Alliance War Matchmaking, Season 20



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    After the alliances are balanced according to game team's vision, where will an alliance with only 10 members and stacked with 6-Stars land?

    Probably as far as they can go with the Points from 1 BG.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020

    After the alliances are balanced according to game team's vision, where will an alliance with only 10 members and stacked with 6-Stars land?

    Probably as far as they can go with the Points from 1 BG.

    Which means they can be in tier same as an alliance playing 3BGs which has some 4-Stars rank 4-5 and if this alliance decided to go 1 BG ... then the uproar again?
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★

    Honestly the more deeper we got in the season the more I realized my alliance got completely shafted for the last 4-5 seasons. We were barely a p4 alliance and we just went up against 2 p3 alliances from last season and demolished them. We’re in tier 2 now (never been there) and facing an alliance that’s weaker than us; that’s ok because we don’t know their skill. If we beat them, that’s another one. If we lose then that means they deserve to be above us even having a lower alliance rating, and lower prestige.

    I’m 100% glad kabam did what they did. It finally allows the alliances who deserve to be in each bracket face alliances with the same or similar war rating. Not saving weaker alliances.

    Quick update to my post. They started off really strong looked like they were going to beat us. We ended up winning because we 100% the map and they had to boss rush in 2 groups at the end to even clear the boss. Another smaller alliances bites the dust to a larger more deserving alliance. We are pretty close to p2 but not close enough, but we’ve never been this high before. 7 wars. 1 loss. This would have been so different if it was the older way. Probably low P4 winning half the wars (which is ok) if we’re facing alliances in p2/p3 with the same war rating, and deserving.
  • NoNameGamerNoNameGamer Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2020
    We’re getting less and less participation in AW plus people leaving.
    How about an alliance being able to choose who they fight rather than auto matching. Like challenging another alliance and them responding to a challenge? Could even allow members in an alliance to “vote” by picking their preferred alliances to fight. This way everyone in an alliance will have a say, more involvement and less complaints if the war was lost.
    Maybe similar layout to incursions. My alliance wants to be challenged, I enter AW and mark that we are looking for or are accepting challenges. Then get to see potential respondents and the whole alliance picks who they prefer to fight or withdraw.
  • NoNameGamerNoNameGamer Member Posts: 5
    Perhaps even a selector for 4* champs only or 5* and 6* only. Get a chance to pull out some champs that have little to no use anymore.
    Something different for a change. It’s truly getting extremely repetitive the way it is now. Perhaps make it shorter, so wars can actually be played. Who can log in over such a long time period anyway?
    Maybe even with similar sized maps to incursion whereby specific alliance members can fight members from another alliance and just tally wins and losses as a total for the alliance.
    You guys are KABAM, surely you can come up with a better, fairer and more fun options than we have now.
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