Alliance War Season 19: Node Combination Feedback



  • Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★
    Personally i don't think alot of nodes in a vacuum is the problem. I thinj once you start taking those bodes and combining them with certain champions it can become diasterious. Take ebb and flow knockdown. I dont think that node with most champs would be that bad. But if you combine that with guys like dark hawk and hit monkey that punish you severely for knocking them down it becomes torture. You will die from not knocking him down but also for knocking him down.. I think keep the nodes but put in a new mechanism in place that prevents certain champions from being combined with certain nodes that break it.
  • Kevo9513Kevo9513 Member Posts: 356 ★★
    The changes aren’t necessarily bad. Most of the map is good but there are some node combinations which makes it worse than act 6.

    1.) Ebn flow knockdown

    Facing a hyperion I took nf and almost timed out as I had to bait furies and could only get one - two hits in before having to bait out a special 2.

    Faced a killmonger with mighty charge, tenacity and ebn flow knockdown. This fight was literally the bane of my existence. The mighty charge caused all armorbreaks to fall off (I had CMM). Tried to stay close to him but with tenacity every heavy was almost shrugged off so there was little chance to counter.
    Also we only get the fury buff AFTER knocking down the opponent and if they dont directly charge us we lose the buff because it was only 6 seconds. The node can stay but mightycharge should be removed and the fury duration should be doubled.
  • AdityatheaawesomAdityatheaawesom Member Posts: 101
    Ebb and Flow knockdown with thing.... I attempted to use NF for it. I wasn't dealing enough damage firstly. Secondly he had might charge so I couldn't parry his dash or intercept it. Finally every time he charges a heavy attack he triggers protection. Now my NF is duped at r4 so when I finally did get into my second phase, I'm hitting too hard. Every time I hit him he triggers his own protection, combine that with mighty charge and the need to bait heavies. I was dead before I started the fight?
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,532 ★★★★★
    I’m hav only the node 23. I’m can giv suggestion to keep that node with tunel vision it one remove the oscillation so ther not gone just stake op this fury or can remove tunel vision and leaving oscillation and agersiv fury that one suggested. And the map ikow it wil changes. So I’m not gone put that’s in. As so far one part 1 it not that’s bad.
  • Arth_bajpaiArth_bajpai Member Posts: 28
    Ebb knockdown + Tenacity + Darkhawk
    Looks painful
  • Derman789Derman789 Member Posts: 60
    Tunnel vision with agression fury, tunnel vision often activate when dexing alot of times for baiting specials ect, so you accidentally trigger the falter through that meaning, unless you have a direct miss counter which there are very few of, you need to parry and miss a hit whilst stunned so you dont get punished, with agression fury you will take such a ridiculous amount of damage from that blocked hit, especially with ossilcate and if this happens when the defender if defence they could have 10+ furies, that scenario is considering you can acc parry the defender easily, and with many of the defenders korg, IMIW, havok, nick, which are champs that are on everyones defence, you cant parry them in order to have the safety get rid of the falter, have 13 deaths to a r5 korgs as I have to corvus pause my way through the fight to save the allaince items
  • Derman789Derman789 Member Posts: 60
    Ebb and flow knock down isnt to bad, the fury is nice and there is no champion in the game the with there base abilities is impossible to knock down with the right counter, however with the node of heavy hitter, meaning you can heavy intercept it makes it hard, and means the only way you can know them down is parrying, some champions had counters to that, specials, some champions have counters to that to, and even once you knock them with heavy hitter it can then be hard to get and in if you cant parry them as you cant just bait heavy, heavy hitter is the main issue. It would be nice to have a longer timer as 6 second is quite short but first it would be better to get rid of the purification when protection come up, it serves no really purpose and just makes champs that rely on stacking debuff harder to impossible to use, when protection is up with a 90% reduction no damage over time debuff is going to be doing much damage anyways so it only purpose reducing the champion you can use which just aid us to place defender harder fights as we know they cant use void ect getting rid of heavy hitter and the purification would make it a good node imo as it would open up its usage to all characters including ones the relay on debuffs like void havok sunspot nick fury, and would make the node still challenging but still doable even when the hardest placements are on there, the node will invite people to find other opening to knock them down such as heay intercepting a heavy or a specials which is good and fun but there shoudnt be bonus nodes which stop these way of knocking them down as the challenge becomes to much when the defender has way around parry
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  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    Node 27 and 36 in section 2 path 4 are bugged. It clearly states that attacker when has 3 debuffs at that point defender becomes unblockable. I went in with suicides to see that the defender was unblockable right from the start On node 27. So i recorded node 36 fight. Claire voyant was attacker so only 1 debuff of poison at the start and you can see the defender being unblockable right from the beginning of fight. I lost a champion because of this.
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  • TakeclearTakeclear Member Posts: 8
    Strike Counter does not work properly. After your charges disappear if you launch a special to reset them and reset the debuff associated with the node the debuff does not reset. Either it's broken, or your descriptions are "worded incorrectly"

    Strike Counter- Fury Matador. The furies increase the entire time after your initial charge is gone. Never resets after a special is launched.

    Strike Counter- Power Rate. The power rate debuff never resets the entire match and just increases. You get one special the entire match. After that first special you launch, you already have about 6-7 power rate debuffs which don't even allow for a champ with a power gain buff to out do the debuff.
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  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    I think the only node combo that is hard right now is the Tunnel Vision/Oscillate/Aggression Fury combo. There are only about 3 hard counters for this I can think of and 2 require high skill and the last is a bit of a cheese. Removing oscillate seems like a fair way to open the node to other champs but still keep the fight challenging.

