Rnk up dilemma (6 stars to R3)

Hey guys, so this is my dilemma, I have a skill tcc5 since I completed the abyss, also have a skill awakening gem. So the obvious choice would be fury or aegon, but I don't have them and I don't know when will I get them.
Tht being said do you guys think that spider man stealth suit is worth of R3? I like him a lot but I wouldn't wasmnt to regret ranking him up so WHT do you think?
In case you wonder I leave a few pictures of my 5 and 6 stars roster.

Tht being said do you guys think that spider man stealth suit is worth of R3? I like him a lot but I wouldn't wasmnt to regret ranking him up so WHT do you think?
In case you wonder I leave a few pictures of my 5 and 6 stars roster.

This is a game after all and he’s probably the 3rd choice anyway.
I'm not so crazy about prestige but I know thatt would make him ever better.
But I don’t think you will have any regret to R3 your Stealth Spidey. He is just a great skill champion with awesome damage and utilities. His animation and fighting style are also pretty enjoyable.
Just go for the Champ you like the most, let’s go!
On the other hand, would I use an Awakening Gem? Not sure - it makes him hit a bit harder and that's it. It doesn't actually change his capabilities. And you'll need a decent Sig level before you see the benefit; so do you have the Sig Stones to make it worthwhile? 6* Sig stones aren't that common.
Give the same Gem to a champ like Nick Fury and he's utterly transformed, at Sig level one .
Personally I'd definitely R3 him, then try him out in content. Just sit on the Gem, and don't do anything at least till you have 50-60 Sig Stones to pump into him. Then take a long hard look at what your gem could do for him (+20% Fury Potency at Sig 50) vs what it could do for any new Skill champ you've acquired in the meantime.
Base Attack will be 3343
Fury boost will be 5014
Total Attack = 8357
At Sig 50, he'll get an additional boost of 1002, giving him a total Attack of 9359
At Sig 200, he'll get an additional boost of 2005, giving him a total Attack of 10,362