Why can't we sell useless 5 star champs again, never really got an answer?
What's with the Gestapo rules over every ones account, if a summoner wants to sell a champ above 4star it should be their right to do so. It's ridiculous having a 1 through 6 star version of a champ you will never use...rethink this outdated strategy.
Especially since a 6* (with only leveling, NO CATS, so basically without doing very much to them) are the equivalent to a 5* Rank-4 (which DOES take a bunch of CATS to bring up to).
And then compound it with everyone then selling ALL of their easy to get 4*, to build those 5* extras even faster, in order to sell to get those 6*.
*** I'd be all for allowing the sale of 5*, so long as it did not give you any 6* Hero Shards back.
I think the only reason they do allow selling of lower levels is so that if you have accumulated and maxed out all of the other champs, you still can sell some and get them back later in order to do LEVEL-UP Event. (and before they started adding a whole lot more to 2* and 3* recently, I honestly did used to sell some 2*/3* occasionally to have room for LEVEL-UP, avoiding wasting higher Cats on worthless 4*/5* champs).
1 > increase your summoner rating ( some ally require a high summoner rating because, having a small one even if the account seems good with a high prestige means that the player using this account sells his champs, for example I'm an officer in my alliance and we refuse player that seems to sell their champ even thought their account seems good because account like that are usually not wealthy in ressources like gold and iso meaning that these type of account progress way more slowly than a normal account because they can rank up their champ less often )
2 > it gives you ISO when you dupe them ( and it gives you more iso than selling them for the most part because you're going to duped them several times), iso that can be obviously used to lvl up other champ or can be sold for gold
3 > it gives you shards of the higher rarity when you dupe them, and eventually double the amount of shards with max sig ability cristals ( and cristals that by the way can give you a chance of dropping a class awakening gem and some sig stones )
4 >Every champ, and especially bad champ is a potential candidate for a buff making them reeeaaaally good ( looking at you colossus )
5 > Some quest can require you to bring champ based on tags for exemple yeah groot is trash but there could totally be a quest in the futur where you can only bring guardians of the galaxy, so by selling them you lock yourself out of these quest ( or for example that famous 1* quest requirement in variant 4 )
6 > They can have some usefull synergies for your other good champ
7 > More point for arena, and we all know, for F2P player arena is the best place to farm ressources such as phc shards, units, battleship ( so gold ), and 4* and 5* shards
and there is probably a lot more that I did not think when writing this
Pros to selling your bad 5* :
1 > gives you some iso and shards and small amount of gold immediately after selling them, but it's totally nullified by the fact that in the long run you gain way more iso, shards and gold by not selling them
and that's pretty much it
so yeah, keep your champ it's for the best o/
Past conversations? You revived your post, not me. 5*'s came out a long time ago. 2016ish something like that? We used to be able to sell 5*'s and back then the forums were littered with posts of "accidentally sold my 5*". At that point, Kabam decided to disable selling 5*'s. When 6*'s were introduced, they couldn't be sold either. They told us at the time they made the decision that they are doing it to prevent the accidental sale and also didn't want people selling them just for resources. Those are the 2 main reasons. Honestly, they should have turned off selling for all star rarities. This would have created a lot less of issues when Variant 4 was released. Really why would you sell the champ even now after they announced the champ update road map?
Variant 4 proved exactly why selling champs is a bad thing. You saying this was never answered is 100% factually wrong.