    All other nodes I’m fine with. There are some bugged interactions with Steady Buildup that need to be looked at. Everything else has a good way to counter if you really think about what’s required. I’m sure as more videos come out people will realize how easy some of these nodes are. This happens every time a war map is changed.

    Also, not sure why Ebb and Flow Darkhawk keeps getting brought up. I just solo’d one in less than a minute and took less than 10% damage unboosted. There are a ton of counters for him. Again, people just need to think about them.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 878 ★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Strike counter seems to be broken, nothing resets after using special.
    Also, pairing it with power struggle, matador or other power limiting nodes you might invent isn't a good idea.
    Your node design is "Problem - Solution" But you always insert one more problem into the Solution as well. Let us come up with a problem for the solution either by defensive placement or by defensive tactic.
    So please stop doing that. AW shouldn't be 100 times harder than AQ.
  • Dtmac98Dtmac98 Member Posts: 2
    So people have probably already mentioned this, but the oscillate/fury node combo is kinda not ok. I also think that the tunnel vision is a poor choice to put in war, given that miss is still a relatively new mechanic, and thus a lot of players don’t have a decent champ that can counter miss on a fight like this, without even considering the defender abilities on top of this. For example, to the the best of my knowledge, there’s is no champ that can counter miss and counter the abilities of havok; eg needing an armour buff or power drain. When you add in the oscillate and the passive furies, it becomes the worst juggling act in the world.
  • Cmdrake428_Cmdrake428_ Member Posts: 10
    Node 23 needs to be redone. Fought imiw on that node just now and the only reason i killed him was because of his recoil. Other than that he just goes in defense mode builds furys and hits 20k through my caiw 6* r2. And if you block twice you miss and cannot get a heavy in. Then if hes duped he just auto blocks and you’re done. Absolutely ridiculous.
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  • FlavorFlaveFlavorFlave Member Posts: 89
    Tunnel Vision, & Ebb & Flow should just be scrapped. The nodes combined with certain defenders are just too OP. Tunnel Vision just doesn't belong in AW, against defenders like Nick Fury, IMIW, etc. Forget about it.

    Hazard Shift does not allow enough roster flexibility, Morningstar there means you better have Iceman.
  • ABOMBABOMB Member Posts: 564 ★★★
    Tile 23 is ridiculously difficult. Costed me over a thousand units so our battlegroup could get past it. Something needs to change with this.
  • Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    Pretty much the same thing everyone said.

    BOTH Ebb and Flow intercept and knockdown - the timer needs to be 20-30 seconds. 6 seconds is much too short. I personally think they should be removed but if you aren't going to remove them, you have to give us more time to do damage. 90% reduced damage is ridiculous, should be like 50%.

    Node 53 is way too OP. Put Thing on the node as a defender. He can't be nullified so using Voodoo and getting poisons won't work. So then your only option is to play stun immune, intercept style. Well you can't block and bait heavies because of the Heavy hitter node. So now you are talking straight intercepting a mini boss the whole time. And Thing's AI is VERY defensive so intercepting is not easy. Oh and Thing has protection too! You need to remove stunning reflection or Unlimited Power.

    Node 39 is too much as well. Just put DH on the node. Ebb and Flow Knockdown with Darkhawk on it, basically the only counter is Medusa. Well Medusa doesn't work on this node because of Tenacity, you can't get her armor shatter up. You have to remove Ebb and Flow or Tenacity.

    There are too many nodes that make Fury way too powerful of a defender. There's like 6 of them. Node where you get fury every ten seconds but then purifying furies gives him power, way too powerful when Fury goes into his second form, instant sp3.

    Hazard shift - Incinerate, Poison probably needs to be removed. There is only 4 champs that can do those nodes without any other nodes or champ combos. Take node 49 - hazard shift, just place Doom or Masacre there (remember can't use quake or ghost bc Kabam butchered them with the stubborn tactic). If you place Masacre, only thing to do is go in with a poison immune and just take the incinerate damage. If you place Doom, the only counter is Emma, using all sp1, staying in diamond form for the whole fight, and you will time out. If you use any other champ, Doom will fire a special, you have to evade it because he's unblockable. With Stubborn tactic, he will get a charge. Only way to remove it is to block (can't parry on this node, stun immune). So doom will Shock any other champ and heavy to the face.

    EMP Mod needs to be removed, not enough counters for that in the game.

    Node 23 is garbage! That node needs a full rework. Tunnel Vision should never be in war, just put a double hit defender like domino on there and you falter the whole fight. Then on top of that you are adding Oscillate paired with Aggression Prowess? Oscillate and any aggression node should NEVER be paired together.

    It's blatantly obvious that none of this was tested at Kabam. All the comments I've been reading have also been said weeks ago when you announced the new map. For people that actually play this game, we can tell in minutes when something is going to be bad. Please hire someone at Kabam that plays this game and can tell when something is impassible. Have Kabam John fight some of these nodes. If there's a node he can't solo with at least 5 champs with the toughest defenders in the game, that node shouldn't be on the map. It's simple.

  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I mean, there are a lot of them. One I just experienced:

    Infinity war iron man on node 53. Unlimited power + heavy hitter (the entire heavy is unstoppable) + stunning reflection

    Is the plan to just make us stand up intercept an entire fight bc that’s insane? And then at the 18% not sure what you expect us to do, get parried every other hit bc you can’t heavy him, so i guess the plan is just Corvus and boost to the moon?
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