Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    I have some more champions here that would be amazing in the Marvel contest of champions:

    •Iron Spider

    •Spider Man 2099






  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    OK... How about for next ywar we have a theme of World Tour/?? Focus on the other country heroes and galactic spaces that are now in the battle realm?? That way you can bring in Captain Britian. The eternals. The new oriental heroes they have been playing with..
  • KOPCV093KOPCV093 Member Posts: 1

    Ravage 2099

    Gambit horseman of death




  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    World Tour more fleshed out:

    January: England= Captian Britian and Rictor from Excalibur
    February: France - Peregrine and Batroc the leaper
    March: Mexico- Machete and Defensor
    April: Russia - Ursa Major and the Iron Maiden

    anyone else want to make suggestions?
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178

  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★

    Lets pair him with Morbius for October
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178

    <img src=

  • Zenn_LaZenn_La Member Posts: 84
    Kabam, bring in Wolverine “Age of apocalypse” to the contest. He would be a great new version of Wolverine. Old man Logan is kind of boring, classic Wolverine isn’t available as a 5* and Weapon X is only available to select end game players. This guy looks like he would be super fun to play as a new character and would spice up the current Wolverine selection!

  • DoppelgangerDoppelganger Member Posts: 40
    Vespa Magnifica(This is a fan made character)
    Class Cosmic

    Vespa Magnifica is a part of a complex and advanced species that has the power to control the minds of lesser beings however her people were very peaceful and as a code of conduct never use their power on any creature that has a conscience, However Vespa Magnifica no joins the contest with a vendetta against Aniulis who killed all of the rest of her kind she uses her power to control what she views as the most extraordinary form of life Bees.

    Signature Ability
    Queen of Bees; Now Vespa Magnifica has a swarm, which means she can bring 30% of her stings with her to the next fight in the form of a persistent charge(this can increase to a maximum of 10 Bee Stings, 5 Wasp Stings, and 1 Hornet Sting.)

    Vespa Magnifica is immune to all forms of power sting, power drain, or power burn.

    Bee Stings
    If the opponent is hit by a heavy attack then there is a 100% chance that a permanent Bee Sting debuff is placed on the opponent(Max 20). Medium attacks have a 50% chance to do the same.

    If the opponent has 1 or more Bee Sting on them then the opponent will take damage when attempting to use power sting or power burn.

    If the opponent has 10 or more Bee Stings there is a 10% chance to give Vespa Magnifica a power steal buff that lasts 6 seconds granting 100% of the power that the opponent would have gained from being attacked.

    If the opponent has 20 Bee Stings the opponent will lose the ability to use their 3rd special.

    Wasp Stings
    If the max amount of Bee Stings are on the opponent then a Wasp sting lasting 12 seconds will be placed instead(max 10). Medium attacks have a 50% chance to do the same.

    Wasp stings act like poison dealing X damage per second.

    If the opponent has 5 or more Wasp Stings on them then the Wasp Stings will act like a power sting except instead of being removed they will be paused on a 6 second timer at the end of the opponent's special.

    While in cool down all effects of Wasp Stings are disabled and no more Wasp Stings can be placed until cool down ends.

    If the opponent has 10 Wasp Stings if the opponent's special attack deals no damage to Vespa Magnifica via dexterity or evasion at the end of the special the opponent will be stunned for 6 seconds.

    Hornet Stings
    If the max amount of Wasp Stings are on the opponent then a Hornet Sting lasting 6 seconds will be placed instead(max 5). Medium attacks have a 50% chance to do the same.

    Hornet stings grant a 5% chance to evade every hit in the opponent's special attack; this chance is increased for each Hornet Sting on the opponent.

    If the opponent has 5 Hornet Stings all of Vespa Magnificas attacks have a X% chance to stun the opponent for 3 seconds.

    If all Strings are at their maximum then they all become permanente for 12 seconds after this timer ends all stings are removed along with 50% of the opponents current health.

    Special 1
    Vespa Magnifica backs away on a cloud of assorted Bees as she does this she has some of her bees attack the opponent, after which she has her bees in circle her as she rames into the opponent.

    This attack places 5 Bee Stings.

    Special 2
    Vespa Magnifica uses her bees to propel towards her enemy using her opponent to break her fall then jumps off of the opponent as the bees she used to propel at the opponent then fly into the opponent.

