Are the Cyclopses effective?

We’ve all seen the memes. Miike said that Cyclops was effective and the community went nuts. I recently thought about it and seeing as I have both of them as 5*s I decided to do some testing.
How did the tests work?
I went into ROL with a team of both cyclopses, Iceman, Magneto (synergy) and Storm (synergy) I wasn’t using suicide masteries. I then set a 5min timer from the very start of the fight. When the timer ends I have to quit out the fight immediately and note down how much Heath WS has. Then I ran some calculations to find out how much damage was done and the Average damage a second of the champion. I know damage isn’t everything though I also wil take into account utility/sustainability.
Iceman (baseline)
I did some baseline testing with Iceman. He is considered a good damage dealing champion with decent utility. I won’t go into great depth but I will note that properly built I managed to get off a couple 5/6k damage heavy attacks. He did 182,492 damage and had an average DOT of 304.15d/s. Solid but not the best.
Cyclops Blue Team
Playing Cyclops Blue Team was quite fun. He crits often and has satisfying animations, his power gain is somewhat above average and it’s fun to be able to throw a lot of specials. (He gains power faster at lower power FYI)
I did 166,684 damage and had an average DOT of 277.8d/s. Not great but a respectable number. I did note I was able to hit a 2.4k heavy attack with 3 armour breaks and a precision. He also has a good crit damage rate which can be increased significantly when duped.
Utility wise Cyclops is slightly lacking. No immunities, power control. He can armour break though. Oh did I forget to mention he can break through the opponents block with specials when duped (mine is unduped)
Cyclops new Xavier school.
Oh boy, let’s just say this version of Cyclops was underwhelming. For a Cyclops that’s pretty hard. Let’s begin with damage. 144,679 overall with an average DOT of 241.1d/s. Pretty low. He also wasn’t so fun. He can’t throw as many specials as his Blue counterpart and his buffs last for shorter periods of time. His sig ability can increase his crit damage more than Blue Cyclopses but he can’t break through his opponents block with it.
Utility. I mean he can crit through the block but that ability is useless seeing as “Critial Hit based abilities will not trigger through a block”. Wtf Kabam? What’s the point in that. I won’t count armour break/precision as an ability for him because you can get maximum 20% uptime on them due to shorter duration and no increase on power gain.
So yeah. That’s that. In conclusion I think, with the correct synergies and Play style (and a pretty decent sig) Blue Team Cyclops has potential as a decent damage dealing champion. I could see him being a god on Power Shield. However New Xavier Cyclops can’t be saved. He’s a terrible character with little practical damage or utility.
P.S: here’s the spreadsheet I worked off of.

Edit: to clarify all champions were 1/25 5* unduped.
How did the tests work?
I went into ROL with a team of both cyclopses, Iceman, Magneto (synergy) and Storm (synergy) I wasn’t using suicide masteries. I then set a 5min timer from the very start of the fight. When the timer ends I have to quit out the fight immediately and note down how much Heath WS has. Then I ran some calculations to find out how much damage was done and the Average damage a second of the champion. I know damage isn’t everything though I also wil take into account utility/sustainability.
Iceman (baseline)
I did some baseline testing with Iceman. He is considered a good damage dealing champion with decent utility. I won’t go into great depth but I will note that properly built I managed to get off a couple 5/6k damage heavy attacks. He did 182,492 damage and had an average DOT of 304.15d/s. Solid but not the best.
Cyclops Blue Team
Playing Cyclops Blue Team was quite fun. He crits often and has satisfying animations, his power gain is somewhat above average and it’s fun to be able to throw a lot of specials. (He gains power faster at lower power FYI)
I did 166,684 damage and had an average DOT of 277.8d/s. Not great but a respectable number. I did note I was able to hit a 2.4k heavy attack with 3 armour breaks and a precision. He also has a good crit damage rate which can be increased significantly when duped.
Utility wise Cyclops is slightly lacking. No immunities, power control. He can armour break though. Oh did I forget to mention he can break through the opponents block with specials when duped (mine is unduped)
Cyclops new Xavier school.
Oh boy, let’s just say this version of Cyclops was underwhelming. For a Cyclops that’s pretty hard. Let’s begin with damage. 144,679 overall with an average DOT of 241.1d/s. Pretty low. He also wasn’t so fun. He can’t throw as many specials as his Blue counterpart and his buffs last for shorter periods of time. His sig ability can increase his crit damage more than Blue Cyclopses but he can’t break through his opponents block with it.
Utility. I mean he can crit through the block but that ability is useless seeing as “Critial Hit based abilities will not trigger through a block”. Wtf Kabam? What’s the point in that. I won’t count armour break/precision as an ability for him because you can get maximum 20% uptime on them due to shorter duration and no increase on power gain.
So yeah. That’s that. In conclusion I think, with the correct synergies and Play style (and a pretty decent sig) Blue Team Cyclops has potential as a decent damage dealing champion. I could see him being a god on Power Shield. However New Xavier Cyclops can’t be saved. He’s a terrible character with little practical damage or utility.
P.S: here’s the spreadsheet I worked off of.

Edit: to clarify all champions were 1/25 5* unduped.
His damage is subpar. Iceman himself doesn't have great damage especially compared to many newer champions – at most he's considered an average damage dealing champ.
Utility-wise, he has... barely anything. He can armour break... but needs access to Special Attacks for this. You said it yourself; "No immunities, power control." He doesn't have damage capping, isn't a good defender, can't reduce Ability Accuracy – in short, has nothing to make up for his mediocre damage.
The only thing that makes him slightly OK is that he's a Havok counter. But still against Havok there are many, many better options. He's NEVER going to be a top option for ANY fight. He can't do anything anyone else can't do.
To conclude... he sucks. He's not effective in any way. Don't bother ranking him.
To be honest, while I don't really use Cyclops outside the arena anymore, I could say the same thing about Star Lord. In fact, in the early game the most valuable champs tend to be general damage dealers, where a champ like Star Lord is pretty good and a champ like Cyclops is only average. But in the end game it is all about counters, and having the right champs to counter the right fights, and actually in the end game Cyclops counters almost nothing and Star Lord counters exactly nothing, so Cyclops is actually marginally more effective in the end game than Star Lord.
Not saying he's a good rank up choice in general, just saying that in the context of the later game, Cyclops isn't awful, he just doesn't have enough use cases so there's almost always a ton of champs better to rank up most of the time. But if you're a player that just doesn't do well against Havok, say, and you rank him up to get past that fight, that isn't necessarily a horrible choice.
He edited the comment at 11:45 am EST
you just didn’t see it
meh its Kabam they are just joking like the EPIC rewards for show up