Sabretooth nerf coming soon...

I just saw the announcement from Kaboom about ST nerf. My question is why can't they buff champs at the same speed?
If they can make changes for ST so soon, then why wait for old champs' buffs in August update only? Why make us wait till 2021?
If they can make changes for ST so soon, then why wait for old champs' buffs in August update only? Why make us wait till 2021?
Why can't they buff old champs at the same speed?
At the end of the day it's a buff. That synergy just made him better.
That 2 champs buffs per month is actually starting from 2021. This is what I'm worried about
They decide to add a limit to the ramp up.
How is this a fast buff?
They decided to buff Sabretooth by giving him a new synergy.
Making new synergies is an easy way to buff a champ.
(For example, Kabam buffed Abomination through Red Guardian synergy).
If kabam starts buffing all the old champs through synergies, then many people will complain why they need a said champion on the team to improve another champion?
Absolutely no nerf is happening