My luck opening 5* crystals

I think my luck in opening 5 star crystals is bad. Vision was bought with units. The rest are from 5* shards. Not even a single good champ so far. Mostly Ok and bad. I'm just ranting. But it feels so bad. It takes me around a month to get a 5*. I really need a good 5* to progress.

I see ur 5* and raise u mine
Mine are all "usable" tier. Nothing in the demi/god tier. Which really sucks.
I don't like to say this, but focus on your 4*s. They will help you get uncollected
It is a struggle.
Ally is playing aq map4, feels kinda bad i don't help much. Normally around 200k points only. Couldn't join war as well. And got promoted to tier 2 incursion, i couldn't do sector 2. Way too hard. Can only do 2 zones with may maxed 4*.
I'm not a good player. Just average perhaps.
Storm need to be duped to become better. I have a duped 4* 4/5 version and she's ok. Yellow jacket, ok, but i don't think worth to be 4/5. Got some good maxed 4* which are like 5* 3/5.
But they can't go far in incursion sector 2.
Maybe because i'm not skillful enough.
Thanks. Will focus on my 4* for the time being. But it's so disheartening to open a hard earned 5* crystal to keep on receiving average champs over and over again.
I don't even have your top 4 as 4star.
They were ok back then but i don't have the resources to rank them up.
I started again in march 2020, and got kamala, jane, mordo, korg (today), in that order. Vision was bought earlier this month.
Self Promotion Warning: The following is promotion for myself because I believe that I know stuff good.
I think this tier list accurately represents most champs