I would say you focus on maxed hyperion. Undupe still make him insane (rather than darkhawk). You'll find hyperion is helpful in alot content than darkhawk.
*Grinding for iso, and check act 4 for farming iso
Darkhawk is very solid unduped: double immune, regeneration, heal block, good damage from SP3 and a little bit power control from SP2. With Night Thrasher on your team he will start in a different mode every fight.
I use my 6* R3 Darkhawk a fair amount. He's a solid utility champ and has a great damage output under Null Mode, but he's...tough to use. He has a bunch of synergies that can help him out like Night Thrasher, Nova, Elsa, and more, so he's a very varied and includable champion. He just lacks the sheer overwhelming utility of Warlock or the power output of Ghost, though. Good champ, but probably not worth ranking up if you have other options.
CW isnt trash he is decent and has good power drain constant armor up and land a crit and it's good ish and if you think different everyone has their own opinion
*Grinding for iso, and check act 4 for farming iso
And don’t get me started on Kamala
Wait for some good 5* now. Hoard your crystal so that once you get good one. It is r4 soon.
Don't waste resources on 4* anymore
punisher 2099 is getting a buff but idk how good so he is on none
Meh characters:6