Guardian Canadian Difficulty - broken or to OP?

LucianoDelHoyaLucianoDelHoya Member Posts: 1,458 ★★★
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
Don't know why but he seems bugged or to OP I've one Shotted him everytime in Uncollected where he is fully Noded! He has no Nodes in Canadian Difficulty bar the global Node... he seems abit OP i had to use a revive or two just because i couldnt be asked to restart all over again.

My CMM one shotted him everytime in Uncollected average hit count - 20 lowest Hit count 19

But in the Canadian side quest he seems abit overpowered and Tanky just curious seeing i Breezed through him in uncollected where he is Noded!


Canadian Difficulty - Side quest!


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  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    Apparently he was bugged, where his armor ups couldn't be staggered, nullfied, armor broken etc. I believe its been fixed.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    Corvus has solo'd him every time for in Canadian. I've also used Doom. Sasquatch is the problem match in this quest because he has such a large health pool, strong armor, and breakthrough makes it a very long fight. And when you have an extended fight against him his wrath dynamic means you have to dex every t1. But if you are cavalier, you should be able to do that as well. I used HT against him.

    The new cavalier difficulty seems to just add a global modifier node to the standard uncollected difficulty. Not OP.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Nah he's not broken.
    Use Nick Fury to chip away at his health w/ bleed damage (was able to solo).
    Human Torch works really well because he builds a lot of Smolders from blocking the specials.
    Doctor Doom does amazing in this fight. His SP2 always bypassed the autoblock for me (was able to solo).
    I even tried using Sunspot and he did pretty well.
    For some reason, I couldn't solo him with CMM (tried about 4 times).
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  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    He was bugged and got fixed. To be honest, I did the Canadian exploration before the fix. Venom destroyed him every time 😉
  • bdawg923bdawg923 Member Posts: 764 ★★★★

    He's talking about the guardian final boss.
    Jesus! 🤦🏾‍♂️
    Yep, sorry misread as Sasquatch
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,816 ★★★★★
    I've one shot Guardian in Canadian difficulty with Corvus every time. He's not OP.
  • IryseIryse Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Easily One shot him using corvus, omega, fury, symbiote supreme, sentinel etc.

    Neither bleed or poison immune. Maybe you are not using the right champs for his encounter.
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  • Nick1109Nick1109 Member Posts: 598 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    He's pretty easy for me I usually use Medusa.
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  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★

    Don't know why but he seems bugged or to OP I've one Shotted him everytime in Uncollected where he is fully Noded! He has no Nodes in Canadian Difficulty bar the global Node... he seems abit OP i had to use a revive or two just because i couldnt be asked to restart all over again.

    My CMM one shotted him everytime in Uncollected average hit count - 20 lowest Hit count 19

    But in the Canadian side quest he seems abit overpowered and Tanky just curious seeing i Breezed through him in uncollected where he is Noded!


    UNCOLLECTED - Event Quest
    Canadian Difficulty - Side quest!

    You're probably having problems with dexing his specials I guess. Try to bait his sp1, and if you can't dex it in time, remember to just parry the first energy blast and dex the remaining part of his sp1, this way you can get him with minimum damage on you
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,695 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    A forum troll asking for help?

    Oh how the tables have turned 😎

    Love my 5/65 Hyperion rite no
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,816 ★★★★★

    Love my Duped 5/65 Sig 200 Hyperion rite no!

    It doesn't love you.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,474 Guardian

    Im not saying he is hard, is he harder then his counterpart in Uncollected event quest but with Similar Stats and Uncollected one is fully noded aswell!

    The Uncollected Guardian has +100% attack and health. The Canadian Guardian has +200% attach and health and an additional +100% health, so the Canadian one has much higher stats. Also, in Canadian he has breakthrough, so he starts off with huge armor rating. UC Guardian has a lot of other node buffs, but they don’t make him as tanky overall.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    I oneshot him while he was bugged and I didn’t find the fights difficult
  • DJMNHDJMNH Member Posts: 723 ★★★

    He's talking about the guardian final boss.
    Jesus! 🤦🏾‍♂️
    Yeah Man you are correct, some People get so carried away, thinking themselves to be the best player in the game, that they forget basic, if someone is having issues, try to adress it rather than Insulting him or her..
  • DJMNHDJMNH Member Posts: 723 ★★★

    I defeat guardian with CMM 6* rank3, every time. Easy

    There is nothing beyond that my friend 😛

    Rank 3 CMM is blessing in disguise.. kudos to you..
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    Neither CMM nor any armor breaking would have worked with the bug, so he must have been fixed. The fight wasn’t hard with the bug, but it just took 3x longer to kill him. This is annoying when it’s x12. True damage bypasses the issue, which is why Corvus wouldn’t have noticed any difference at all.
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