    This attack places 3 Wasp stings on the opponent, if this attack is blocked the opponent is stunned for 3 seconds.

    Special 3
    Vespa Magnifica uses her bees to slowly incircle her opponent lifting them into the air stinging them as they form around and above the opponent and then come crashing down onto the opponent.

    This attack places 1 permanent Hornet sting.
  • DilloneousDilloneous Member Posts: 19
    Would love a new variation of Punisher with the Netflix skin or just an update to him. Would be cool to also see noir Spiderman.
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    I have some more champions here that would be amazing in the Marvel contest of champions:

    •Cosmic Ghost Rider

    •Beta Ray Bill



    •Kitty Pryde


    •Spider Ham

    •Spider Noir
  • Another_NameAnother_Name Member Posts: 180
    Spoke Kabam's lingo and put a secret message in m mini rant on page 135. Not a skin, just the mf-ing OG
  • Another_NameAnother_Name Member Posts: 180

    Vespa Magnifica(This is a fan made character)
    Class Cosmic

    Vespa Magnifica is a part of a complex and advanced species that has the power to control the minds of lesser beings however her people were very peaceful and as a code of conduct never use their power on any creature that has a conscience, However Vespa Magnifica no joins the contest with a vendetta against Aniulis who killed all of the rest of her kind she uses her power to control what she views as the most extraordinary form of life Bees.

    Signature Ability
    Queen of Bees; Now Vespa Magnifica has a swarm, which means she can bring 30% of her stings with her to the next fight in the form of a persistent charge(this can increase to a maximum of 10 Bee Stings, 5 Wasp Stings, and 1 Hornet Sting.)

    Vespa Magnifica is immune to all forms of power sting, power drain, or power burn.

    Bee Stings
    If the opponent is hit by a heavy attack then there is a 100% chance that a permanent Bee Sting debuff is placed on the opponent(Max 20). Medium attacks have a 50% chance to do the same.

    If the opponent has 1 or more Bee Sting on them then the opponent will take damage when attempting to use power sting or power burn.

    If the opponent has 10 or more Bee Stings there is a 10% chance to give Vespa Magnifica a power steal buff that lasts 6 seconds granting 100% of the power that the opponent would have gained from being attacked.

    If the opponent has 20 Bee Stings the opponent will lose the ability to use their 3rd special.

    Wasp Stings
    If the max amount of Bee Stings are on the opponent then a Wasp sting lasting 12 seconds will be placed instead(max 10). Medium attacks have a 50% chance to do the same.

    Wasp stings act like poison dealing X damage per second.

    If the opponent has 5 or more Wasp Stings on them then the Wasp Stings will act like a power sting except instead of being removed they will be paused on a 6 second timer at the end of the opponent's special.

    While in cool down all effects of Wasp Stings are disabled and no more Wasp Stings can be placed until cool down ends.

    If the opponent has 10 Wasp Stings if the opponent's special attack deals no damage to Vespa Magnifica via dexterity or evasion at the end of the special the opponent will be stunned for 6 seconds.

    Hornet Stings
    If the max amount of Wasp Stings are on the opponent then a Hornet Sting lasting 6 seconds will be placed instead(max 5). Medium attacks have a 50% chance to do the same.

    Hornet stings grant a 5% chance to evade every hit in the opponent's special attack; this chance is increased for each Hornet Sting on the opponent.

    If the opponent has 5 Hornet Stings all of Vespa Magnificas attacks have a X% chance to stun the opponent for 3 seconds.

    If all Strings are at their maximum then they all become permanente for 12 seconds after this timer ends all stings are removed along with 50% of the opponents current health.

    Special 1
    Vespa Magnifica backs away on a cloud of assorted Bees as she does this she has some of her bees attack the opponent, after which she has her bees in circle her as she rames into the opponent.

    This attack places 5 Bee Stings.

    Special 2
    Vespa Magnifica uses her bees to propel towards her enemy using her opponent to break her fall then jumps off of the opponent as the bees she used to propel at the opponent then fly into the opponent.

    This attack places 3 Wasp stings on the opponent, if this attack is blocked the opponent is stunned for 3 seconds.

    Special 3
    Vespa Magnifica uses her bees to slowly incircle her opponent lifting them into the air stinging them as they form around and above the opponent and then come crashing down onto the opponent.

    This attack places 1 permanent Hornet sting.

