Best place to use mastery points before you can afford the good ones?
I'm a free player with the basic set up and nowhere near enough units to spend on carbo cores for the high end masteries. I have some mastery points chucked in useless places just to get rid of the notification and I was wondering which cheap masteries are best to chuck them into until I save up for the expensive ones. Also, is it worth focusing on saving up for the expensive masteries as a free player or am I better off forgetting about them and buying revives to get through content?
I am FTP and reworking my mastery to get full Despair, DW, Assassin.
You can also use this site as a guide.
Investing in mastery is way better than buying revives.
Pacify might be worth keeping at Rank 1 too if you have multiple Champions with Stun based on the lack of Stun Counters.
Blocking Masteries like Stand Your Ground and Perfect Block are lackluster unless you have Captain America or any Variants for the 100% chance of Perfect Block.
Cruelty and Precision are worthwhile and must-haves assuming that you wish to proceed past Act 4 and above.
Edit: Pierce seems like it could have uses too, which should be my priority between that and pacify/greater strength, and also where does petrify stand?
Occasionally I put points on mistic dispersion. Suicide masteries turn off, for f2p like us are very expensive and if you want turn off you have that invest more units, if you don't have a friendly champs with suicide masteries never unlock them, I have a 5* rank 5 ghost even I don't use those masteries and if I could retreat the time I never unlock them.