Login compensation

Hawk_1999Hawk_1999 Member Posts: 13
edited June 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
Do you wat compensation for todays login issue

Login compensation 366 votes

NoobeeustlhLloyd_NabbitKpatrixHatshipuhVdh2008Jh_DezRagamugginGunnerMcord11758Time_to_clobberthetaman23SBundyBearVinCastlevd016Spidey076DeeparviCELEZEGolden_GuardianBDLHLo4eath 353 votes
superunknown012ImpulseDarkestDestroyerChrisA_Noob_Is1stakMGal9991NeaekLewisTheLlamaAcazMixokilagistroySpeedbumpOesername123 13 votes


  • Mjs_99Mjs_99 Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2017
    Obviously YES.
    This **** ruined my arena run for voodoo.

  • Hawk_1999Hawk_1999 Member Posts: 13
    To me it was sl arena
  • MixokilagistroyMixokilagistroy Member Posts: 2
    Depends if it affects progress then certainly but if it is on a cool down day or doesn't affect progress in AQ and AW then compensation should be at Kabam discretion same as any normal service provider
  • Spidey076Spidey076 Member Posts: 310
    Everyone want compensation
  • Hawk_1999Hawk_1999 Member Posts: 13
    Depends if it affects progress then certainly but if it is on a cool down day or doesn't affect progress in AQ and AW then compensation should be at Kabam discretion same as any normal service provider
    Today is aw and vodoo arena man it affects progress
  • penvro56378penvro56378 Member Posts: 186
    Hell yes losing precious time to get voodoo
  • Slux83Slux83 Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Looks like it affects only Android users :neutral:
  • Hawk_1999Hawk_1999 Member Posts: 13
    Im sure these no votes either dont run arenas or they dont have the problem
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    If half your alliance is Android based, then iOS users are affected too. Android users can't help in War or score points for Alliance events or press help.
  • Hawk_1999Hawk_1999 Member Posts: 13
    Yeah and duel skirmish is going on too everyone knows duels are mandatory in most alliances
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    Indeed, just saying that EVERYONE is affected in some way.
  • Hawk_1999Hawk_1999 Member Posts: 13
    Schapenkop wrote: »
    Indeed, just saying that EVERYONE is affected in some way.

    You cannot be more right I agree completely
  • wweroh02wweroh02 Member Posts: 12
    **** yes.its causing us arenas and wastage of quests energy .they better give a 4* vodoo now
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
  • kron911kron911 Member Posts: 8
    this error is ssly messing with arena grinders... kabam didnt blessed me with sl and this was ky chance and they messed up that too.. crux is they only messed with "some" players and not all... fix it soon or more rage will be there :(
  • kron911kron911 Member Posts: 8
    kron911 wrote: »
    this error is ssly messing with arena grinders... kabam didnt blessed me with sl and this was ky chance and they messed up that too.. crux is they only messed with "some" players and not all... fix it soon or more rage will be there :(

    @Kabam Miike
  • NieNie Member Posts: 1
    Absolutely yes, losing time for the arena, aw...
  • CelestialFenixCelestialFenix Member Posts: 3
    I agree it's ridiculous, I'm a fairly new player currently in intermediate brackets for arenas but I work full time so have to get in as many rounds as possible. I woke really early today so I could get at least 3 rounds in before work later on, I'm going for voodoo but looks like I'll have to wave goodbye to that then!
  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Depends if it affects progress then certainly but if it is on a cool down day or doesn't affect progress in AQ and AW then compensation should be at Kabam discretion same as any normal service provider

    There is ALWAYS something going on in this game. That's the whole point of it. The only time it doesn't affect progress is when servers go down at the same time as scheduled maintenance.
  • Clapton1976Clapton1976 Member Posts: 1
    Que pasa que no puedo entrar despues de la ultima actualizacion?? Ya van para dos horas
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    I'm on the verge of just quiting cold turkey, but then I want my money back!
  • Derekp5693Derekp5693 Member Posts: 3
    My biggest issue is that this has been going on for hours and it has even attempted to be addressed by Kabam or admin. This came with no warning and is ridiculous that it's still going on.
  • mad410mad410 Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2017
    Really bad timing, AW and Voodoo, good luck with the "riots" kabam ;-)
  • kron911kron911 Member Posts: 8
    if it affected all players i would be fine as long as they want.. but my friends are going for sl arena and there i am clicking stupid reload button.. kabam its my peak time if you dont know.. (p. s*i was seriously happy with the new update but seriously? seatin was right *)
  • SchapenkopSchapenkop Member Posts: 89
    THAT is the biggest issuee, Kabam's radio silence. How hard is it to get someone to post "We've read your posts and we're looking into it"?
  • Robmula1Robmula1 Member Posts: 1
    Messing up war with my alliance this, game been having issues for days now
  • messmess Member Posts: 38
    some ppl dont have this issue and can play normally
  • NeroNero Member Posts: 4
    If i cant get DV, i will quit the game!
  • Crousie_boi11Crousie_boi11 Member Posts: 4
    We are in the middle of a war as well as arena... this is ridiculous, and this isn't the first time we have been messed around with
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2017
    Given the fact that i'm on beginners bracket and i HAVE to be at least rank 50 to get the Featured champion and make extra efforts to grind 400K a day This will get me very behind in the arena so yes i want a compensation, wouldn't mind a 4* venom tho :p
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