Who would you 5/65 first?

1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50
edited July 2020 in Strategy and Tips
I’ll have enough rank up materials to R5 another champ soon. Content wise, I’m halfway thru Act 6.2, still have all variants to 100%, and haven’t done LOL. Who’s the best champ to get me thru the most content in your opinion?

Who would you 5/65 first? 122 votes

Public_MenaceallinashesJim0172Lvernon15SiddhantKwatraNojokejaymDragonMCOCWarBros23GoddessIliasThe_Blue_JaguarScopeotoe987ryman5787cycuszki13PlagueisBaneSaiRithikZombieZeddRookiieThatOneMasterGamerskullduggery72MattyPerler 63 votes
TheJallidanielmathSaielRamil0222IryseHI_guys 6 votes
the_furry_oneStagedear85Luke9523Pdogg614laxthe 5 votes
Symbiote Supreme
Il_CuocoTeamWojcikcx23433PrathapAleormonomuggSwarmOfRavensSpiderkiller69 8 votes
Excelsior1316Khaoticl0kichrisfernendezzzWoody15Capn_DanteOmedenn 6 votes
ChriissRAnish_108TheMailmannŘïdđhįmLivingLegendxLakki 6 votes
manan_44Cowabunga 2 votes
Dark89PhoenixXcrøss_TRAanthoDivyanshu910DrDeadpoolTheHoodedDormammuAwesomoChaosspaceoctopusZeronaut81ŁŤÇNo_oneukUsername19273HedronBerjibsTSR6225Suss_WizzardSneakyWarriorIronStrangeChikel_hbtygbty423_ 26 votes


  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Free ticket to 100% LoL.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    I wouldn't say I regret taking Aegon to 5/65, but I honestly don't use him much now. Then again I still have LOL exploration, AoL completion, act 6 completion left to do. But otherwise my sig 200 5/65 just stays on the bench.
  • 1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50
    ItsDamien said:

    I wouldn't say I regret taking Aegon to 5/65, but I honestly don't use him much now. Then again I still have LOL exploration, AoL completion, act 6 completion left to do. But otherwise my sig 200 5/65 just stays on the bench.

    Yeah I don’t use him much. He’s not my favorite to play. I don’t like the stress of trying to protect his combos.
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  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★

    Its not just abyss/LoL, Aegon also crushes high healthpool story content as well (6.4 , act 7 etc), you could be playing him wrong or have used him in the wrong content
  • Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★
    Skip lol game has passed it by. Either continue to act 6 or do abyss if have the right team. With the right team it costs a few more revives to complete abyss rather then exploring lol but rewards way more for the completion of abyss vs exploring all of lol. Also times alot less. With the right team overall the skill level required to complete abyss is not that much greater than to explore lol .
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Aegon then longshot
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    If awakened
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    aegon then colossus. Aegon can 100% LoL itemless probably
  • 1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50
    GagoH said:


    Its not just abyss/LoL, Aegon also crushes high healthpool story content as well (6.4 , act 7 etc), you could be playing him wrong or have used him in the wrong content

    I’ve always felt I’m using him wrong bc everyone says he’s amazing but for me he’s just problematic. My getting hit is actually what’s problematic but still.
  • Blizzard28Blizzard28 Member Posts: 90
    Should be awakened
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Aegon - SS (champion fight) - Colossus
  • The_Blue_JaguarThe_Blue_Jaguar Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Honestly having a tough time voting, you have some very solid champs. Ægon is phenomenal, when the class crystals come out I’m 100% shooting for him. He’s not overrated. But if you struggle to use him effectively, his value goes way down. Maybe you can read up on his abilities and practice in RoL with him? I struggled to use Quake for a long time, but when I hit 6.2.6 I got extremely good, to the point that I can get through almost any content (excluding Legends quests duh) without getting touched. And eventually when you start to work on AoL, I hear he saves a ton of resources.

    In terms of your other options though, Sunspot is ridiculous. You still have to learn how to quickly build to your specials and parry really well, but his damage output is phenomenal. I have a 6* R2 and there is no way I’d have progressed as far as I am without him (well, not literally but you get the point.) And I’m sure you’ve heard the speel about how awesome the rest of those guys are. Honestly, it boils down to who you enjoy playing and are good with. I’d say Ægon or Sunspot but you might find Longshot easier/more fun for you, and that’s totally cool!

    Hope this helps, good luck!
  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    Touch choice.

    Aegon is an obvious answer for LOL, however you mentioned you still need to 100% all variants. I would focus on those over LOL, the rewards are much better.

    If you have Ghost, sentinel or warlock then V3 is pretty easy and I would have went with them, specifically sentinel or warlock since they are XL. I went with Venom because he is a beast for V2 and will most likely be solid for V5. V4 doesn't really require any specific champs besides a 1* hulk.
  • 1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50

    Honestly having a tough time voting, you have some very solid champs. Ægon is phenomenal, when the class crystals come out I’m 100% shooting for him. He’s not overrated. But if you struggle to use him effectively, his value goes way down. Maybe you can read up on his abilities and practice in RoL with him? I struggled to use Quake for a long time, but when I hit 6.2.6 I got extremely good, to the point that I can get through almost any content (excluding Legends quests duh) without getting touched. And eventually when you start to work on AoL, I hear he saves a ton of resources.

    In terms of your other options though, Sunspot is ridiculous. You still have to learn how to quickly build to your specials and parry really well, but his damage output is phenomenal. I have a 6* R2 and there is no way I’d have progressed as far as I am without him (well, not literally but you get the point.) And I’m sure you’ve heard the speel about how awesome the rest of those guys are. Honestly, it boils down to who you enjoy playing and are good with. I’d say Ægon or Sunspot but you might find Longshot easier/more fun for you, and that’s totally cool!

    Hope this helps, good luck!

    Yeah definitely helps thanks so much for your in depth answer. I really appreciate it :)
  • 1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50

    Touch choice.

    Aegon is an obvious answer for LOL, however you mentioned you still need to 100% all variants. I would focus on those over LOL, the rewards are much better.

    If you have Ghost, sentinel or warlock then V3 is pretty easy and I would have went with them, specifically sentinel or warlock since they are XL. I went with Venom because he is a beast for V2 and will most likely be solid for V5. V4 doesn't really require any specific champs besides a 1* hulk.

    Unfortunately I’m missing all 3 of them :(
    I’ve got a maxed G2099 but that’s my best tech option.
    Yeah my Venom will eventually go to R5 too especially for the new variant. Thanks for your input!
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