I've moved this thread over to the proper category. At the moment we haven't heard anything on this being a bug with her. If you're able to post that video, it'd be super beneficial. Thank you in advance!
I've moved this thread over to the proper category. At the moment we haven't heard anything on this being a bug with her. If you're able to post that video, it'd be super beneficial. Thank you in advance!
are you serious,there has been a few bug threads about quake not charging her heavy but have gone unanswered an ignored
Oh I got it. Yeah sometimes I have this thing with quake where after she evades from charging her heavy and I recovery and then go for another heavy attack she'll just stand there. I don't know, but sometimes what I do is, hold on to where the enemy is, to start the heavy attack again. It throws me off and causes me to take damage from her just standing there, it's been happening for a while now.
You described a motion from crossbones
I've moved this thread over to the proper category. At the moment we haven't heard anything on this being a bug with her. If you're able to post that video, it'd be super beneficial. Thank you in advance!
are you serious,there has been a few bug threads about quake not charging her heavy but have gone unanswered an ignored