Magik Stand-Up Intercept Nerf/ Bug?

This one seems to be flying under the radar.. but sometime recently Magik has lost the ability to perform a stand-up intercept. Whether that is intentional or a bug with her sp2 animation I can't say for certain. Maybe it is only specific to my phone. But now when I have the opponent power-locked against the wall and knock them down with a sp2, the game noticeably lags/slows and when you try to perform an attack at the time you normally would to hit them while standing up, your input fails and she just stands there. If you're lucky that's all that happens, but often you'll get hit after trying it too. The fact that it is only against the wall and prevents an advantageous part of her function makes me suspicious of an intentional nerf... especially considering the timing with the V5 release. But I am hopeful that this is merely a bug that will be resolved soon.