Regarding changes to Domino

So apparently she can only perfect block when under lucky.
But I have been able to start the fight with a perfect parry countless number of times.
No speculations but am I missing something? Something to do with just parry?
But I have been able to start the fight with a perfect parry countless number of times.
No speculations but am I missing something? Something to do with just parry?
Here is what domino's abilities say.
NO mention of *Lucky*. Just x block proficiency was required to perfect block.
While this is what has been said
Even under the description of the lucky passive.. There was no mention of "perfect block and 10% power" stuff.
Would appreciate some answers.. Maybe I'm still missing something
My only question is, it has nowhere been stated that being lucky is a necessity for a perfect block with domino. Just the block proficiency mastery and (infact) 1 point of the in perfect block seems to be fine regardless of being lucky or not. Would love some insight from domino pros
Domino was always able to roll perfect blocks without needing to being lucky.
Kabam should better add something to her abilities (like higher critical bleed chance) to balance this nerf.
Else rank down tickets are required. Changing a champ to after 2+ years of releasing justifies them at all 😠
I don’t think lucky is required. Might just give a greater chance because of increased block proficiency
Here ot says it *required* Lucky for that to activate @Dankeda won't get additional block proficiency without lucky.. Just max roll and the Mastery
Lucky was never required, had it been mentioned that its there for the sake of balance, it'd make sense
Still, I don't really understand the block proficiency calculations, as they currently are. Per, Domino (as R5 5*) has:
#Base block proficiency = 3150.
#Benefit from up to +1400 block proficiency selected at random.
#Being Lucky increases block proficiency (+370.59 block proficiency).
3150 (base) + 1400 (max) = 4550.
4550 + 370.59 = 4920.59
Since "A block with 5677.79 block proficiency or higher results in Perfect block", it does seem like even if everything aligns (you get the max random as well as being lucky), you wouldn't qualify to get a Perfect Block. So it does seem like it requires another source (Eg. Mastery) traditionally in order to get the perfect block.
"With the new version, we’ve removed the need for the Block Proficiency mastery in order to activate the ability". Not sure how they are doing the calculation, but maybe they will be decreasing the Perfect Block requirement (4920.59 instead of 5677.79). But who knows.
I can't believe they are nerfing her blocking abilities after 2 years of being released. All they have to do in Guardian Northern synergy is specify "Applies to all champions, except Domino", and problem solved.
In Kabam Mike’s official announcement states that Domino can roll perfect block while she is lucky.
Since Domino was released to now she was able to perform perfect block regardless of being lucky.
So she is not the “EXACT SAME CHAMP”.
Also who are you to talk why people have ranked her up?
As an early Domino owner/user I considered seriously her ability to roll perfect blocks/power gain when I raked 5 her.
And her perfect blocks are in fact part of her attacking abilities, since the power gain from these is the main way to chain critical bleeds with specials.
You seem so irrelevant with Dominos abilities. Go back read her abilities, play with her and then come back with a constructive comment, that adds something to the discussion other than hate 🤫
The power gain from perfect blocks while under a bar of power was one of her biggest assets.
Bye bye mega bleeds chaining 😠