    This will bee an interesting vision and vision aou counter
  • unoobmeprounoobmepro Member Posts: 899 ★★★
  • Championa10Championa10 Member Posts: 44
    Jigsaw and Jigsaw 2099.

    Iron Fist Danny Rand (Netflix) and Iron Fist Colleen Wing (Netflix)

    Having an Iron Fist with guns or a sword, and just more utility than the original would be great. Healing abilities and furies and even that groundpound thing he does to create space from a distance.
  • Championa10Championa10 Member Posts: 44
    I think theres a whole selection of Spidey related characters yet to make it in.

    Sandman, black cat, Silver Sable, the Lizard, Aaron Davis. All of them would be nice.
  • fallenp0etfallenp0et Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2020
    Bring Beta Ray Bill and Enchantress in contest. Give Thor a story! Asgard and Thor is a very important chapter in the Marvel Universe. And here in mcoc Asgardians and thor are more like a joke!
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,751 ★★★★★
    For new X-Characters, please consider the following two:

    Shadowcat with Lockheed, they could interact just like Mole Man and his beast, and having abilities something between Emma Frost and Invisible Woman, when she s fazed and unfazed, and,

  • FisichellaFisichella Member Posts: 97
    Big Zero
    Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    reading the first few 2017 comments in 2020, half of those listed are already in the game. That's an amazing feat. Kabam did a good job on that part.
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178
    A lot of new champion ideas.

  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178
    I accidently hit Oliver Raven
  • DCS3551DCS3551 Member Posts: 1
    Hi! I believe that, since it’s been a year since the last new Spider-Verse character was introduced (Stealth suit in last July), I was wondering if you could do these characters:
    MCU Iron Spider
    Superior Spider-Man
    Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly and Kane variants)
    I don’t know the mechanics or move ideas, just some characters to think of! Thanks for considering!
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    I have some more champions here that would be amazing in the Marvel contest of champions:




    •Scarlet Witch


    •Anti Venom

    •Red Goblin

    •Adam Warlock
  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★



    Greer Grant-Nelson was the recipient of two separate sets of superhuman abilities, one scientific and one mystical in nature. As a laboratory assistant to Dr. Joanne Tumolo, Nelson became involved in a physiological conditioning program that would enable a human being to attain his or her full physical and mental potential. Out of financial desperation, Dr. Tumolo had accepted private funding for the project from Malcolm Donalbain, an eccentric who planned to use her conditioning equipment in his nationwide chain of health clubs.

    Not trusting the test subject that Donalbain had coerced her to use, Tumolo had Nelson secretly undertake the experiment alongside the other woman. Donalbain's test subject, Shirlee Bryant, and Greer Nelson emerged from the battery of treatments with superhuman physical capabilities. Dressed in one of Donalbain's specially designed cat costumes, Bryant died in a test of her abilities. Nelson donned a stolen costume, and calling herself the Cat, thwarted Donalbain's plans and forced him to commit suicide. Nelson soon learned that Tumolo had not been killed but had been hospitalized for apparent brain damage

    Unknown to Nelson, Tumolo was a member of the Cat People, a race of humanoids magically evolved from cats in Europe during the Middle Ages. Prior to the explosion Donalbain had engineered, Tumolo had become aware of a plot by the subversive organization Hydra to steal a bacterial culture that had been developed by Tumolo's ancestors. Hydra had discovered the secret of Tumolo's ancestry and suspected her of possessing the formula for "The Final Secret."

    Nelson put on her Cat costume and pursued them. Hydra agents fled from the Cat's attack, but during the confrontation managed to shoot her with "alpha radiation." To save Nelson's life, Tumolo and the Cat People mystically transformed her into the legendary half-human, half-cat warrior they called the Tigra. As Tigra, Nelson helped the Cat People defeat the Hydra agents.

    Powers and Abilities

    Feline Physiology: Tigra's feline physiology grants her a number of superhuman physical capabilities.

    Superhuman Strength: Tigra possesses superhuman strength sufficient to lift about 10 tons, enough force to deform a 1 inch thick steel bar with ease. Her physical strength also extends, to a lesser degree, to her powerful leg muscles allowing her to perform a standing jump of 12 feet in height.

    Superhuman Speed: Tigra can run and move at speeds superior to that of even the finest human athlete. Her powerful leg muscles and superhumanly strong bone composition enable her to reach speeds up to 60 miles per hour over short distances.

