
GOLD & iso - it's a struggle



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    Shamir51Shamir51 Posts: 851 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    There’s seriously no end to this.

    1. One group will complain champ acquisition is too slow. So Kabam increases shard intake for players.

    2. Then another group will say with a higher shard intake, they need more gold and ISO to rank up. So they beg Kabam to increase it. And Kabam makes gold more available by adjusting milestones etc.

    3. Then another group, with this larger amount of gold, will complain that they have to wait so long for rank up materials despite having the champs, gold and ISO to rank them up. So kabam increases rank up resource acquisition rate. (This will trickle down to T1a/T4B complains as well.)

    4. Then with this larger amount of rank up materials, another group will complain that they have no champs to spend it on. So Kabam increases champ acquisition rate.

    5. (Refer back to Point 1.)

    Geez. The cycle of complaining is just plain dumb.

    You’ll see evidence of every single phase stated above as you scroll through the forum.

    I agree with this 110%. Even scrolling through the comments on this post, you can see people with other shortage problems.

    What I can’t understand is the need of some people to level up rank up every champion?!

    Someone pulls a 6* Howard the Duck. Spends a tonne of gold levelling him up to rank 25. Why?! He’s never going to be used outside of arena grinding. And then they wonder why they never have gold.

    Similarly with 5*- what exactly is the need to rank up every single 5*? I have 114 5* in total, with 45 of them at rank 1. Of those 45, 6 are level 1.

    Target your rank ups on champions that will help you clear content rather than every single champion you pull and you’ll find you won’t have a gold, ISO or catalyst problem anymore.
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    007md92007md92 Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Forums are toxic someone says they face an issue and all the god complex “grow up buttercup” I spend two hours a day in arena and I have a life, you play the game wrong god complexers are the only ones who even hang out in forum because they love belittling people, so they become the loudest voice. this is a problem lots of people face and if advice is grow up buttercup from someone who spends two hours a day in arena for the last 5 years then says that should be our normal life, bleh, act 6 completion and exploration 3m gold rewards, the amount of Rankup materials they give require about 18m worth of gold, arena grinding is about a million per week at 45 minutes to 1 hour a day, non suicides so that’s 15 weeks worth of grind, we’ll over a hundred hours of grind in deficit of materials, combine that with my other stats which nobody is arguing, 2 years worth of gold crystals for a 5/65 rankup, Imbalanced yup, 2 hours a day Doing the worst mode in the game on top of the 1-2 hours a day we Spend on the actual fun parts of the game, it’s just two thumbs up all round

    Agreed. Seriously agreed. I just don't have that much time u know. For grinding. That's why i said some stuff and pointed out spaces where they can make changes it wouldn't be unfair or extreme.
    But u r right. May be this post itself is missguided calculation on my part. If i am not a hard core player who grinds every arena. Then I should just take the game as it is. My progress are already slow.
    Playing from 2018 and this year i am cavilier and 100% act 5.
    I like going slow. I just felt weird after 2 months can't rank up a single champion.
    I need.
    Omega red (won't rank him up cz i don't have s mastery on)

    Dr. Doom on rank 4

    And on rank 3 Hyperion kilmonger venom namor doc oc etc.

    It's alright. I would just delete forum account
    And just enjoy the game on my pace.
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    PanbohPanboh Posts: 72
    Well, I don't get this either. As a cavalier with All available 4* at r3 and higher and the same for most of the 5* pool. I got 35+ mil gold with no chance to spend. ISO overflowing everyday bcs lacking the t5b and other endgame materials. Only thing you can spend your gold is, ranking your champs and at some point, you will convert every crystal to ISO with constantly duping old champs. Than you start selling ISO and you end Up with gold you can't really spend on anything. Did you ever thinked, why there are no gold for items deals? Most of everyday players are drowning in gold with nothing to spend it on.
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    007md92007md92 Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    Speeds80 said:

