Moon Knight Buff Speculation

Moon Knight has been my FAVOURITE marvel character for as long as I can remember
I desired him so badly when I started found out he was in the game but when i received him i was disappointed
So i created a buff idea based on his freakish abilities
Class: Mystic
Awakened Ability
Stem the Tide
Moon Knights freakish resistance allows him to remove ruptures and bleeds then regenerate the damage done back based on X amount of sig under 60% of health
Moon Knights will to kill means his Konshus will has a chance to re apply based on X amount of sig if knocked down
Undying Will
Whenever Moon Knight would take a critical hit The Moon God konshu would grant him a physical resistance buff lasting 5 seconds
These stack up to 10
Whenever Moon Knight would land a critical hit gain 2.5% of a bar of power and a crit buff for the next hit
Moon knight gains a crescent charge every 5 seconds and 1 charge every Critical hit landed
3 Charges- Places a slow on the opponent
5 Charges-Places an armour break on the opponent
9 Charges-Places a Petrify debuff on the opponent
At 11 all buffs combine creating Konshus Will this debuff does the following
-Reduce opponents attack by 25%
-Reduce opponents Ability Accuracy by 65%
-Immune to passive degeneration debuff
Konshus will cant stack more than twice and is removed when moon knight is knocked down
This will lasts for X amount of seconds based on Sig ability
Against mercs his Konshus will can stack up to 3 times
His Cestis allow him to stack bleeds up to 10 and convert into a Critical bleed dealing X amount of damage over 7 seconds
Critical bleeds can only stack twice
Astral Forseeing
Moon Knights gains regeneration up to 15% of missing health and 25% with Konshus will active
Places an indefinite stagger lasting 5 seconds
His crescent darts explode placing 3 incinerated dealing x amount of damage
The Personality Of Spector
With Konshus will active moon knight gains a power gain buff and places a bleed on the opponent dealing 2500 damage for 7 seconds
His truncheon (staff) has a taser which places a shock debuff lasting 7 seconds
His presence makes the opponent fearful placing an exhaustion and taunt debuff lasting 12 seconds
Konshus Child
The immortal will of moon knight grants him an immortality buff for 10 seconds and his shadowy presence means his opponents have a 50% chance to miss attacks
While Immortality is active and moon knight has a bleed shock or incinerate on him shrug off debuffs and convert it into physical resistance and Regenerate 5% of health based on how many debuffs are on him
Gains a buff called Konshu's Salvation making him unlockable and Unstoppable and grants moon knight a fury
granting 2500 attack and can be stacked up to 3 times based on how many Konshus Will he has however this fury expires when one Will expires
This buff will probably never happen but I found it pretty fun to create
I desired him so badly when I started found out he was in the game but when i received him i was disappointed
So i created a buff idea based on his freakish abilities
Class: Mystic
Awakened Ability
Stem the Tide
Moon Knights freakish resistance allows him to remove ruptures and bleeds then regenerate the damage done back based on X amount of sig under 60% of health
Moon Knights will to kill means his Konshus will has a chance to re apply based on X amount of sig if knocked down
Undying Will
Whenever Moon Knight would take a critical hit The Moon God konshu would grant him a physical resistance buff lasting 5 seconds
These stack up to 10
Whenever Moon Knight would land a critical hit gain 2.5% of a bar of power and a crit buff for the next hit
Moon knight gains a crescent charge every 5 seconds and 1 charge every Critical hit landed
3 Charges- Places a slow on the opponent
5 Charges-Places an armour break on the opponent
9 Charges-Places a Petrify debuff on the opponent
At 11 all buffs combine creating Konshus Will this debuff does the following
-Reduce opponents attack by 25%
-Reduce opponents Ability Accuracy by 65%
-Immune to passive degeneration debuff
Konshus will cant stack more than twice and is removed when moon knight is knocked down
This will lasts for X amount of seconds based on Sig ability
Against mercs his Konshus will can stack up to 3 times
His Cestis allow him to stack bleeds up to 10 and convert into a Critical bleed dealing X amount of damage over 7 seconds
Critical bleeds can only stack twice
Astral Forseeing
Moon Knights gains regeneration up to 15% of missing health and 25% with Konshus will active
Places an indefinite stagger lasting 5 seconds
His crescent darts explode placing 3 incinerated dealing x amount of damage
The Personality Of Spector
With Konshus will active moon knight gains a power gain buff and places a bleed on the opponent dealing 2500 damage for 7 seconds
His truncheon (staff) has a taser which places a shock debuff lasting 7 seconds
His presence makes the opponent fearful placing an exhaustion and taunt debuff lasting 12 seconds
Konshus Child
The immortal will of moon knight grants him an immortality buff for 10 seconds and his shadowy presence means his opponents have a 50% chance to miss attacks
While Immortality is active and moon knight has a bleed shock or incinerate on him shrug off debuffs and convert it into physical resistance and Regenerate 5% of health based on how many debuffs are on him
Gains a buff called Konshu's Salvation making him unlockable and Unstoppable and grants moon knight a fury
granting 2500 attack and can be stacked up to 3 times based on how many Konshus Will he has however this fury expires when one Will expires
This buff will probably never happen but I found it pretty fun to create
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
In the comics, no one actually knows if Konshu is real, or if it's all in Marc's head.
In the comics, we know that Marc was former CIA and former Mercenary, making him more skill based.
In the comics, the reason he gained power during the moon cycles was because he was infected with werewolf blood which wore off and left him powerless before the whole Konshu arc.
In the comics, everything is much different.
2. Also, imo Konshu's Salvation should only proc if Moon Knight is struck by a killing blow while under the immortality buff.
3. Because I am a shameless hack, I wanted to promote a rework I made for Agent Venom, also made to be more accurate to the comics.