Stubborn defence tactic bugged [Merged Thread]

Me and multiple alliance mates have encountered an issue with the stubborn node this war. The indestructible charge would not fall off despite well-timed and perfect blocks. Me and some others have lost some/all champions to this.
Post edited by Kabam Boo on
I updated to 28.0 before the fight and my ally mates did not. They were able to fight him without issue.
Phone: iPhone XS Max
IOS: 13.5.1
Summoner: Angry
Thank you for your reports. In case you have not shared this info above, could you please let us know:
i) what node buffs were active when you encountered this;
ii) what node you fought on / what Tier of War you were fighting in.
The above will help us in our data collection and investigation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
1. node / buffs: AW Tier 3 Map Boss Node. Boss was Mojo. Defense tactic was stubborn. My attacker was CapIW.
2. Tier 2 AW
3. Used torch
2. Tier 5 AW
3. Used She Hulk
Hang in there, folks!
Looks like its across the board.
Please look into it
champs like guilly 2099 and warlock (non- #defensive) are also getting perma indestructible
It seems like the non-defensive champs are the ones gaining the indestructible that doesn't dissapear, some alliance members have encountered this problem with Morningstar, Namor and other non-defensive champs