Thoughts on Black Widow Claire Voyant

I was fortunate enough to pull a 6 star BWCV and was considering ranking up to R2 but after experimenting with her I'm starting to have doubts. What are people's opinions on her?
I'm finding the regen really isn't as amazing as some are making out. I think a lot of people have seen videos of her against the champion and see that big heal to full but she's not alone in her ability to to that....there are a few champs that can do that and in all cases it's super situational. I don't want to give examples in fear of those champs being nerfed but I'm finding in most situations my BW is healing between 10-17% health from her L2. I do not run suicides and that's another thing to consider. The regen is based on damage dealt so running suicides results in more regen as her attack is higher. Without suicides her regen is just OK in my opinion with many other champs having superior regen capabilities in most situations. She can improve her regen by using the L3 first but you want that longer timer and that's harder to do unless you're fighting an immunity champ and that still means 5 bars of power per regen cycle.
I'm also finding her power control to be pretty underwhelming too. Many other champs, in my opinion, have better regen and/power control.
What makes her stand out is that fact that she also has immunities and buff control in addition to her regen and power control. She is a nice all round ultility champ but I think she may be a master of none unfortunately.
What do you guys think of her? Worth a R2?
I'm finding the regen really isn't as amazing as some are making out. I think a lot of people have seen videos of her against the champion and see that big heal to full but she's not alone in her ability to to that....there are a few champs that can do that and in all cases it's super situational. I don't want to give examples in fear of those champs being nerfed but I'm finding in most situations my BW is healing between 10-17% health from her L2. I do not run suicides and that's another thing to consider. The regen is based on damage dealt so running suicides results in more regen as her attack is higher. Without suicides her regen is just OK in my opinion with many other champs having superior regen capabilities in most situations. She can improve her regen by using the L3 first but you want that longer timer and that's harder to do unless you're fighting an immunity champ and that still means 5 bars of power per regen cycle.
I'm also finding her power control to be pretty underwhelming too. Many other champs, in my opinion, have better regen and/power control.
What makes her stand out is that fact that she also has immunities and buff control in addition to her regen and power control. She is a nice all round ultility champ but I think she may be a master of none unfortunately.
What do you guys think of her? Worth a R2?
She's fun to use for sure. Sick animations.
Even if you pull a champ, it’s probably best to wait six months and pretend like you don’t have them.
Champs are aspiring shapeshifters these days. Must be a glitch in the multiverse.
I can consistently heal her for around 20% max health with each L2 straight up. If I use an L3 first she can average ~40% max heath (even gone as far as 50%). Her power steal on L2 seems very underwhelming. My guess is the best situation to be using it is against power gain nodes or AoN battles where the opponent will always have a full or near full power meter. This allows for max power steal and potentially being able to chain L2s without them using L3. I’m not 100% on that though, just a theory. L2 in hellfire deals some respectable burst damage unaffected by immunities. If you use it after an L3 there’s a very nice damage boost.
Keep in mind her biggest strength comes from her clairvoyance charges/power gain. If you fight immunity champs, she gains power incredibly fast making chain specials much easier and quicker, including multiple L2 regens in a small period of time. She’s not a huge damage dealer but that’s not really what she’s supposed to be. She’s utility and she does it very well.
Also I’d be cautious about ranking any new champ till they are in the basic and past kabam’s New program to buff/nerf champs after 3 months.
One year old thread
I have 100% 6.3 and 6.4 and many paths were using her. Yes, I run suicides but it shouldn't be the dealbreaker like it is for someone like Omega Red for example. Her Sp2 out heals her recoil (5%) and then some making her a very durable champion, plus she nullifies extremely easily which is what makes her a great power control champ too.
Maybe you aren't using her to her full potential? if I'm fighting Hyperion for example - I'd do a light ending combo straight away to go to the Poison state and keep nuking Poison Sp2s to power drain him and because he's poison immune, Claire keeps getting her Clairevoyant charges allowing her to keep on nullifying and nullifying.
I would say that her Sp3/Deathtouch is a bit underwhelming though - perhaps i don't use her effectively enough in that regard, but use her Sp2s consistently.
She has been probably most used champ and I have a very diverse roster too.