasticTaurus Member Posts: 446 ★★★
    It’s funny, you want alliances to get punished for this. So you’re saying this is an “exploit?”
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    No they shouldn't be punished for this.
    People said it would be a way to win straight after the announcement but kabam, with their superior maths skills, basically said to "go ahead and try it, it's been done in the past and likely results in a loss".
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Why would not using any defenders be an issue worthy of punishment? If you think it is an exploit of the system, technically it isn't, since the alliance who uses them has to make sure they 100% all 3 BGs to even have a chance at winning (chance, because the enemy could have defender diversity).
  • SpinoSpino Member Posts: 241
    Technically it is exploiting in the strict sense of term.
    But it is just exploiting a bad design, and this design was intentional on the developper's side. They thought this new rules set would force player to buy many heal potions to win (which is the only reasoning behind the no defense kill points)
    If it had been exploiting a bug, that could be punishable, but there, I don't see anything like that. It is just playing within the rules, and the rules are stupid.
  • odins_beard17odins_beard17 Member Posts: 17
    if its the same for both sides, why not. bout time we get to enjoy rewards without costing us our first born child lol. Kabam will shut it down soon enough.
  • Arus25Arus25 Member Posts: 158
    I dont find it an exploit.

    Cause they still have to take down all enemies and 3 boss

    Imagine all the mini boss are 550 minimum and the boss are 5* r4 magik dupped

    I dont think they can win easily without any items at all
  • gahrlinggahrling Member Posts: 200
    You want to punish alliances for using basic mathematics after Kabam released their stupid scoring system???

  • ZerophunkZerophunk Member Posts: 207
    It was a strategy that was put out in forums many times and laughed at. Mods even commented so people knew there was a chance it would be done
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    The alliances the did figure out how to Weasley the system definitely should not get the "Sportsmanship award". Kind of low That's way you can pick 1 to 3 groups. If you do different then you are lying to the other alliance
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    I personally think everyone oin AW should be punished. I say they dont go out with friends and partners and have a life. The punishment is to stay in and play a game and then moan about that game on the games forums

    That will teach them
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    This might be the most incredible thread I have read, right up there with the rankdown tickets being needed for champs being not really but kind of "nerfed" bc thorns were removed. FYI: the only champs "effectively nerfed" by this war map change are mystic defenders bc mystic dispersion is now essentially meaningless for defense given that you can't have repeat defenders if you want to win and spidey/nc/Hyperion bc of no repeat defenders.

    It seems like anytime someone loses to an alliance that looked at the rules set up by kabam and then followed those rules, but in a way different than someone else thought of, the person who didn't think of it (or take time to study and understand the rules) calls "not fair."

    People need to learn to read and think for themselves and stop demanding that others be punished for doing so. Anyone who lost to a zero defense alliance didn't lose bc or some "exploit." They lost bc they refused to read the scoring rules and follow them. They also lost bc they didn't understand that the new map was easy and pretty much guaranteed that mildly skillled alliances would be able to 100% the map with little item use.

    Instead of complaining that you lost to someone who had a better strategy than you, maybe you should spend that effort with your own alliance coming up with a strategy of your own. We are about to be 3-0 in war since the changes (changes I don't like mind you) bc we read the rules and understand the scoring. We have also placed full defenses every war.
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    This might be the most incredible thread I have read, right up there with the rankdown tickets being needed for champs being not really but kind of "nerfed" bc thorns were removed. FYI: the only champs "effectively nerfed" by this war map change are mystic defenders bc mystic dispersion is now essentially meaningless for defense given that you can't have repeat defenders if you want to win and spidey/nc/Hyperion bc of no repeat defenders.

    It seems like anytime someone loses to an alliance that looked at the rules set up by kabam and then followed those rules, but in a way different than someone else thought of, the person who didn't think of it (or take time to study and understand the rules) calls "not fair."

    People need to learn to read and think for themselves and stop demanding that others be punished for doing so. Anyone who lost to a zero defense alliance didn't lose bc or some "exploit." They lost bc they refused to read the scoring rules and follow them. They also lost bc they didn't understand that the new map was easy and pretty much guaranteed that mildly skillled alliances would be able to 100% the map with little item use.

    Instead of complaining that you lost to someone who had a better strategy than you, maybe you should spend that effort with your own alliance coming up with a strategy of your own. We are about to be 3-0 in war since the changes (changes I don't like mind you) bc we read the rules and understand the scoring. We have also placed full defenses every war.

    If I'm going to have one group I hit one group if I want two groups I hit two groups not try to win by being deceitful. Just saying
  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    Everyone should be thanking them. The no defender scoring was brought up multiple times in the main 15.0 AW chat. Someone was pleading with kabam to acknowledge the scoring problem before going live.

    Kabam DEFINITELY read what that person posted. Ignored it and went live anyway.
    Kabam is witnessing the disaster scoring system and joke of no defenders. Now with egg on their face they will make a change.
    Thank you egg throwers. You deserve the tiny little aw rewards.

    Just don't hold your breath on it corrected, the changes are being made by people who dont understand basic math. They only understand kabam math.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    Mainer123 wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    This might be the most incredible thread I have read, right up there with the rankdown tickets being needed for champs being not really but kind of "nerfed" bc thorns were removed. FYI: the only champs "effectively nerfed" by this war map change are mystic defenders bc mystic dispersion is now essentially meaningless for defense given that you can't have repeat defenders if you want to win and spidey/nc/Hyperion bc of no repeat defenders.

    It seems like anytime someone loses to an alliance that looked at the rules set up by kabam and then followed those rules, but in a way different than someone else thought of, the person who didn't think of it (or take time to study and understand the rules) calls "not fair."

    People need to learn to read and think for themselves and stop demanding that others be punished for doing so. Anyone who lost to a zero defense alliance didn't lose bc or some "exploit." They lost bc they refused to read the scoring rules and follow them. They also lost bc they didn't understand that the new map was easy and pretty much guaranteed that mildly skillled alliances would be able to 100% the map with little item use.

    Instead of complaining that you lost to someone who had a better strategy than you, maybe you should spend that effort with your own alliance coming up with a strategy of your own. We are about to be 3-0 in war since the changes (changes I don't like mind you) bc we read the rules and understand the scoring. We have also placed full defenses every war.

    If I'm going to have one group I hit one group if I want two groups I hit two groups not try to win by being deceitful. Just saying

    it's well within the confines and rules set forth by kabam. there's nothing deceitful about it.
  • TrumpootTrumpoot Member Posts: 186
    gahrling wrote: »
    You want to punish alliances for using basic mathematics after Kabam released their stupid scoring system???



    this is an example just like the REAL world. people who rely on research and mathematics to make strategies are often successful.
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