    I just bother to actually try and balance the toxicity, one requests and all the haters jump up and down. Way too many superiority and god complexes going on here. you have a gold problem yeah man lots of us do, is it going to get better unless you want to play arena then nah not really, would be nice if we could grind incursions and get more gold, it’s actually a fun part of the game but apart from one decent run a week then the rewards stop, don’t understand the people who say to buy it because those gold crystals are so small it would cost hundreds of dollars to rankup one champ, the reality is if you want to compete at mid level these days about 1 hour a day Of grinding is about what it takes to balance Your resources, the exploration or completion of act 6 is so resource heavy without gold that unless you grind before or after then it will possibly expire, my friend runs an alliance and is too busy to do arena, he held off 100%ing act 6 for ages because he doesn’t have gold, in the end he wanted to do it and decided the t2as could expire. Even sigil doesn’t give that much gold when your actual regular rank ups take 3m (I have 14 5/65s

    Yeah man. U r right. Playing arena. Gathering battlechips and those gold crystals are the way to go.
    I don't have much time for to arena. And i try to reach every milestones. And i do incursion just the milestones every 4 days. It's hard getting good partners.
    My bad man. It was a silly mistake for a 2nd generation player. I already knew enough about this game and the utubers and the forum and KABAM.
    It was absolutely silly mistake on my part to post this.
    At the end of the day this is a gaming forum. Even from a user prospective soo much hate all around.
    Well gaming has always been like this. Even back in the days with NFS most wanted or Counter strike. But atleast those were different. Cz no real life money issue. Only cyber cafe tournaments. Good times.
    Well cheers man. If u have any information about how to delete forum account do let me know. Made a different post.

    Have a good one.
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    Speeds80Speeds80 Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    5/65 champs are 3m in gold a piece man, when you get to the level where they are your only meaningful rank you will realise that 3m at a time goes quite fast, and 6* taking so much gold to level, the gold hasn’t been balanced with the increased Demand, everybody in my 5x5 alliance is complaining about gold except our leader who does 1-2 hours arena every day, cav crystal buyers Get lots of 4*s and can sell the iso for gold so that helps them, my alliance guys Who are sigil all don’t swap the 4* shards for 5* shards Because they need the iso, but most of them don’t do much arena. Bring on a more fun way to earn gold like the roadmap said, can’t come soon enough if you ask me, the problem with arena is that it’s boring, let me run something like incursions every night for my arena crystals, that would be a sweet change of grind
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    CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    5/65 are 2.5m.
    If you hate arena why are you leveling up all your champions ffs.
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,265 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    I just bother to actually try and balance the toxicity, one requests and all the haters jump up and down. Way too many superiority and god complexes going on here. you have a gold problem yeah man lots of us do, is it going to get better unless you want to play arena then nah not really, would be nice if we could grind incursions and get more gold, it’s actually a fun part of the game but apart from one decent run a week then the rewards stop, don’t understand the people who say to buy it because those gold crystals are so small it would cost hundreds of dollars to rankup one champ, the reality is if you want to compete at mid level these days about 1 hour a day Of grinding is about what it takes to balance Your resources, the exploration or completion of act 6 is so resource heavy without gold that unless you grind before or after then it will possibly expire, my friend runs an alliance and is too busy to do arena, he held off 100%ing act 6 for ages because he doesn’t have gold, in the end he wanted to do it and decided the t2as could expire. Even sigil doesn’t give that much gold when your actual regular rank ups take 3m (I have 14 5/65s

    One of my alts has 2.7m gold currently, does no arena, and has 20 R5s.

    The other alt has 7m gold currently, does no arena, and has 18 R5s.

    Both have completed A6, and do incursions very very occasionally. Neither of them buy Sigil, nor open crystals.

    Point? Resource management.
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    GiuliameijGiuliameij Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    @xNig I agree. Resource management is a huge point in these 'problems'.
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    Speeds80Speeds80 Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Have you done screen time yet, love to see that, not sure I want your advice on QOL being implemented in the game though, it’s actually sounds less and less healthy the more you reveal, do you have 3 devices as well, where do you get 40m in gold without doing arena?
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    Oesername123Oesername123 Posts: 253 ★★★
    Sitting on 20m gold and 2k ISO. I rank up at every level up event. I probably do 30 minutes of arena a day in total (10 minutes x 3). I have a full time office job.

    No gold shortage. No ISO shortage. Hundreds of unopened gold crystals.

