I have both ranked up... Hyp can literally FLY thru the contest. @contestchampion on YouTube has a “Hyperion speed run” video that shows hyps best rotation and he’s really AMAZING. he’s a great answer for caustic temper nodes too. And if you’ve run across that node without a counter for it, it’ll road block you fast... as for torch, he’s a mystic SLAYER and can reverse regen and is great for the abyss but for OVERALL roster building, I’d go Hyp first bc torch can do what he does at 4/55 it’s just a lil faster at 5/65. Just my opinion based on my experiences
Hype is amazing in all honesty. Great for tonnes of nodes like caustic temper and such. Torch on the other hand can clear more difficulty and nasty content. Can stop healing, melt defenders, mystics and energy based champs get destroyed. His synergy system with the f4 is great. I definitely understand people saying hype but 5 years in and all content but abyss cleared to 100% torch is definitely the way to go. Hope this helps