Is Willpower worth it if you don't run suicides?

Simple question. I'm looking got max Deep Wounds, Assassin's, and Despair. I was thinking about stopping there cause my champs aren't the best for suicides. I've heard good things about Willpower, but that would mean I have to waste points in defense to be able to get them there. What do you think?
Is Willpower worth it if you don't run suicides? 59 votes
AQ science doombots are less annoying when they heal you.
You could also divert points from Glass Cannon and Courage. For Courage especially, the second and third points only add 5% potency each, whereas the first point is 10% on it’s own, so it’s usually not worth maxing for everyday questing.
The first point in Assassin gives the biggest single point boost, anything beyond that is just nice to have but not gamechanging. The justification for Courage I think I’ve already outlined above.