    It's always funny when people think that those that have an abundance of gold spend 2 hours a day in arenas. Some do, most do not. It's all about efficiently managing the games economics.
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,583 ★★★★
    Getting real tired of those type of gold and rank up issues thread. It’s simple! Keep selling ISO for the time being IF you don’t have enough rank up materials UNTIL you do and WHEN you do - stop sell the ISO and use them to rank/level up. Otherwise do Incursion.
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    GiuliameijGiuliameij Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    It is funny when people give the solution to problems. But the only real answer they get back is that they do not want to do it. How can you expect to get everything you want, if you do not want to do everything needed to get it.

    There are multiple modes in this game, to get all resources you need to do all required modes. If you skip some of those modes, isn`t it logical you do not get all resources. They need to link something to arena other than new champs. There needs to be a reason for people to do arena, so scores go up higher, and certain people spend more.

    It if not as if spenders have no gold shortage, and none spenders don`t.

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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,332 ★★★★★
    I’m only Hav 500k gold my fault for not mangers it that great meant I’m need gold but my faul for mangers it bad
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    Shamir51Shamir51 Posts: 851 ★★★★
    The issue here is that people want gold, ISO and catalysts more abundantly available through the game but in a way that requires less work.

    Some recognise that you what you get out is directly correlated to what you put in. This concept isn’t limited to the game. It’s prevalent through life.

    If you do the absolute basic amount required in your job, do you complain when you don’t get promoted over someone that has put in much more effort and time?
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    Speeds80Speeds80 Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Gold crystals = out of date nobody can deny that they aren’t solving anything in the game in their current form
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,583 ★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Gold crystals = out of date nobody can deny that they aren’t solving anything in the game in their current form

    So? Keep them for the summoner appreciation boost or for the appreciation weekend boost and those crystals will have a purpose to horde millions of golds even if It’s outdate. It still net lots of golds during those boosters if you are patient to safe them.
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,265 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Have you done screen time yet, love to see that, not sure I want your advice on QOL being implemented in the game though, it’s actually sounds less and less healthy the more you reveal, do you have 3 devices as well, where do you get 40m in gold without doing arena?

    No. I have 2 devices. I run my main on my iPhone and both my alts on my Android. Although I do login to my alts on my iPhone from time to time.

    On where I get gold on my alt without doing arena, AQ, Quests, Idk. They just come naturally without putting in any effort. As long as I don’t spend my gold on those accounts as though I have unlimited amounts of them, no issues.
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    Speeds80Speeds80 Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Me: more gold would be nice
    You: complaining is bad
    Me I’m playing the game with what I have but would love more gold from more fun events than 2 hours of grinding a day
    You: you play the game wrong and don’t manage resources
    I play the game fine just wish that gold was rebalanced like it used to be, I haven’t change my my arena habits and for 4 years that was ample, in the last few months it’s not enough anymore, yes that just means I have more champs getting unranked it’s not really an issue, but would I like to see a little change yes, I like the ten kabam sycophants who are always campaigning for... no change... ever... and no constructive criticism to kabam. Ever and jump up and down on anybody who ever voices their concern for any imbalance. Some toxicity at its finest there
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,583 ★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    Me: more gold would be nice
    You: complaining is bad
    Me I’m playing the game with what I have but would love more gold from more fun events than 2 hours of grinding a day
    You: you play the game wrong and don’t manage resources
    I play the game fine just wish that gold was rebalanced like it used to be, I haven’t change my my arena habits and for 4 years that was ample, in the last few months it’s not enough anymore, yes that just means I have more champs getting unranked it’s not really an issue, but would I like to see a little change yes, I like the ten kabam sycophants who are always campaigning for... no change... ever... and no constructive criticism to kabam. Ever and jump up and down on anybody who ever voices their concern for any imbalance. Some toxicity at its finest there

    But you have done arenas for four year so you should know by now that the best gold income is by selling ISO for the time being if you don’t have enough rank up materials or
    I’m missing something here?

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    GiuliameijGiuliameij Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    @Demonzfyre I couldn`t agree more.
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    GiuliameijGiuliameij Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Shamir51 said:

    The issue here is that people want gold, ISO and catalysts more abundantly available through the game but in a way that requires less work.

    Some recognise that you what you get out is directly correlated to what you put in. This concept isn’t limited to the game. It’s prevalent through life.

    If you do the absolute basic amount required in your job, do you complain when you don’t get promoted over someone that has put in much more effort and time?

    @Shamir51 The Millennials usually do. Newer generations aswell. I fall into that first generation. But am so luckly my parents raised me like the older generations did.
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