New herald difficulty thoughts

To start off the quest is good comparing rewards to difficulty it's totally worth it
Also, the way you can utilise the roster to target specific opponents is pretty awesome for example I don't have a good skill champs but my mystic roster is staked so I can save entries and go on against the cosmics
The only problem is the boss to be specific the atk value is sooo ridiculous I mean 15k that's waay too much even act6 bosses after the nerf won't have this kind of atk
Also, the way you can utilise the roster to target specific opponents is pretty awesome for example I don't have a good skill champs but my mystic roster is staked so I can save entries and go on against the cosmics
The only problem is the boss to be specific the atk value is sooo ridiculous I mean 15k that's waay too much even act6 bosses after the nerf won't have this kind of atk
Sorry, it’s just gonna bug me
Did everyone face the same quest? (some power lock path on the left, Annihilus on the right and vision aarkus rich get richer with 15k attack as boss)
Boss atk values could be toned down by a touch i guess.
Edit: I tried with Ægon on my alt account and even 200 combos took way too long
Forgot to screenshot the boss node. Didn’t matter as Sym Supreme easily one shot him
Only single node which really makes little difference to play style
Difficulty is fine imo, at least it is interesting and you can't go throught just using Corvus glaive lol