Further evidence of targeted deals

So I was looking to take up Elsa Bloodstone to at least R4. Now I’ll need 7 T4CC and I’m one off. I’m very close to forming another skill so I’m fine with that. But look at this offer I got
Completely random? I think not!

Completely random? I think not!
It’s literally the point in them.
Ofc you are going to get those deals in the game. When ever you pull a skill or mutant 5* albeit its cyclops or moonknight the game will give u a mutant deal or skill deal
No, it's not targeted. That isn't an evidence of anything,
Big Data Marketing + direct sales Marketing
Well it could be random coincidence, but then it could not! Nothing wrong with this either!
Also @will-o-wisp if conspiracy theories aren’t allowed then why didn’t kabam remove the Platinumpool theory thread or the other theory thread regarding in game events?
If it was 2500 5-Star shards, maybe can try.
My account is flooded with Cosmics.
Yeah, that’s called marketing. And Bravo to them for doing so. Marketing to people gets people who will spend, to spend, so that those that don’t want to spend can still play the game for absolutely free.
I’ll take the 2 seconds it takes to close out a deal rather than have to sit through 30 second advertisements every 5th fight. Because that’s the other option....
OP considered the deal is targeted and I think so too. If this is not targeted, then what’s the point of pop-up deal? Why not making it generally available? Price/Product differentiation are purposely to extract your “economic rent” “consumer surplus” according to economic theory. Would you say FB advertisement is not targeted? If you still considered it is not then I’d think of Natasha Romanoff‘s words: Well, there's a chance you might be in the wrong business, Rogers.