T1 Alpha Daily Event

Just throwing this against the wall to see if it sticks but could we get a Daily Event that provides a guaranteed T1Alpha like there is for T1-T4cc and basic for players Uncollected or Caviler? The bottle neck of getting champs 5* to R3 is pretty frustrating. This could be alleviated with an assured avenue of acquiring this catalyst.
Also, I don’t think Kabam wants high rated players waste all their weekly glory at t1a. It doesn’t make any sense 🤔
We do around 150k in AQ every time and gets about 3700 glory.
With all the other things I need to buy, t5bc and t2a, there’s just enough(maybe) left to buy 1 or 2 t1a.
So if I played the t1a arena I would get approx 7 or 8 every week(however I hate arena, so that will not happen😉).
When you look at how much t1a a 5 star requires, the t1a needs to be adjusted to today’s requirement..
Also, the Glory store limit is ten, not five. I just bought four last week, because I depleted most of mine doing a bunch of rank ups, and I'm going to start building them up again. Because that's why they're there.
Note that t1a is the only catalyst it’s price haven’t been reduced at glory store for over a year (at least 3 glory store prices update).
I’m personally spending 3550 glory weekly for t1a, and I would spend more if the cap was higher.
How reasonable is that for an 1.4mil 10k+ prestige account?
Kabam SHOULD reprice t1a at glory store and increase their availability.
It’s just an annoying, unnecessary bottleneck that offers nothing to the game other than frustration 😠
The arguments there will always be a bottleneck and deal with it never hold water to me, people make logical suggestions and get told that kabam should never address an imbalance? Personally how I’m playing it’s not a big imbalance but a daily quest for half-1 t1a, is hardly going to break the game, some people think design should never be questioned, let’s follow those examples to the extreme, what if a 7* came out and needs 20 t1a to rank 2 but only one of everything else, someone says imbalance and the naysayer says that’s the way they designed it, deal with it. Why does there always have to be people arguing against logical suggestions, more t1a via a grind method will not break the game, period
Exactly my problem. How do 5* R3s help me clear content beyond Cav? Simple, they really don’t unless your pro. The bottlenecks should be R4/R5, or 6star tank ups. Not grinding for two weeks just R3
Can't emphasize that enough.
There are 6 in EQ every month.
This months side quest gives you 7.
There is the glory store.
If you have the sigil, there are a further 2 every week.
The 3 day alliance events give you 1.
SA gives you 1 if you’re in an active alliance.
Putting that aside, variants have plenty of rank up gems, saving the need for T1A for certain rank ups and last months events also had a few generic rank up gems.
There were also 5(?) in boss rush.
Not sure I can see a shortage here.