    Superhuman Stamina: Tigra's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to impair her.

    Superhuman Durability: Tigra's bodily tissues are much harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of an ordinary human. Her body is able to withstand great impact forces and blunt trauma that would severely injure or kill a normal human, though she is far from invulnerable.

    Superhuman Agility: Tigra's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. She can perform complex gymnastics routines with little effort.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Her reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.

    Regenerative Healing Factor: If Tigra is injured, she is capable of regenerating damaged tissue faster than an ordinary human. She can heal injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. She is unable to regenerate missing limbs, organs, or brain cells.

    Superhuman Senses: Tigra's senses are about ten times as keen as an average human's, and about five times that of an average cat's. Tigra's eyesight extends into the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. She has superhuman visual acuity. Her vertically-slit pupils allow a greater range of vision above and below her, which allows her to more easily detect the movements of an opponent. Tigra's hearing is sufficiently acute as to detect a sound pressure level change from 4 decibels to 6 dB at a range of 40 feet. With her highly developed sense of smell, she can selectively sort through various odors so as to follow a quarry's trail. She can detect subtle alterations in the composition of perspiration that reflect mood or emotions, and is highly sensitive to pheromones.

    Fangs and Claws: Tigra's fangs and claws are extremely sharp and tough, enabling her to rend through a variety of substances including flesh, bone, wood, stone, and some types of metals.

    Usefulness in MCOC:

    Synergies: Hawkeye, Iron Man, Yellow Jacket, Invincible Woman, Thing, Human Torch

    Tigra's speed, agility, and superhuman reflexes give her the ability to evade projectiles and possibly physical attacks. She also can cause bleed with her sharp claws, can regenerate if damaged physically, and has fatigue resistance. Her projectile evade makes her valuable against projectile champs.


    Thanks Kabam! Finally got her!

  • Silverspot365Silverspot365 Member Posts: 1

    SYNERGIES With: Venom, Carnage ,Venom the duck, symbiote supreme, Iron man, iron patriot, war machine and hulkbuster.
  • black_boxblack_box Member Posts: 3
    I have some suggestions on future champions buffs:

    Champs that should get overhauled / new kits:

    Daredevil (Both)
    Cyclops (Both)
    Iron Fist (Both)
    Classic Cap Marvel
    Ms Marvel

    Champs that need some mild buffing:

    Classic Spider-Man
    Black Bolt
    Howard the Duck
    Rocket Racoon
    Classic Black Panther
    Classic Cap America & WW2
    Winter Soldier
    Iron Man Original & Superior
    Classic Thor

    Champs that need some small changes:

    Angela & Hela - should get poison immunity as they are both asgardian and siblings of Thor so why is Thor poison immune but they are not?
  • Michaelpromise10Michaelpromise10 Member Posts: 1
    Could they add thor infinity war to the game there are not much infinity war champions on mcoc
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    Hey Kabam team,

    Since it seems that you guys are determined to focus on obscure champs, I'd like to suggest looking into Carmilla Black, aka Scorpion. She's an interesting Shield agent with the ability to absorb any form of toxins/poisons/radiation and store it on her arm and redirect it against her opponents through physical contact. Whenever she's exposed to smoke, nerve gas, nuclear radiation, her body neutralizes it. At first, she had trouble being around people because they would get sick due to her "stinger" (her arm) but eventually she received a gauntlet from Shield that helps her control the exposure.

    She was able to take down World War Hulk temporarily by absorbing a specialized toxin developed by Shield to counteract Hulk's regeneration.

    Here's Scorpion using the element Thallium to absorb it to use against Hulk
    [warning: Hulk melting is slightly graphic so be aware]

    Here's Hulk suffering due to her sting

    I think she would be an amazing addition to MCOC as she could have special debuff that takes poison or "disorient" debuffs and transform them into a specialize (or enhanced) poison that affect poison immune champs. This would make her a counter to Abomination, Archangel's neurotoxins, Fury's/Night Thrasher's/Massacre's disorient debuff. Another cool feature she could have a "toxic proximity" debuff (similar to Omega Red's deathfield" that activates once she preforms a special #3. There's more that could be added to her kit but I mainly wanted to get her on the kabam team's radar.

    P.S. since she's a Shield agent, she could have great synergies with Quake, X-23, Black Widow, Nick Fury.

    @Kabam Miike
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