Loyalty Rewards Update - Please Read

The Loyalty rewards 4 and 5 star champion has been Unstoppable Colossus since the dawn of time. I have maxed out the signature ability for the 4* Unstoppable Colossus, and am only a few more 5* U.Colossus' away from maxing out the 5* too. And I'm definitely not the only person in this situation.
With the ever-growing roster of champions, can I suggest that maybe we update the 4 and 5 star champion to an alternative character? And maybe even add a 6* variant for Uncollected/Cavalier players. (I'm only Uncollected, so forgive me if there is a 6* variant for Cavalier players)
I'm not asking for the loyalty reward champion to be switched for Dr Doom, Omega Red or Nick Fury, but just a change of champion would be nice.
Hopefully a Kabam representative will see this and can shed some light on wether it will ever change, or why it won't.
With the ever-growing roster of champions, can I suggest that maybe we update the 4 and 5 star champion to an alternative character? And maybe even add a 6* variant for Uncollected/Cavalier players. (I'm only Uncollected, so forgive me if there is a 6* variant for Cavalier players)
I'm not asking for the loyalty reward champion to be switched for Dr Doom, Omega Red or Nick Fury, but just a change of champion would be nice.
Hopefully a Kabam representative will see this and can shed some light on wether it will ever change, or why it won't.
Loyalty Rewards Update - Please Read 37 votes
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Porthos
@Kabam Lyra
I don't think the update of a new champion needs to be anything amazing, it could just be something as simple as Juggernaut or Cyclops. I think it would be unreasonable to expect a god tier champ for some loyalty crystals. However, just a change of champ would be nice. It hasn't changed since the game began.
It's a shame a Kabam representative can't weigh in on this and give an official response.