Mastery costs bug with gold

Want to remove mastery costs so we can use points there too? And also want to try testing content rather then just telling us you test it. Obviously this bug would have been caught if aw was tested
Wouldn't it make more sense to disable the mastery recovery Button? I cant believe im stuck without any utility Mastey right now.
Everything is torture. Garbage
Thanks to how quickly you made us aware, I've been able to notify the correct teams to investigate.
Please try to keep this thread as constructive as possible, as the Dev Team will need to understand the situation as clearly as they can. I can't guarantee a direct response, but they will be looking through your feedback to help with their investigation. If you do have any more information, screenshots, or thoughts, feel free to share them here and keep the discussion going! Any information helps!
Thanks again, and I'm terribly sorry for the trouble!
@Kabam Pertinax
I have no utility masteries at all and wasted a ton of pots to help in AQ and am screwing over my alliance in war as well since I can't contribute.
Please (temporarily) remove the cost of gold to build masteries. I am grinding for the AA arena without any of my utility masteries. I am finally used to the new fighting style after having lost my infinite streak. The problem is that my PI is so low so I am getting very little points for each fight. Furthermore, the fights are much longer since it's much more difficult to bait specials and my only point of entry is baiting heavies. The irony is that I reset my masteries to run suicides where I would get more points and fights would be faster.
Furthermore, I do think that we should be heavily compensated since the AA arena has been highly anticipated and this problem was caused by a Kabam bug.
Are they even trying to solve this????????
Can you just remove gold requirement for masteries for the moment as temporary fix similar to what you did in arena?
Any update, fix, news, compensation?
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Pertinax @Kabam Iko
I hard to restart my infinite streak 3 times because I did not have dexterity and parry. Even while I was grinding, each match took much longer because not having utility masteries meant that baiting specials took even longer. Additionally, the matches that I did win yielded very little points because my PI was low since I was unable to use 16 of my mastery points. I did everything that I could to work around this bug (not only from a gameplay standpoint, but also logging tickets and checking this forum), but I know that it won't be enough b/c the fix is being sent too late. Even if the fix comes at this very moment, I'm still way too behind to catch up to all of the other AA grinders.
If you could please consider compensation for players in my situation, then that would be greatly appreciated. I've been waiting and preparing for the AA arena for a long time.
i just accidentally claimed the stupid amount of gold (when i went to claim my AW rewards - was trying to wait for the mail to expire) ... hope you'll be running the extra gold removal again soon.
ign: Voluntaris
Is there any chance we can get a comment on our proposal to re-run the Archangel arena in the near future?
I'm still quite frustrated that I had no fair chance to actually get him (not being able to play the arena competitively without having any mastery points set)
Anyone who wants to support this idea here?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Many of us, including myself, still have the insane amount of gold from the original AW Skirmish Rewards issue (I'm at over 9 trillion currently) and am unable to re-do masteries or rank up champs or earn gold.
I tried opening a support ticket (first one # 04450734) but received an automated email claiming that the issue was resolved and to restart my game.
I restarted my game and I still have over 9 trillion gold.
I have now submitted another support ticket (#04451539) and I'm guessing I'll probably get the same automated reply stating issue has been resolved.
Can you please provide an ETA of when you'll be doing the skirmish rewards gold removal again and returning me to the ~3 million gold I had prior to this issue?
Thank you.
ign: Voluntaris