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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Haven't got Alliance war rewards yet..

Hey guys, me and my gold 3 ally haven't got the season 19 rewards yet.
Most of the people we know have got their rewards. I was just wondering how long will it take for us to get rewards @Kabam Miike
And is it only me and my ally or some of you still haven't got the rewards too ??


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    Chewie420Chewie420 Posts: 96
    My ally hasnt got our rewards either
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    Syst3maticSyst3matic Posts: 10
    I have 2 accounts, one still hasn't received awards
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
    They should atleast give us the exact date when we are going go get the rewards
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    Markjv81Markjv81 Posts: 1,017 ★★★★
    If you haven’t got them by now, I suggest you didn’t qualify for some reason.
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
    Markjv81 said:

    If you haven’t got them by now, I suggest you didn’t qualify for some reason.

    My whole alliance havent got the rewards.
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    NavieenNavieen Posts: 137 ★★
    edited August 2020
    So poor from kabam, over 72 hrs with no explanation. Same for my alliance. All those rewards are needed for all players to progress. I am a gold 3 ally aswell. @Kabam Miike Can something be done about this
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
    Navieen said:

    So poor from kabam, over 72 hrs with no explanation. Same for my alliance. All those rewards are needed for all players to progress. I am a gold 3 ally aswell. @Kabam Miike Can something be done about this

    Navieen its me chris20d from your alliance lol
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
    We had more than 2 wars and still haven't got the rewards and they specifically said that eligibility - 2 wars
    @Kabam Miike
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    My whole alliance not got rewards yet sent tickets to support but no action 😒
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
    edited August 2020

    My whole alliance not got rewards yet sent tickets to support but no action 😒

    My alliance got nothing, no message
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
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    NavieenNavieen Posts: 137 ★★
    @chrisfernendezzz I didn’t realise lol. But seriously it’s like they just care about all the top top players getting rewards and just forget about us players who progress. Also noticed only seems to be gold 3 alliances
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
    Navieen said:

    @chrisfernendezzz I didn’t realise lol. But seriously it’s like they just care about all the top top players getting rewards and just forget about us players who progress. Also noticed only seems to be gold 3 alliances

    True, when are we gonna have gold 3 rewards, i am waitinv to rank 5 my venom uhhh
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346
    When the hell are we gonna get our rewards @Kabam Miike . Its gonna be almost a week now
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    RunamokUSARunamokUSA Posts: 373 ★★★
    2 days equals almost a week in MCOC land.....
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    PrathapPrathap Posts: 582 ★★★
    edited August 2020
    Nothing for our alliance as well....

    Usually there would've been some kind of announcement if things are going to be delayed... But this time there is none...
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    chrisfernendezzzchrisfernendezzz Posts: 346

    2 days equals almost a week in MCOC land.....

    Lol i don't remember how many days has been passed. It seems like many days almost like a week
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